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Chapter 2047: Golden Dragon Calming Spirit Forbidden Light

Time passed, and monks were sent out one after another. Most of them stopped at the 50th floor. Without exception, Lan Fukong would comfort them. What are they still young? A momentary failure does not mean that in the future, Lan Fukong treats every goddess. The evaluation terms of the monks are different, and the meanings are similar, and they are all flattering others.

The fifth-order monsters were inherently difficult to deal with. The god-turning cultivators continuously fought with more than a dozen fifth-order monsters, and the mana consumption was relatively large. In addition, it was indeed difficult for them to deal with the fifth-order monsters.

At this time, Long Yunxin and Long Yunzhen also broke into the fiftieth floor, and two auras lit up in the void, a golden thunder eagle and a small red rhinoceros, both of which were fifth-order high-grade monsters.

The golden thunder eagle flapped its wings, and hundreds of golden thunder **** flew out. The red rhino let out a low roar, and the golden horn on its head spurted a golden light, which turned into a huge golden fire cloud.

The golden fire clouds rolled violently, and golden fireballs fell out one by one, hitting the Long Yunxin brothers and sisters.

There was a piercing dragon roar from Long Yunxin's body, and a miniature Flood Dragon emerged from his body. After a blur, it flew out of the body and turned into a golden Flood Dragon with a length of more than 100 meters, heading straight for the red rhinoceros.

Long Yunzhen controlled the cyan giant eagle to fight with the golden thunder eagle, and at the same time controlled a white giant tiger with four wings on its back to attack the red rhino.

The Long family is good at expelling insects and beasts. With two fifth-order spirit beasts, Long Yun really didn't spend much mana.

The red rhino was obviously not the opponent of the Long Yunxin brothers and sisters and the white giant tiger. Long Yunzhen seized the opportunity and manipulated the white giant to emit a white aura, covering the red rhino, and the red rhino froze at a speed visible to the naked eye. , was frozen, and the golden dragon descended from the sky, smashing the red rhino.

After solving the red rhinoceros, the Long Yunxin brothers and sisters freed up their hands to deal with the golden thunder eagle. It didn't take long for the golden thunder eagle to be solved by them.

They successfully reached the fifty-first floor. This time, their opponents were three fifth-order high-grade monsters.

"Wonderful, wonderful! Daoyou Long and Fairy Long are indeed the elite children of the Long family. I think they can catch up with Fairy Ye."

Lan Fukong kept applauding and looked excited, and those who didn't know thought he was a relative of the Long Yunxin brothers and sisters.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan glanced at each other, this Lan Fukong is really a wonderful person, he will praise anyone he sees, the point is, this person doesn't brag about who is the first, unless there is a result, in this way, Lan Fukong can say anything. is right.

"Friend Wang, Mrs. Wang, you are the elite disciples of Zhenhai Palace, why don't you go through the barrier? I think you will definitely get a good ranking, maybe you can surpass Daoyou Lu."

Lan Fukong looked at Wang Changsheng with a warm tone.

"Wang Xiaoyou, Wang Xiaoyou, there are no more people, you go and make a breakthrough!"

The real Taiyang said that the guests who came to congratulate this time, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan with the strongest background, followed by the Long Yunxin brothers and sisters.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan responded, stood up, and flew towards the Ganyang Tower. The two appeared together on the thirty-seventh floor of the Ganyang Tower.

"They want to join forces to break through the barrier? As expected of the disciples of the great sect, I will say that the people who can be sent by Senior Chen to congratulate Senior Zhao are not ordinary people?"

Lan Fukong's tone was warm, wishing to blow Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan into the sky.

As soon as Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan appeared, two golden-eyed four-gibbons suddenly appeared, and they rushed over from left to right.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan raised their hands at the same time, and a golden ball and a yellow ball flew out. After the sound of the two organs sounded, the two metal **** lit up and turned into a golden ape and a huge giant ape. Yellow centipedes are all fifth-order puppet beasts.

"The fifth-order puppet beast!"

An interesting look appeared in Taiyang's eyes. The cost of a fifth-order puppet beast was no less than that of the low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, which took longer and was more difficult to refine.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and two fifth-order puppet beasts joined forces, and soon defeated two golden-eyed four-gibbons, and came to the thirty-eighth floor, a golden-winged fire scorpion, a green poisonous scorpion, and a hundred A golden python with a length of more than ten feet appeared soon.

On the other side, Long Yunxin and Long Yunzhen came to the fifty-third floor, their faces were pale, and Long Yunzhen's two spirit beasts were also injured.

Their opponents are five fifth-order high-grade monsters, a golden centipede, a red fire python, a yellow giant tiger, a silver giant tortoise, and a golden thunder eagle.

There was a huge red fire cloud and a silver thunder cloud high in the sky, and the red fire **** and silver thunder **** poured down and hit them.

Long Yunxin and Long Yunzhen looked at each other and nodded to each other. Their bodies were full of aura. They pressed their hands together and drew towards the void. A huge golden disc appeared out of nowhere, and there was a miniature dragon wandering on the surface of the disc. nonstop.

The mini dragon is golden and lifelike.


The mini flood dragon spewed out a golden light, and the void oscillated and twisted. The golden light covered the golden centipede, the red fire python, and the yellow giant tiger. They seemed to be frozen and motionless.

A huge golden giant seal fell from the sky and smashed on them.

With a loud bang, the three monsters turned into little auras and disappeared.

"The golden dragon is fixed and forbidden to light! Isn't this secret technique lost?"

Taiyang Zhenren said in surprise, his face full of incredulity.

The Golden Dragon's Spirituality and Forbidden Light is a well-known secret technique. It is said that if you practice it to the extreme, you can fix everything in a world, including monks and magic weapons.

"Our family has spent thousands of years improving it. Together, the two cultivators can perform a secret technique similar to the Golden Dragon's Dingling and Forbidden Light. The ancestors named it Ding Yao and Forbidden Light."

Long Qingyang explained with a smile, his face full of pride.

The real Golden Dragon's Forbidden Light can increase with the cultivation of the The power of the Magical Forbidden Light is so great that it cannot fix a world.

"The great magical power of Jinlong's fixed spirit and forbidden light can be used by one person. Long Daoyou, you Long Family's fixed demon and forbidden light can only be used by two people. It is not more convenient to use Tongtian Lingbao directly."

A young woman in a blue dress with gorgeous features wondered.

"The technique is broad and profound. Which of the great magical powers in the world of immortals has not been improved? With time, our Long family may be able to master a great magical power that is no worse than the golden dragon."

Long Qingyang's face was full of pride.

The real person Taiyang nodded and said, "That's right, there are three thousand avenues, even if it is a side-by-side approach, it should not be underestimated."

Long Yunxin and Long Yunzhen successfully destroyed the remaining two monsters and came to the fifty-fourth floor. This time, their opponents were seven fifth-order high-grade monsters, and there were two dragons over a thousand feet long. .

Long Yunxin and Long Yunzhen's expressions became solemn, the fifth-order Jiaolong was not so easy to deal with.

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