Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2043: Taiyang real person

If Wang Changsheng is narrow-minded, he might hate the Deng family because of this matter. The Deng family is not a vassal of Zhenhai Palace, but the Deng family can't provoke Zhenhai Palace.

Once Wang Changsheng entered the period of refining virtual and became the elder of Zhenhai Palace, there were some ways to make things difficult for the Deng family.

"From now on, you will stay here, and you are not allowed to go there. After the Hui clan, you will be banned for a hundred years."

Deng Yibo rudely reprimanded that Deng Tianqi returned from a defeat, so he would not bring Deng Tianqi to visit Wang Changsheng, it would be too embarrassing.

"Got it, great-grandfather."

Deng Tianqi agreed, and his hatred for Wang Qingfeng deepened. If Wang Qingfeng generously agreed to discuss with him and sacrificed a magic weapon to defeat him, he would not be punished by his ancestors.

"Seventh Uncle, it's not surprising that Tianqi, the son of Senior Wang is a bit too much, Tianqi is not his opponent in the first place, wouldn't it be enough to defeat Tianqi? Then he sacrificed Lingbao to destroy Tianqi's Golden Thunder Tower, giving us no face to the Deng family at all."

Deng Hongbin frowned and said, looking a little unhappy.

"Hey, people have crazy skills. Long Yunxin of the Long family and Wang Daoyou discussed each other, and the result was a tie. Tiger fathers have no dogs."

Deng Yibo disagreed, he thought about it, and instructed: "Come with me to listen to Tao Palace, bring Tian Qi, and solve this matter, there is no need to provoke future cultivators because of a trivial matter..."

Before he could finish speaking, a sound transmission flew in and landed in front of him.

Deng Hongbin crushed the sound transmission, and a gentle male voice suddenly sounded: "Daoyou Deng, under Wang Changsheng, the dog had some misunderstandings with your Deng family children. Wang brought him to visit Dengdaoyou."

"Hey, it's Senior Wang, he came here in person."

Deng Hongbin said in surprise.

"Hongbin, go and invite them in, Tianqi continues to kneel."

Deng Yibo ordered.

Deng Hongbin responded and walked out quickly.

Not long after, Deng Hongbin came back, with Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingfeng following him.

"Daoyou Deng, is this?"

Wang Changsheng asked in surprise, his eyes fell on Deng Tianqi.

"This kid is spoiled by me, he does things out of order, and I'm teaching him a lesson!"

Deng Yibo sighed, his eyes fell on Wang Qingfeng, he nodded and said, "This is Ling Lang! He really is a talented person, Tian Qi is not wronged to lose."

"Fellow Daoist Deng exalted him too much. After learning a few things, he would be foolish. If he doesn't discipline him now, he doesn't know what big troubles will be caused in the future."

Wang Changsheng said with a wry smile, his face turned pale, and he said to Wang Qingfeng, "Qingfeng, why don't you meet Senior Deng soon?"

Wang Qingfeng took a step forward, bowed and said, "Junior Wang Qingfeng pays respects to Senior Deng."

Deng Yibo nodded and ordered, "Tianqi, get up and meet Senior Wang."

Deng Tianqi quickly stood up, bowed to Wang Changsheng and said, "Junior Deng Tianqi, I have seen Senior Wang."

"Daoyou Deng, I already know what happened. I have no way to discipline and almost hurt Deng Xiaoyou's life. Qingfeng, please apologize to Deng Xiaoyou."

Wang Changsheng ordered.

Wang Qingfeng pouted, clasped his fists and said, "I'm sorry, Fellow Daoist Deng."

Deng Yibo looked at Deng Tianqi, Deng Tianqi said politely: "It's okay, I also have something wrong."

The elders on both sides wanted to resolve this small conflict, but Deng Tianqi and Wang Qingfeng were obviously not convinced, and only apologized because of the pressure of the elders.

"It's normal for young people to have conflicts. It's okay to talk about it, and this matter will pass. If you are free in the future, you might as well come to our Deng's house as a guest."

