Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2046: Flattery Blue Fukong

Ye Tianxue's aptitude is by no means ordinary. He should possess some kind of ice-type spirit body. Generally speaking, for the same magical power, the better the cultivator's aptitude, the greater the power displayed.

The Long family sent people to Taiyang Sect to congratulate, mainly to introduce Taiyang Sect to become a subsidiary force of Wanlingmen. The Long family has two integrated monks, but it is not enough to subdue Taiyang Sect.

In less than 5,000 years, Daoist Taiyang has cultivated from the Spirit Transformation Stage to the Void Refinement Stage. This cultivation speed is already very fast. From this, it can be seen that Taiyang Daoist has great potential.

If Taiyang Sect can become a subsidiary force of Wanlingmen, it will be of great benefit to the future development of Taiyang Sect, and Long Qingyang can also be considered a meritorious service.

Taiyang Zhenren is a fit cultivator. It is not easy to conquer a fit cultivator. Now there is a genius like Ye Tianxue. The rise of Taiyang Sect is unstoppable. If you want to conquer Taiyang Sect, you have to offer a higher price.

Ye Tianxue did not continue to pass the level, flew out of the Qianyang Tower and landed on the ground.

She was sweating profusely, her face was pale, and she looked like she had consumed too much mana.

"Fairy Ye is worthy of being a disciple of Senior Zhao. She has such magical powers at a young age, and her future is boundless. I just talked to fellow Daoist Chen. Fairy Ye is by no means an ordinary person.

An old man in green robe who was as thin as a bamboo pole said with a smile. The old man in green robe had thin cheeks and a ruddy face. He was wearing a blue Taoist robe, and he held a blue whisk in his hand, which had the taste of a fairy.

Lan Fukong, the patriarch of the Lan Family in Yunhang Mountain, in the late stage of Divine Transformation.

"Fellow Daoist Lan is too modest, and the little sister has already passed the level. If you are interested, you can go through the level!"

Ye Tianxue's tone was a little cold, as if he didn't want to talk to Lan Fukong.

"Other little friends can pass the level on their own, and the process of each cultivator's passing through the level will be made public, lest someone say that the old man is cheating."

The real Taiyang said in a deep voice, and the voice spread throughout the Jinshi Square.

"Okay, I'll come first."

Lu Shisan was the first to respond and flew towards Qianyang Pagoda.

A dazzling red light lit up on the thirty-seventh floor, and a gap appeared, allowing Lu Shisan to fly in.

As soon as Lu Shisan appeared in the hall, a golden light lit up in the void, and the golden-eyed four-gibbled ape appeared at once.


The golden pupil four-gibbled ape spurted a golden sound wave, heading straight for Lu Shisan.

Lu Shisan flipped his right hand, and a long red sword appeared in his hand, slashing towards the golden-eyed four-gibbled ape.

A harsh knife sounded, and a red sword light swept out and slashed towards the opposite side.

There was a loud bang, and the golden sound wave was smashed by the red sword light. The red sword light stood on the golden-eyed four-armed ape, and there was a muffled sound, leaving only a shallow wound.

The golden-eyed four-gibbed ape and Lu Shisan fought fiercely, and the monks watched the battle carefully.

With his strength, the Golden Eyed Ape was naturally not Lu Shisan's opponent. It didn't take long for the Golden Eyed Ape to be chopped in half by a sword qi.

Lu Shisan came to the thirty-eighth floor, and the golden-winged fire cockroach soon appeared. Lu Shisan swung his knife towards the golden-winged fire cockroach, and hundreds of fierce red sword qi swept out, slashing at the golden cockroach one after another. There was a muffled sound from Wing Huo Yan's body.

Time passed, and Lu Shisan was like a broken bamboo. In less than a quarter of an hour, he had reached the fortieth floor.

The other god-turning cultivators passed through the levels one after another, and each god-turning cultivator was on a different level, but the monsters they encountered were the same.

