Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2048: Take it as soon as you see


The two Flood Dragons let out an angry roar and rushed towards them, at the same time, five other high-rank fifth-rank monsters also rushed over.

Before the monster got close, the intensive spells came oncoming.

Longyun's true art was pinched, and two fifth-order spirit beasts greeted him.

The golden light on Long Yunxin's body was shining brightly. A miniature Jiaolong appeared on his body, wandering non-stop, the golden light flashed, and the miniature Jiaolong flew out. After one blurred, his body skyrocketed, turning into a golden Jiaolong with a length of more than a thousand meters. greeted.

All kinds of auras are intertwined, and the strength of the two of them is not weak, but facing the attacks of seven high-grade fifth-order monsters, they feel very difficult.

Having learned from the previous experience, this time, the seven monsters were more vigilant. Long Yunxin and Long Yunzhen cast the demon and forbidden light, and immobilized a flood dragon. Before they could solve the flood dragon, intensive spells came oncoming. .

These monsters and magic weapons are hard to hurt. If they face them alone, Long Yunxin will naturally not be afraid. It's hard to say now.

After a quarter of an hour, the cyan Thunder Eagle was injured, a large number of feathers fell off, blood dripped, and the breath was sluggish.

"Brother, we are not rivals, forget it."

Long Yunzhen said in a voice transmission that one must be self-aware. If you really fight hard, you will probably lose a lot. Even if you pass this level, you are not necessarily better than Ye Tianxue. This is the home court of Taiyang Sect.


An angry dragon roar sounded, and the forbidden light of the demon was suddenly shattered, and the fifth-order flood dragon escaped.

Obviously, there are certain flaws in the immobilization of demons and the ban on light, and they cannot immobilize monsters for too long.

"We gave up."

Long Yunxin sighed in his heart and said loudly.

As soon as the words fell, the seven monsters disappeared.

"It's a pity, seven high-rank fifth-rank monsters are too difficult to deal with. If you pass the level alone, you may be able to pass."

"It is difficult for a single person to reach the fifty-fourth floor. At present, few people have been able to pass the fifty-fourth floor."

"In this way, Fairy Ye broke through the eighteenth floor in one breath, which is really amazing."


The monks were discussing and expressing their opinions.

"Daoyou Long and Fairy Long are worthy of being from a big family. If you change the old man, you will have to fight for anything! The first name is a reward for a set of heavenly treasures. You know how to advance and retreat, know how to choose, and you can understand this at a young age. One point, I am ashamed of myself! Their future achievements are limitless."

Lan Fukong showed a look of approval and praised.

Long Yunzhen and Long Yunxin flew out of Qianyang Tower and landed on the ground.

They looked towards the Ganyang Pagoda. At this time, not many people had passed through the barrier, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan had already reached the fifty-third floor.

Their opponents are five fifth-order high-grade monsters, a golden centipede, a red fire python, a yellow giant tiger, a silver giant tortoise, and a golden thunder eagle.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed six Dinghai beads, and with a pinch of the magic trick, the six Dinghai beads spun around, and countless sea water surged out, turning into a thick blue water curtain, covering the two of them.

Wang Ruyan took out the red dust flute and put it to his mouth, and a cheerful flute sounded.

The five monsters madly attacked the blue water curtain, and the dense aura drowned the blue water curtain, but it was useless. The blue water curtain had a strong defense, and these attacks were useless at all.

Half an hour later, the five monsters suddenly killed each other and attacked each other.


Long Qingyang was surprised and said that although knowing the enemy and knowing oneself can be successful in a hundred battles, there are some supernatural powers that are difficult to restrain, such as sonic attacks and illusions, and there are too few restrained treasures or supernatural powers.

After a while, there was only one golden thunder eagle left among the five monsters.

The blue water curtain suddenly collapsed, and a vast ocean rushed out, turning into a big blue hand, smashing the golden thunder eagle.

"Wonderful, really wonderful! As expected of an elite disciple of Zhenhai Palace, it's really amazing."

Lan Fukong repeatedly applauded, overjoyed, as if he himself had passed through the fifty-third floor.

A golden glow rose from under their feet, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan came to the fifty-fourth floor.

Only five deity cultivators broke into this layer, and the other deity cultivators either had insufficient mana or were too weak.

A dazzling aura lit up in the void, and seven fifth-order monsters appeared at once.

