Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1030: Void cultivator crosses the great catastrophe

Use a slaughtering knife to kill a chicken, and he disdains to use his own treasured knife for ordinary enemies.

Wang Qingfeng is a gold and fire dual spiritual root, a natural craftsman. He followed Wang Changsheng to learn craftsmanship. He is currently a third-order craftsman, and he has won the true inheritance of Wang Changsheng.

When he was in Dongli Realm, Wang Qingqing, the four children of Wang Changsheng, was gifted in crafting. He followed Wang Changsheng to learn crafting. Wang Qingfeng was even better than the blue. Wang Qingqing of the same period.

The resources for cultivating immortals in the Xuanyang world are far stronger than those in the Dongli world, and the education received by Wang Qingfeng is also much stronger than that of Wang Qingqing. The starting point and ceiling of the two were originally different.

Wang Qingcheng and Wang Qingfeng are two brothers. Wang Changsheng likes Wang Qingfeng the most. The reason is very simple. Wang Qingfeng is very talented in refining tools and has inherited his mantle.

"My goal at the beginning was the wolf king. Naturally, there is no need to keep the other three-eyed wind wolves. There is no need to keep things that are not needed."

Wang Qingfeng said in a frivolous tone.

"It's getting late, let's go back!"

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, the father and son three turned into three rays of light, and flew towards the distant sky.

After a cup of tea, they stopped. In front of them was a vast sea of ​​white clouds, and some hills could be vaguely seen.

Wang Changsheng took out the identity token, flicked it gently, and a blue light flew out, disappearing into the white sea of ​​​​clouds.

The white sea of ​​clouds rolled violently, and a passage appeared. Wang Changsheng and the three flew into the white sea of ​​clouds along the passage.

Passing through the sea of ​​white clouds, they appeared in the sky above a continuous emerald green mountain range, with countless dangerous peaks, exotic flowers and plants, and strange rocks.

A deafening thunder sounded, interrupting Wang Changsheng's thoughts.

The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, the wind was blowing violently, and the sand and stones fluttered in the wind.

A huge black thundercloud appeared over a steep mountain,

With the giant peak as the center, the area is open for thousands of miles. At the foot of the mountain stands a golden stone tablet more than ten feet high, with three silver characters of "Qingyun Peak" written on it.

Lightning flashed and thundered in the thundercloud, and thunder snakes with thick thighs shuttled through it, making a huge noise.

Centering on the Giant Peak, one hundred and eight beams of azure light shot up into the sky, turning into a thick curtain of cyan light, covering the entire Giant Peak, while the flowers, plants and trees on the peak grew wildly.

Several teams of cultivators flew up from more than a dozen hills, and the lowest ones were at the Nascent Soul stage, and Chen Yangming was also inside.

"Everyone is not allowed to approach Qingyun Peak for 3,000 miles. Violators will be severely punished."

Chen Yangming's voice was not loud, and it spread over a hundred thousand miles.

Wang Changsheng frowned. He remembered that Qingyun Peak was the residence of Chen Haotian, and Chen Haotian was the head of the stronghold in the Xuanyue Mountains, in the middle of the virtual refining stage.

"Big catastrophe!"

Wang Changsheng squinted his eyes. The monks above the emptiness level did not have the restriction of Shouyuan. The Great Heavenly Tribulation was their biggest enemy. They would either advance to a higher realm or die under the Great Heavenly Tribulation.

Wang Changsheng has long wanted to see the power of the great catastrophe. It is a good thing to be able to witness the cultivator of the virtual world crossing the great catastrophe. Maybe he can learn from Chen Haotian's means of crossing the great catastrophe.

Countless white mists suddenly appeared in the void, covering the area of ​​Qingyun Peak and other areas for hundreds of thousands of miles, and dense silver lightning fell one after another, tearing the sea of ​​​​clouds apart, but it was still impossible to see the situation inside the sea of ​​​​clouds.

Wang Changsheng was not surprised, and he didn't want people to see his journey through the calamity.

Nascent Soul cultivator's impact on the spirit-transforming stage will attract five or nine thunder tribulations, causing a qualitative change in the physical body.

Half an hour passed, and the thundercloud was still more than a hundred feet in size.

The rumbling sound of thunder sounded, resounding through the sky, the thundercloud rolled violently, and suddenly a golden thunder python appeared, surrounded by countless golden arcs.

The thundercloud suddenly turned golden, rolled violently, and turned into a golden thunder python more than a thousand feet long, rushing down from the sky.

There was a deafening loud noise, a dazzling golden thunder light lit up, and a large amount of white mist collapsed.

The sky slowly cleared, and the thunderclouds disappeared.

Wang Changsheng had a thoughtful expression on his face. According to the records of the classics, the cultivator of Spirit Transformation would attack the Void Refinement Stage and would attract six or nine thunder tribulations, a total of six rounds, nine paths in each round, a total of fifty-four paths.

There are seven rounds of great robbery, each round of twelve paths, a total of eighty-four paths. The last one is not an ordinary power of lightning. According to the records of the classics, Chen Haotian should be the first time to cross the great catastrophe.

Generally speaking, if it is the second great catastrophe of the cultivator, it will be seven rounds, each round will be fifteen times, a total of 105 times, if it is the third time, it will be seven rounds, each round will be eighteen times. , a total of one hundred and twenty-six, the greater the number of great robbery, the higher the cultivation of the robbery, and the greater the power.

For some special races or individual monks, the amount of thunder and lightning caused by the catastrophe is different.

Chen Haotian's first big catastrophe should not be a big problem.

"Let's go! Let's go back!"

The three of Wang Changsheng turned into three rays of light and flew into the distance.

Not long after, the three of them appeared above a huge valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, and a cheerful sound of the piano could be heard.

Wang Ruyan sat in a blue stone pavilion and concentrated on playing.

The cyan stone pavilion is located in the middle of a lake covering an area of ​​100 acres, and the lake water is cyan.

The sound of the piano sounded leisurely like a stream of water, sometimes soothing into the flowing spring, sometimes falling into a whisper, like weeping. High water waves.

After a while, the sound of the piano stopped, the water waves fell, splashing countless mists, and the three of Wang Changsheng flew down and landed in the stone pavilion.

"Mother, your song "Flying Cloud Crossing" is really nice."

Wang Qingcheng said with a smile, "Flying Cloud Crossing" is a song created by Wang Ruyan herself. She and Wang Changsheng crossed the territory of the Feiyun clan and were chased and killed by the Feiyun clan. I made a piece and named it "Flying Cloud Crossing".

The Feiyun clan is a small clan, and there is only one integrated cultivator in the clan.

"Qingfeng, what do you think!"

Wang Ruyan looked at Wang Qingfeng and asked with a smile.

Wang Qingfeng scratched his head and said, "Mother, I don't know the rhythm, so I don't make any comments."

Wang Ruyan nodded, Wang Qingcheng and Wang Qingfeng grew up together, but the two brothers had completely different personalities.

Wang Qingcheng is more tactful and good at dealing with people and things, while Wang Qingfeng is more upright, and he will say whatever he wants.

"Go back and rest! Practice well."

Wang Ruyan waved his hand and told them to retreat.

"Yes, Dad, Mom, we're going back."

Wang Qingcheng and Wang Qingfeng responded and left together.

"Unconsciously, they have all entered the stage of forming a pill. By the way, Madam, on my way back, I met Uncle Chen in the Great Heavenly Tribulation."

Wang Changsheng recounted what happened, and said it in great detail.

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