Long Yunxin and Long Yunzhen went through the barrier together, which attracted the attention of many monks.

The major forces have treasures similar to Qianyang Pagoda, which are mainly used to temper the younger generation and improve their fighting skills. Generally speaking, it is less difficult for a single person to pass the level, and the difficulty for multiple people is relatively high.

"Daoyou Long and Fairy Long actually joined forces to pass the level. It seems that they have a plan. I think they will definitely get a good ranking."

Lan Fukong commented with a smile on his face.

Long Yunxin and Long Yunzhen appeared in the golden hall on the thirty-seventh floor. Two golden lights lit up in the void, and two golden-eyed four-gibbled apes suddenly appeared. They went straight to Long Yunxin and Long Yunzhen. come.

Long Yunxin was not afraid at all, his body surface was full of aura, his right fist smashed at a golden-eyed four-gibbled ape, and Long Yunzhen released a cyan thunder eagle with wings spread out more than ten feet. With a single swipe, countless cyan electric arcs surged out, hitting the golden-eyed four-armed ape.

The two golden-eyed quadrupeds were naturally not the opponents of Long Yunxin and Long Yunzhen. Long Yunxin turned into a beast in the shape of a human. With the movement of his arms, dense fists flew out and smashed on one of the golden-eyed quadrupeds one after another.

The cyan giant eagle fluttered its wings and hovered uncertainly in the sky. A huge cyan thundercloud suddenly appeared high in the sky. The thundercloud tumbled like boiling water. On the body of the four-gibbed ape.

A dazzling aura drowned the two golden-eyed four-gibbled apes, and the aura dissipated, and they disappeared. Long Yunxin and Long Yunzhen lit up with a golden light under their feet, rolling them to the thirty-eighth floor.

This time, their opponents were a golden-winged fire cockroach, an emerald green poisonous scorpion, and a golden python that was more than a hundred meters long.

On the other side, Lu Shisan broke into the fiftieth floor, and his opponent was a fifth-rank top-grade golden thunder eagle.

Lu Shisan's face was pale, and there was obvious blood on his left shoulder, obviously injured.

He took out a light blue pill and swallowed it, his pale face quickly returned to rosy.

Lu Shisan sacrificed the Yan Jiao knife and slashed towards the void, and thousands of dazzling red sword qi swept out, blocking the path of Jin Leidiao.

The golden thunder eagle fluttered its wings, and countless golden arcs appeared on its body, and suddenly disappeared.

Lu Shisan seemed to sense something, but before he had time to react, a dazzling golden thunder light lit up above his head, and the golden thunder eagle appeared at once.

The golden thunder eagle flapped its wings, and countless golden electric arcs surged out, drowning Lu Shisan's figure.

A dazzling red light lit up on the fiftieth floor, and Lu Shisan flew out of it and slowly landed on the ground.

Lu Shisan's body was exuding a scorched aura, and his face was full of unwillingness.

If he had faced Jin Leidiao from the beginning, even if he lost, he would not be so embarrassed, but his mana consumption was serious, so he was defeated so quickly.

From this point, it can be seen that Ye Tianxue has real talents and practical learning. The monsters they encountered are exactly the same, and the magical powers of the monsters are also the same. Lu Shisan still lost with the Yanjiao knife.

"Don't be discouraged, fellow Daoist Lu, it's amazing that you can get to the 50th floor. This old man estimates that you can only get past the 45th floor. With time, you will become stronger."

Lan Fukong said with a smile, his tone was full of flattery.

Lu Shisan nodded as a response.

The Lan family does not have a cultivator. Lan Fukong is the highest cultivator in the Lan family. This person is a well-known sycophant. Seeing whoever is touting, never enmity with others.

There are thousands of clothes, but no flattery. Lan Fukong is good at flattering. The Lan family doesn't have any major resources for cultivating immortals, and others will not fight against Lan Fukong.

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