Deng Yibo struck while the iron was hot and sent an invitation to Wang Changsheng.

"Okay, it's a deal."

Wang Changsheng agreed, these are naturally polite words, and whether to go or not is another matter.

After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng left with Wang Qingfeng.

"This senior Wang can't let it go, and actually brought his son over to apologize."

Deng Hongbin sighed, in terms of identity, Wang Changsheng is much taller than Deng Yibo, and in terms of personal strength, Deng Yibo is not as good as Wang Changsheng, Wang Changsheng took Wang Qingfeng to apologize in person, which is really rare.

Even if Wang Changsheng didn't bring Wang Qingfeng to apologize, it would be fine.

"Many cultivators can afford it, but can't let it go. This person is extraordinary. We must never be against this person. It's not good for us and our family."

Deng Yibo said in a deep voice, thinking in a different position, if he were Wang Changsheng, he would not bring Wang Qingfeng to the door to apologize, at best reprimand Wang Qingfeng.

Deng Tianqi disagreed, he felt very aggrieved, he didn't think Wang Qingfeng came to apologize, but showed off his strength, which was an insult.

"Wang Qingfeng, you wait for me, I'll get it back from you sooner or later."

Deng Tianqi secretly said in his heart, a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes.


Seven days passed quickly.

On this day, the morning sun was rising, and under the light golden sunlight, the entire Taiyang Sect was smudged into golden light.

A golden stone square covering an area of ​​10,000 acres is filled with thousands of golden jade tables and golden futons. The golden jade tables are placed in two rows. Behind each golden jade table sits a monk. The higher the position.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were in the front, and Wang Qingcheng and Wang Qingfeng were in the back.

Deng Yibo, Long Yunxin and others were sitting beside Wang Changsheng. They were chatting, and six cultivators came to the venue.

The bell of "Dangdangdang" sounded, and along with the melodious sound of the bell, a man's voice full of energy suddenly sounded: "The auspicious time is here, the ceremony begins, and the master is invited."

The disciples of Taiyang Sect stood up one after another and said loudly: "I have invited the ancestors (Master)."

Wang Changsheng and the others also stood up one after another, and said in unison, "Senior Zhao, please."

The voice shook the sky, and echoed in a radius of hundreds of miles.

A golden Changhong appeared in the distant sky. The speed of the golden Changhong was extremely fast. It didn't take long for the golden Changhong to appear over the square. .

The real Taiyang was wearing a golden Taoist robe, a sapphire belt around his waist, and a golden jade crown on his head. He looked like a fairy.

The real person Taiyang nodded, and when the magic trick was pinched, the golden auspicious cloud slowly fell, and he sat down on the golden jade table in front of him.

"The visitor is a guest, everyone sit down!"

Immortal Taiyang instructed.

The monks responded and sat down one after another.

"The Long family congratulates the senior Zhao on his promotion to the and presents a piece of 30,000-year-old Jinnao wood, ten bottles of a thousand beast pills, and a hundred catties of crystals of golden flames, and congratulations to the seniors for further cultivation."

The representative of the Long family stood up, holding a light blue jade slip in his hand, and said respectfully.

"Golden Ape Valley presents five Fire Rock Divine Crystals, a fifth-order giant ape, and 100 catties of colorful silk, congratulations to Senior Zhao's great progress in cultivation and a higher level."

"The Deng family in Xuanyun Valley presents a piece of Jinyang Divine Crystal, a ten thousand year golden bamboo, and a thousand catties of golden stone."

Many guests presented congratulations one after another. The stronger the origin, the real Taiyang would reply a few words. The origin was average, and the real Taiyang just nodded.

Before long, it was Wang Changsheng's turn to present the gift.

"Junior Zhenhai Palace Wang Changsheng, Chen Shishu can't get away from something, let the junior come to congratulate, and send a piece of 30,000-year-old Yanyang wood, a Biyue Peach, and a piece of Jin Yan Shenyu."

Wang Changsheng took out a golden storage ring and handed it over with both hands.

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