Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2044: Ganyang Pagoda and Ye Tianxue

"Since Daoyou Chen can't come because of something, Xiaoyou Wang and Xiaoyou Wang, you can stay for a few more days, Li Ni, you can take them around."

Taiyang Zhenren said in a friendly manner that he and Chen Haotian were old acquaintances, and Chen Haotian entered the virtual refining stage earlier than him, but Taiyang real person had already entered the integration stage, and Chen Haotian was still in the virtual refining stage.

A middle-aged man with a height of eight feet and a strong waist responded and agreed. He was the deputy suzerain of Taiyang Sect and was in charge of general affairs.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan agreed, with respectful expressions.

Other forces offered congratulations one after another, and Taiyang Zhenren just nodded.

After the representatives of many forces sent congratulatory gifts, Taiyang Zhenren held up the wine glass and said loudly: "Thank you for coming to participate in this old man's ceremony, the old man toasts everyone."

Wang Changsheng and other cultivators did not dare to be careless, and returned their respects one after another, saying in unison, "I wish Senior Zhao another level up and make great progress in his cultivation."

Taiyang's sleeve flicked, and a golden light flew out, turning into a golden giant tower more than a thousand feet high standing on the square.

"This Ganyang Pagoda was made by the old man himself. It can transform into various monsters to attack the enemy. It is also the new treasure of our Taiyang Sect. Taking advantage of today's great joy, interested friends can pass the level and get the first name reward. A set of low-grade Tongtian Lingbao."

Taiyang's voice was not loud, and it spread throughout the golden square.

According to the past practice, when a large-scale celebration is held, the host will hold an event and give out some rewards to the participants, which is regarded as a return gift.

Taiyang Zhenren has entered the integration period, and he cannot be too stingy.

The guests who came to congratulate this time have a minimum stage of forming an elixir, and a maximum stage of refining virtual.

He intends to take this opportunity to show the power of Qianyang Pagoda, and also to tell other forces that Taiyang Sect is not what it used to be.

A middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao is the treasure of the sect. This alone will leave many forces behind. The monks with the highest cultivation level of the old-fashioned forces such as Xuanyungu Dengjia and Jinyuangu are only in the virtual period, and they are the treasure of the clan. Or the treasure of Zhenzong is just a low-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

"A set of low-grade Tongtian Lingbao? Senior Zhao, can anyone participate?"

A fat-headed and big-eared red-robed old man asked with a smile, seeing the fluctuation of his mana, he was a mid-stage cultivator.

"Brother Yunfeng is very polite, you and I have known each other for many years, you don't have to be so polite, you can participate in the lower level, and even if you are above the level, you don't lack the low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, let the juniors go through the barrier! Our Taiyang Sect disciples will also participate.”

Real Taiyang said with a smile, his tone full of unquestionable taste.

"I heard that Senior Zhao has a new apprentice, why didn't you see this person?"

A tall, thin-cheeked middle-aged man asked politely. There was a dragon pattern on his sleeve, and he was a cultivator of the Long family.

Long Qingyang, late stage of virtual refining.

"Tianxue, come out and meet everyone soon."

The real Taiyang said in a friendly manner.

As soon as he finished speaking, a girl in a long white dress got up and stood up, with black hair like a waterfall, a pair of jade-like lotus arms, a slender waist bound by a cloud belt, and her fullness and fullness can be vaguely seen on her chest.

The girl in the white dress has a melon-seed face, a small cherry mouth, and star-shaped eyes and white teeth. Seeing the fluctuation of her mana, she is a late-stage cultivator of God Transformation.

"Little sister Ye Tianxue, I have met all the seniors and fellow Daoists."

Ye Tianxue said politely, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Tianxue, these are the elite disciples of the major forces. You have to behave well later. Tianxue is the disciple of this old man, but you don't care about your identity, but only your strength. You can let go."

The real Taiyang said in a deep voice, with a hearty tone.

"Yes, master, the disciple must behave well."

Ye Tianxue agreed, with a respectful expression.

When Long Qingyang and other cultivators saw this scene, they still didn't understand why Taiyang Master was giving Ye Tianxue an opportunity to express himself, and he also took this opportunity to introduce Ye Tianxue as a disciple.

"Count me in. I also want to see how powerful Senior Zhao's Qianyang Tower is."

Lu Shisan stood up first, his eyes wild.

If he can get a better ranking, it will be of great help for him to succeed Tiandaomen Sect Master.

"Dare to ask Senior Zhao, can the two of you pass the level together?"

Long Yunxin asked politely.

"Of course you can, but the difficulty is doubled. When you pass the level, the old man will cast a spell, so that everyone can see the process of clearing the level, so that no one will say that the old man is cheating for personal gain. The monsters in each level are the same, and the difficulty of double crossing is doubled. Don't underestimate this treasure, this old man has traveled for thousands of years and collected a lot of strange monster spirits, even if he can only display 80% of his strength, it should not be underestimated."

Taeyang's face was heavy, and he had to be fair and impartial in order to be convincing.

As long as he wasn't a fool, he knew that he was giving Ye Tianxue a chance to perform. He didn't want other cultivators to preserve their strength and deliberately let Ye Tianxue get the top spot.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man, and Taiyang real person also wants to see the strength of other power monks, and then compare them with Taiyangzong monks.

"In order to show fairness, the little sister will go through the barrier first."

Ye Tianxue turned into a white light and flew towards Qianyang Tower.

The Ganyang Pagoda has a total of seventy-two floors, and the monsters transformed from each floor have different ranks, strengths, and supernatural powers.

Taiyang's real man's magic trick was pinched, and countless golden runes lit up on the thirty-seventh floor of Qianyang Tower, and a transparent golden light curtain suddenly appeared, and the runes flashed.

Ye Tianxue's body surface lit up with a soft white light, easily passing through the golden light curtain.

Taiyang's real man's magic formula changed, the runes on the thirty-seventh floor were bright, and the monks could clearly see the situation on the thirty-seventh floor.

The thirty-seventh floor is a spacious and bright golden hall. The stone walls and floor are all golden, and the runes are flashing, exuding strong forbidden fluctuations.

After an angry roar sounded the void lit up with a dazzling aura, and a small golden giant ape suddenly appeared in the golden hall.

The golden giant ape has four golden arms and a golden vertical eye between the eyebrows.

"The golden-eyed four-gibbed ape, this is a rare alien species. It is said that this spirit beast possesses a trace of the bloodline of a mountain giant ape, and it is extremely powerful. The most rare thing is that this beast's physical body is strong, and it is difficult for the heavenly treasure to hurt it. "

Long Qingyang commented, with an expression of interest on his face.

This is a fifth-order low-grade golden-eyed four-gibboned ape.

Ape monsters are inherently resistant to beatings, not to mention the golden-eyed four-armed ape with a hint of mountain giant ape.


The golden-eyed four-gibbed monkey let out an angry roar, spurting out a golden sound wave, heading straight for Ye Tianxue, at an extremely fast speed.

The cultivators all stared at the thirty-seventh floor. They all wanted to see how powerful Taiyang's new disciples were.

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