Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2042: Stubborn Wang Qingfeng

There are some flame patterns on the blade of the red long knife, and these flames flicker like living creatures.

The Burning Sky Saber, Wang Qingfeng's natal magic weapon, was made by Wang Changsheng himself. If it wasn't for Wang Qingfeng's cultivation, Wang Changsheng could refine a Tongtian Lingbao for Wang Qingfeng as his natal magic weapon.

"You actually used Lingbao!"

An unbelievable expression appeared on Deng Tianqi's face. He thought that Wang Qingfeng regarded himself as arrogant and would not use magic weapons, but he did not expect Wang Qingfeng to use Lingbao directly.

"Have I said that Lingbao is not to be used? No one has said that Lingbao is not allowed to be used."

Wang Qingfeng's tone was indifferent, his cultivation was still too low, and this blow lost 80% of his mana.

"Fellow Daoist Wang wins, the competition is over."

The golden-robed old man hurriedly shouted, and let them continue to learn from each other. If there is an appointment, it will be troublesome.

Wang Qingfeng put the Burning Heaven Sabre back into the scabbard, turned and walked towards Wang Qingcheng.

A cold light flashed in Deng Tianqi's eyes. He was not stupid enough to use a magic weapon to sneak attack on Wang Qingfeng, but he had written down this hatred. If Fang Shuyu hadn't acted in time, he would have died.

Wang Qingcheng's brows were furrowed, and he hesitated. Wang Qingfeng almost killed Deng Tianqi. He knew that Wang Qingfeng wanted to protect his parents' reputation, and he didn't want to be told that Wang Changsheng's son could not be used.

If it was Wang Qingcheng, it would be enough to just break the Golden Thunder Tower.

"It's getting late, you send Wang Xiaoyou and the others back."

The golden-robed old man ordered, and the Taiyang Sect disciple responded and took Wang Qingcheng and others back to their residence.

Back at Tingtao Palace, Wang Qingcheng rushed to the Taiyang Sect disciples who had sent them back and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, Daoyou Sun and Daoyou Chen."

"It's just a little effort, fellow Daoist Wang, take a good rest, don't run around, because there are too many visitors, we have opened some restrictions, if the restrictions are touched, the cultivators of the gods will also be in trouble."

The Taiyang Sect disciple exhorted and left the Tingtao Palace.

"This party is so boring, I wouldn't have gone if I knew it earlier."

Wang Qingfeng stretched his waist and looked comfortable.

"Brother, you are in trouble."

Wang Qingcheng sighed and frowned.

"I didn't kill him, what happened?"

Wang Qingfeng said disapprovingly.

"You hurt him, isn't this not a disaster? I know you are better than him, and if you hit a tie, anyone can get off the stage."

Wang Qingcheng said with a frown.

"Wen Wu is first, Wu Wu is second, there is only victory or defeat in the competition, there is no tie, either I win or he wins."

Wang Qingfeng said nonchalantly.

"I have to tell my parents about this. We came to Taiyangzong to make friends, not to make enemies."

Wang Qingcheng said sternly, Wang Qingfeng did this, and invisibly hated Deng Tianqi.

"As you wish, I did nothing wrong anyway."

Wang Qingfeng said nonchalantly.

"What did you do wrong? What did you do?"

A gentle male voice suddenly sounded, and Wang Changsheng came out with a solemn expression.

"Father, that's what happened. We are gathering with representatives of other forces today. During this period, Deng Tianqi of the Deng family wants to learn from his younger brother..."

Wang Qingcheng recounted what happened. This matter must be told to Wang Changsheng and cannot be concealed.

"Since it's a discussion, you can defeat him, but you don't need to use magic weapons. You are feigning arrogance, so as to give Deng Tianqi a chance to beat him again."

Wang Changsheng reprimanded with a gloomy face, knowing his son Mo Ruofu, he could see what Deng Tianqi was thinking.

Wang Qingfeng was silent and did not answer.

Wang Changsheng shook his head, educating children is a very hard job, and they do what you don't let them do.

