Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1029: 80 years, tempering my son

Time flies, eighty years have passed quickly.

In the northwest corner of the Xuanyue Mountains, there is a dense green forest with leaves several feet thick. There are towering trees more than a hundred feet tall everywhere, with lush branches and leaves, blocking a lot of sunlight, making it dark and damp.

A python more than ten feet long emerged from a dense bush. The python was black and gold, with a huge black flesh crown on its head. From time to time, it spat out snake letters and slowly crawled forward.

After a while, the giant python stopped, its green eyes staring at a half-foot-long white ginseng plant more than a hundred feet away.

The python suddenly accelerated and moved towards the white ginseng.

As soon as it approached the white ginseng ten feet, two large yellow hands suddenly emerged from the ground, holding down the python's head and tail, and the white ginseng turned into a little white light and disappeared, obviously it was an illusion.

The giant python noticed something was wrong, and its huge body kept twisting, but it was useless. It turned its head and spewed out a black flame, which fell on the big yellow hand, and the big yellow hand was not affected.

There was a bulge in the ground, and a tall young man in a yellow shirt emerged from the ground.

The young man in yellow shirt has a jade face with sword eyebrows, beautiful eyes and nose augmentation, a white jade belt wrapped around his waist, a yellow gourd the size of a slap, and a jade lock with yellow light flowing on his chest. Jiaolong, with amazing aura, is a spiritual treasure.

The young man in yellow shirt is only at the stage of forming a pill, but he has a spiritual treasure, which is obviously the descendant of a high-level cultivator.

As soon as the young man in the yellow shirt appeared, the magic trick was pinched, and the ground shook violently. Hundreds of zhang-long yellow spears broke out of the ground and stabbed the python, but were blocked by the scales of the python.

The giant python let out a low roar, its huge body twisted suddenly, and its two big yellow hands suddenly shattered. As soon as it got out of trouble, it immediately spewed out more than ten black fireballs, smashing at the young man in yellow shirt.

The young man in yellow shirt didn't rush, he took out a small yellow shield the size of a slap, and punched a magic trick.

More than a dozen black fireballs smashed on the yellow shield, and a black flame drowned the yellow shield, but soon, the yellow shield lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and all the black flames collapsed, as if encountering a nemesis.

Dozens of fist-thick yellow soil ropes broke out of the ground and wrapped around the python's mouth.

At the same time, the right hand of the young man in yellow shirt lit up with a dazzling yellow light, slapped towards the ground, and a yellow light flew out and hit the giant python, which seemed to be immobilized and motionless.

The young man in yellow shirt patted the yellow gourd around his waist, and a whistling sound rang out, and countless yellow-glowing gravels flew out, suddenly condensed in the void, and turned into a yellow giant more than ten feet tall, with runes flashing all over his body, spiritual energy amazing.

When the youth in the yellow shirt pinched the magic trick, the yellow giant's fists lit up, and countless yellow thorns grew, smashing towards the python's head.

After the loud rumbling sound, the giant python's head was smashed into flesh by the yellow giant, and the red and white were scattered all over the place.

The sky above the young man in yellow shirt lit up with blue light, and the blue light was blurred, turning into the appearance of Wang Changsheng.

"Father, now the third-order high-grade monster is not my opponent."

The young man in yellow shirt said excitedly that he was Wang Qingcheng, an earth-type Tianlinggen cultivator who practiced the "Dry Earth Collection", which was obtained by Wang Changsheng from the enemy.

"You can kill this monster, the treasure is indispensable, don't be arrogant, humility makes people progress."

Wang Changsheng taught earnestly and earnestly that, in addition to specializing in puppet art, he and Wang Ruyan have been taking care of their two sons over the years.

The flowers in the greenhouse did not grow much, and the Xuanyue Mountains had abundant resources of monsters. Wang Changsheng asked his two sons to hunt down monsters, and he watched the battle.

"Understood, Dad, Senior Brother Li and Senior Sister Sun are not my opponents either. When can I go out for a walk alone?"

Wang Qingcheng said at the end with a look of longing on his face.

As a descendant of the cultivator, Wang Qingcheng was lucky. He did not worry about resources for immortal cultivation since he was a child. His parents provided all the exercises, life magic, spiritual treasures, and spiritual talismans. I don't know how many Zhenhai Palace disciples envied them.

"Nephew Li's discussion with you is the end of the point. If you are fighting for life and death, you may not be able to beat them. You must be humble."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly, the disciples of Zhenhai Palace and Wang Qingcheng were discussing, and if they dared to use underhand tricks, if they were fighting between life and death, others would not be polite to Wang Qingcheng.

A deafening explosion sounded, and a huge red mushroom cloud suddenly appeared in the sky, very conspicuous.

"Your brother has made a fool again, let's go take a look!"

Wang Changsheng turned into a flash of light and walked away, Wang Qingcheng put away the corpse of the monster and followed.

In a vast and boundless grassland, a young man in red stood on a soil slope. The ground was full of potholes. There were hundreds of giant pits of different sizes. A large number of demon wolves fell on the ground, their flesh and blood flying, and the air was filled with a smell. Strong burnt smell.

The young man in red has thin eyebrows and phoenix eyes, his eyes are like stars, his shoulders are broad and his waist is round, and his eyebrows show a bit of arrogance.

On his chest was a jade pendant with red light flickering. A mini tiger was engraved on the jade pendant. The aura was amazing. It was obviously a spiritual treasure.

Around him, there was a sea of ​​red flames that stretched for miles, and the silhouettes of cyan demon wolves could be seen.

The blue demon wolf let out a series of miserable screams, and spewed out a blue hurricane, trying to put out the flames, but it was useless.


Accompanied by a loud wolf howling, a cyan giant wolf with a body length of 30 feet and a height of about 10 feet shone brightly.

The cyan giant wolf took the opportunity to rush out of the sea of ​​​​fire and fled in the distance, with a very fast speed.

"Want to run? Did you ask me?"

The corners of the red-clothed youth's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a touch of sarcasm.

He raised his right hand, and several golden lights flew out, heading straight for the blue giant wolf.

The sea of ​​​​fire tumbled violently, and suddenly turned into a red fire luan more than a thousand feet long, flapping its wings, chasing the blue demon wolf.

The cyan demon wolf had not escaped very far before being caught up by the red fire luan.

With a loud noise, the red fire slammed into the blue giant wolf, and the billowing flames immediately drowned the blue giant wolf.

The blue giant wolf made a miserable roar, as if it had suffered some kind of unbearable injury.

Several golden lights submerged into the sea of ​​ The screams disappeared immediately.

When the red-clothed youth's tactic was pinched, the sea of ​​​​fire suddenly dissipated, turning into seven red flags, which flew back to his sleeves and disappeared.

A large number of demon wolves fell to the ground, and the bodies were all burnt, and there was a burning smell.

"Sixth brother, you destroyed the corpse of the monster again, so the corpse of the wolf king can be used for refining."

A man's voice suddenly sounded.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingcheng descended from the sky and landed in front of the young man in red. The young man in red was Wang Qingfeng.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan have a total of six children, Wang Qingcheng ranked fifth, Wang Qingfeng sixth, Wang Changsheng asked Wang Qingcheng and Wang Qingfeng to address them in order, mainly to remind them that they still have brothers and sisters.

Wang Qingfeng practiced the "Burning Heaven Slaying the Spirit Sword Sutra". He was very interested in the sword technique since he was a child, and he was determined to practice this technique.

Under normal circumstances, Wang Qingfeng would not use his sword unless it was a very powerful enemy.

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