Wang Changsheng repeated his old tricks and sacrificed six Dinghai beads, and the six Dinghai beads rolled around, and countless sea water rushed out, turning into a thick blue water curtain to cover them.

Seven fifth-order high-grade monsters attacked them at the same time, and the dense magic aura once again drowned the blue water curtain.

Long Yunxin and Long Yun really have serious eyes. They have personally tested it, and they can't stop the seven fifth-order high-grade monsters by relying on defensive magic weapons alone.

The huge bodies of the two Flood Dragons slammed into the blue water curtain, the blue water curtain suddenly dented, the blue light curtain broke through two gaps, and the two Flood Dragons rushed into the blue water curtain along the gap.

The gap on the surface of the blue water curtain healed and disappeared.

The real person Taiyang narrowed his eyes, and his eyes lit up with a dazzling golden light. He could clearly see that a white flame emerged from Wang Changsheng's right fist, smashing towards a silver dragon.

Countless silver arcs appeared on the surface of the silver Flood Dragon, and the huge dragon claws slapped at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

An astonishing scene appeared, the dragon claws of the silver dragon quickly froze, and the ice layer quickly spread.

A dazzling blue sword light swept out, and the silver dragon shattered instantly, turning into a little bit of aura and disappearing.

Another red Flood Dragon was entangled by two fifth-order puppet beasts, unable to escape at all.

The red Flood Dragon spewed out billowing flames, drowning Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

A dazzling blue light lit up in the sea of ​​​​fire. Wherever the blue light passed, the flames retreated. Soon, the blue light arrived in front of the red dragon, which was Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng was surrounded by a mass of white flames, and the red flames couldn't hurt him at all.

He waved the Taihao Spirit Slashing Blade and slashed it on the head of the red Jiaolong. With a sound of "keng", sparks splashed everywhere, and a white flame spread along the blade to the head of the red Jiaolong, and the head of the red Jiaolong quickly froze. The ice layer continued to spread, freezing the entire red dragon.

A blue sound wave swept in, the ice layer shattered, and the dragon turned into a little bit of aura and disintegrated.

There is still a big difference between the transformed monster and the real one. If it is a real fifth-order high-grade Jiaolong, it will not be so easy to deal with.

After solving the two fifth-order flood dragons, the remaining five fifth-order monsters are easy to deal with.

Wang Ruyan played the red dust flute, and Wang Changsheng controlled six Dinghaizhu to block the attacks of five fifth-order monsters.

After a quarter of an hour, the five fifth-order monsters attacked each other, and in the end only the golden python was left, which was not their opponent at all, and was solved by them.

"A complete set of Tongtian Lingbao! As expected of a disciple of Zhenhai Palace."

The real Taiyang nodded secretly, the general cultivator of the gods did not have a complete set of heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures, but Wang Changsheng was a disciple of Zhenhai Palace, which was understandable.

"We give up crossing the border."

Wang Changsheng said loudly, they had already passed through the fifty-fourth floor, they were already very good, there was no need to compete with Ye Tianxue for the first place, cultivating immortals was not about fighting and killing, but more about the world.

If the integrated cultivators of Zhenhai Palace were here, they could fight for the first place, which is not necessary now.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan flew out from the Ganyang Tower and landed on the square. The expressions of the monks were different, envy, admiration, and fear.

"Haha, I knew that Daoyou Wang and Madam Wang were extremely powerful. They even broke through the 18th floor, which opened the eyes of the old man, admired, really admired."

Lan Fukong laughed and praised.

He didn't go to the level by Whoever passes the level will be praised by him.

"Wang Xiaoyou, Wang Xiaoyou, yes, both of you and Tianxue have crossed the fifty-fourth floor, it's hard to tell the difference, why don't you compare and see who is more powerful."

Real Taiyang's tone was warm.

"Senior Zhao is joking, we are just calming down the power of treasures, far less than Fairy Ye."

Wang Changsheng said modestly and politely declined.

"Yeah! Master Chen often taught us that there are days outside the sky, and there are people outside people. Today we finally saw it. With time, Fairy Ye will be better than Senior Zhao."

Wang Ruyan praised and mentioned Chen Yueying specially.

The integrated monks often teach them, which is naturally extraordinary.

It's rare for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan to be so knowledgeable, and Taiyang Zhenren didn't force it. He nodded and said, "If that's the case, then forget it. You want something, but it doesn't matter."

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