Some monks are honest and down-to-earth, but their children are daring to take risks and fight, and some monks are brave and courageous, but their children are timid.

The dragon gives birth to the dragon and the phoenix gives birth to the phoenix, and the son of the mouse can make a hole. This proverb can only represent some people, not everyone.

On the way here, he and Wang Ruyan urged them to make more friends and never conflict with others. It doesn't matter if they suffer a small loss.

Wang Qingfeng's temperament is too straight, he doesn't know how to be flexible, and he will easily suffer losses in the future.

"Qing Feng, do you think you are wrong?"

Wang Changsheng kept his voice steady.

"I'm right, the discussion is over, and I didn't say that Lingbao should not be used. Where did I go wrong?"

Wang Qingfeng said sternly, what he believes will not be changed easily, one is one, and two is two.

Wang Changsheng frowned and asked, "You're talking about the rules for learning from each other, and I'm talking about the way you do things."

"I'm right, doesn't he just want to beat me to prove his power? Do I have to lose to him in order not to offend him? If it's a tie? Why do we need to learn from each other? It's him who's pestering me, he brought it on himself."

Wang Qingfeng's attitude was very firm. He saw Deng Tianqi's intentions, so he wanted to give Deng Tianqi some color.

"You can defeat him, but not with such drastic means. If someone hadn't blocked him, if you killed him, wouldn't it have been a confession? Saying that we are relying on the identity of Zhenhai Palace's disciples, even if our children do evil? Taiyang Zhenren Hold a celebration and invite a large number of guests, if you kill someone in Taiyang Sect, what will Taiyang real people think of us?"

Wang Changsheng said slowly, pointing out the pros and cons.

"Next time I see fellow Daoist Deng, I'll help you make peace. You apologize to him, and the matter will pass. It's just an apology, and you won't lose a piece of meat."

Wang Qingcheng added.

Wang Qingfeng pouted, thought for a while, and said, "I listen to my father."

"I ask you now, are you wrong?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

"I'm right. If Dad says I'm wrong, then I'm wrong."

Wang Qingfeng said calmly.

"What does it mean? Your personality is too straight, and sooner or later you will suffer a big loss. Learn from Qingcheng."

Wang Changsheng was a little helpless. It stands to reason that Wang Qingcheng's aptitude was better and should be more arrogant. On the contrary, Wang Qingcheng was good at dealing with people and dealing with things smoothly.

Wang Qingcheng and Wang Qingfeng both grew up by Wang Changsheng's side, with completely different personalities. If it wasn't for his own sons, he wouldn't believe they were brothers.

"You and I go to Fellow Daoist Deng's residence and make amends for Deng Tianqi. You can't be too straight."

Wang Changsheng instructed that he was not afraid of the Deng family, but just didn't want to condone Wang Qingfeng. It is not good to be too straight, and it is easy to offend people.

"I see, Dad, if you let me go, I'll go."

Wang Qingfeng agreed to come If it wasn't for Wang Changsheng to let him go, he wouldn't want to go!

Wang Changsheng exhorted and left the residence with Wang Qingfeng.

It didn't take long for them to appear outside a green manor covering an area of ​​10,000 mu, and Wang Changsheng sent a sound transmission.

In a blue stone pavilion, Deng Yibo sat on the stone bench, his face full of anger, while Deng Tianqi knelt on the ground, his face full of grievances.

A tall, thin middle-aged man stood aside. The middle-aged man had straight facial features and a fair face. He was a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Deng Hongbin, Deng Tianqi's second uncle.

"You just want to be in the limelight? Do you have to fight him? You really disgraced our Deng family."

Deng Yibo said coldly that he was almost mad at Deng Tianqi when he learned what Deng Tianqi had done at the party.

Wang Changsheng's strength is extraordinary, and he is also a fifth-order refiner. If nothing else, it is only a matter of time before he enters the virtual refining stage. You must know that the cultivator with the highest cultivation level in the Deng family is only in the virtual refining stage.

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