Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1031: Incarnate Wang Sen, the tortoise wakes up

"I sensed it too, but I was playing music, so I didn't watch it."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile, Yinxiu would play it on weekdays, and he could gain insight by examining the path he walked through from the music. This unique cultivation method is only owned by the Yinxiu family.

In her opinion, people have emotions and desires, and immortal cultivators are just stronger people. Playing the same piece of music at different times gives different feelings.

"Qingcheng and Qingfeng have grown up. It's enough to tell them a marriage. It depends on our family of four, but it can't be called a family."

Wang Changsheng said with a chuckle, he and Wang Ruyan had a lot of roommates, but unfortunately, Wang Ruyan did not get pregnant again. In the past 80 years, they have only two children.

Taking care of their two sons was already very hard, and neither Wang Changsheng nor Wang Ruyan wanted to have another child.

Wang Changsheng wanted to urge them to cultivate, teach them how to be human, take them to hunt monsters and beasts, and refine them with spiritual treasures.

Wang Ruyan refined the body-protecting amulet for them, and usually walked around with other students.

"Qingcheng is more mellow, you can let him marry first, Qingfeng's temperament is relatively straight, if he doesn't like it, it's useless for you to force him, by the way, Senior Sister Liu and the others came to be guests just now, and I exchanged a piece of Fire Rock God with them. Crystal, this thing has been tainted by the aura of the Inert Spirit."

Wang Ruyan said, took out a piece of red ore the size of a watermelon, and burst out with a burst of fiery aura, like a burning flame.

Fire rock **** crystal is usually born in the place where volcanoes erupt, and it is a relatively precious sixth-order refining material.

There are more than ten cultivators in this stronghold in the Xuanyue Mountains. There are both the Ascension faction and the local faction. Most of the local factions belong to the faction. The monks of the two factions still have contacts, but the friendship is not deep.

"Great, with this Fire Rock Divine Crystal, and buying some materials, I have the confidence to refine a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao."

Wang Changsheng was full of smiles. Over the years, in addition to raising two sons, Wang Changsheng has been specializing in the art of refining tools. He used the Qinglian fortune-telling cauldron to purify the refining materials. Other classmates like it.

He also took this opportunity to get a lot of refining materials, which he used for refining, and the refining level was greatly improved.

They stayed on Xuanying Island for more than 100 years. Wang Changsheng spent a lot of time on refining artifact. When he returned to the territory of the human race, he spent a lot of time on refining artifact, refining Tongtian Lingbao, selling it and then buying materials for refining. The system is continuously circulated, and the level of the refining device has been greatly improved.

He is planning to refine the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and the Fire Rock Divine Crystal alone is not enough.

Wang Ruyan nodded and said, "What other materials are needed, you can make a list and ask Shi-nephew Xu to purchase them."

They are responsible for protecting the Spirit Medicine Garden. Under normal circumstances, they are not allowed to leave this place. Most of the resources needed to cultivate immortals are sent to the disciples to purchase.

"No need, don't worry about other materials. There are a lot of materials needed to refine the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao. I will send Wang Sen to make a trip in person!"

Wang Changsheng shook his head and said.

After chatting for a few words, Wang Changsheng walked towards a blue-colored attic not far away, and the plaque read "Qinglian Pavilion" in three golden colors.

The attic is elegantly furnished, with several landscape paintings hanging on the walls.

Arriving at the door of a stone room, the door of the stone room suddenly opened, and a young man in green shirt with delicate features and a thin body came out, looking at his breath, he was a cultivator of Nascent Soul.

Wang Sen, the avatar of Wang Changsheng, Wang Changsheng obtained the materials for refining the avatar at the auction. After spending many years in the territory of the alien race, he gathered the materials and came to Xuanyue Mountain to refine the avatar.

This avatar's refining materials are relatively good, and it has a cultivation base of the formation stage. It is currently in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

As long as he does not leave Wang Changsheng for 100 million miles, Wang Changsheng can control Wang Sen.

The avatar is just a dead puppet, and the resources to cultivate the avatar are enough to train several Nascent Soul monks. Compared with the avatar, Wang Changsheng prefers the avatar.

The clone is an independent individual with its own independent consciousness. Even if it is separated from the main body by an interface, it can move freely without any influence. However, the materials for refining the clone are very rare, and there are certain restrictions on the cultivation of the main body and the soul. Usually Only cultivators above Void Refinement can have avatars, and it is not bad for cultivators to have avatars.

Wang Changsheng took out a blue jade slip and placed it between his eyebrows. A blue light lit up between his eyebrows. He took off the jade slip and handed it to Wang Sen together with a blue storage ring.

"Go to Xuanyufang City and buy the materials on the list."

Wang Changsheng ordered.

Wang Sen took the jade slip and the storage ring, turned around and walked out.

Xuanyufang City is more than 10 million kilometers away from here. Wang Sen has several spiritual treasures on his body. As long as he is not targeted by the cultivators, there is no problem.

It was not the first time for Wang Sen to do such a thing, and Wang Changsheng felt more at ease.

A certain stone room shook slightly, as if something was about to rush out.

Wang Changsheng walked over quickly, opened the door, and the tortoise appeared in front of him.

Lin Turtle had previously taken the demon pill of the fifth-order mid-grade Golden Thunder Eagle, and had been falling into a deep sleep, only to wake up now.

"It's still a fourth-order top-grade."

Wang Changsheng was a little disappointed, but he was relieved quickly. If he took a few fifth-order demon pills to advance to fifth-order, even a slightly richer spiritual monk could have a fifth-order spirit beast.

"It seems that you have to get a set of thunder attribute formations or more advanced thunder attribute spirits for you to take, and then you will advance to the fifth order."

Wang Changsheng said softly.

The tortoise made a low roar, and countless golden and blue arcs appeared on its body.

"Hey, golden arc!"

Wang Changsheng snorted lightly, and the lin turtle mastered the Water Gang Divine Thunder. The thunder and lightning it released were all blue, and now the golden arc appeared, which was naturally the result of refining the Golden Thunder Eagle Pill.

In this way, it's not bad. Master one more power of thunder and Wang Changsheng took out five light blue fruits, the turtle opened its **** mouth, and Wang Changsheng threw the five fruits into its mouth Inside, the tortoise chewed a few times and let out a cheerful roar.

The blue light on its body surface was greatly released, and it turned into a little blue light and disappeared.

There are restrictions in the cave, so I'm not worried about the turtles running out.

Wang Changsheng came to the door of a stone room with a closed door, and there was a blue water curtain on the surface of the door.

He took out a blue token, shook it gently, a blue light flew out, and disappeared into the blue water curtain.

The blue water curtain suddenly collapsed, the door opened automatically, and a stone room more than 100 feet long appeared in front of him. In the center of the stone room was a magic circle with a size of more than 30 feet. The magic circle was inlaid with a large number of high-quality spiritual stones.

Qinglian Good Fortune Ding floated in the sky above the magic circle, and the aura flickered non-stop.

Over the years, he has been using the Qinglian Good Fortune Ding to purify the refining materials, and the treasures refined are even more powerful, and his refining skills have also spread among his peers.

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