Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2052: A strong enemy came to the door, Wang Mengbin beat 1 and 3

In Qinghuanjie, Qianlingfang City is the largest square city under the jurisdiction of the Zhong family.

Half a year ago, the Zhong family sent an invitation to hold a ceremony for Zhong Yunxiu to transform the gods. In addition, the Zhong family also recruited a real person who worshipped Zixiao in the spirit transformation period. As soon as the news came out, there were many forces that had disputes with the Zhong family. Retreat, and at the same time, a large number of monks came from all over the world to celebrate Zhong Yunxiu.

On the day of the God Transformation Ceremony, Zhong Yunxiu will give a sermon in person, and the sermons of the cultivators of God Transformation will be hard to come by.

One of the two gods, no accident, the Zhong family will become one of the most powerful forces in the Qinghuan world. A large number of forces have formed alliances with the Zhong family. The Zhong family took the opportunity to expand the sphere of influence, and collected a large number of immortal cultivation resources. Lingshan.

Qianlingfang City is not far from Qianling Mountain, right under the eyes of the Zhong family.

The streets were crowded with people, and it was quite lively.

"In a few days, it will be the day of Senior Zhong's God Transformation Ceremony. I don't know if I will be able to see Senior Zhong."

"I want to see the real person Zixiao more. It is said that the ancestor of the Deng family came to commit the crime decades ago, and the real person of Zixiao defeated the ancestor of the Deng family with his great supernatural power.

"I heard about it too, but I know a little more detail. It is said that the real Zixiao fought with the ancestor of the Deng family for 300 rounds, fought for seven days and seven nights, and defeated the ancestor of the Deng family."


There are monks talking on the streets and alleys, and they are talking about Wang Mengbin more.

In a certain secret room, Wang Mengbin sat cross-legged on a silver futon, surrounded by countless silver arcs, and there was a "crackling" sound.

After a while, the silver arc on Wang Mengbin's body dissipated, and he opened his eyes.

With a flick of his sleeve, the door to the secret room opened, and Cheng Zhenyu stood at the door with a respectful expression.

"Senior Wang, this is the thousand-year-old golden thunder peach and green thunder fruit sent by Zhong Daoyou."

Cheng Zhenyu took out two exquisite jade boxes and handed them to Wang Mengbin.

Wang Mengbin asked them to address themselves as their peers in private, but Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan did not dare to be presumptuous and insisted on being equal to their predecessors, and Wang Mengbin would follow them.

Wang Mengbin took the two jade boxes, opened them, and found two golden peaches and two pale cyan fruits.

He helped the Zhong family to expand their influence, improved the Zhong family's ability to collect immortal cultivation resources, and reciprocated.

"The Zhong family has a heart. If there's nothing wrong, you can go down..."

Before Wang Mengbin could finish speaking, the entire secret room shook violently.

Soon, the siren blared outside.

Wang Mengbin's face sank. He knew that he had become the enshrined of the Zhong family, and he dared to harass Qianlingfang City. Most of it was Deng Tianxin, but he didn't know how many monks Deng Tianxin had called. With Deng Tianxin alone, he did not dare to come to the Zhong family to make trouble.

There was a deafening sound of thunder from Wang Mengbin's body, which turned into a dazzling silver thunder and disappeared.

The alarm sounded loudly in Qianlingfang City, and a cyan cloud floated high in the sky. Chen Hong, Deng Tianxin, and a squat old man in cyan robe stood on top of the cyan cloud. All three were in the early stage of divine transformation.

Chen Hong was unable to contact Liu Hongji for a long time, and Chen Qingyang was so pressed that she could only contact other spiritual cultivators.

Originally, they would have to spend a lot of money to find Wang Mengbin. Who would have thought that Wang Mengbin and Zhong Yunxiu would return to Zhong's house and distribute invitations widely. This gave them a chance.

A dazzling silver aura suddenly lit up and appeared over Qianlingfang City. It was Wang Mengbin.

"Daoyou Deng, long time no see, what do you mean? What did you say to me last time?"

A cold light flashed in Wang Mengbin's eyes. He had not been in the Divine Transformation Stage for a long time before, and his magical powers were not strong.

Knowing this, he killed Deng Tianxin.

It stands to reason that the Deng family has been in decline for many years, and it is impossible to come up with anything good to invite two helpers, which is one of the reasons why he let Deng Tianxin go.

"Wang Daoyou, you return the things to me, the old man will take people away immediately, I am also under orders, and I have to."

Deng Tianxin said in a deep voice, speaking from his heart, if it wasn't for Deng Tianyang's pressing, he would not want to trouble Wang Mengbin at all.

"Hmph, do you think I'll still believe you?"

Wang Mengbin sneered and said, Deng Tianxin is here for Tianxu Jade Book, is this Tianxu Jade Book so precious?

Tianxu Yushu is a hot potato, and it is also a life-saving trump card. If it is handed over immediately, maybe Deng Tianxin will have no scruples and kill him immediately.

Thinking differently, Deng Tianxin repeatedly asked Wang Mengbin for trouble, and the two had no chance of reconciling.

"My concubine is Chen Hong in Qingyun Palace, and I also ask Daoyou Wang to show the face of Qingyun Palace and hand over things. I can guarantee the safety of Daoyou Wang."

Chen Hong said sternly, she paid a great price and hired two cultivators, one to stop Zhong Yunxiu and the other to deal with Wang Mengbin with them.

The four of them are in the early stage of God Transformation, three-on-one, and the advantage is on their side.

"Qingyun Palace? Do you think Wang is a three-year-old child? Would you believe this kind of nonsense? This is a matter between us, let's fight in another place!"

After Wang Mengbin said this, countless silver arcs appeared on his body and disappeared.

There are many monks in Fangshi, and Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan are also in it. If they fight here, it is very likely that they will be involved.

The next moment, a silver light lit up in a void five hundred miles away, and Wang Mengbin appeared.

The old man in the azure robe pinched the magic trick, and the azure cloud rolled violently and suddenly chased after him.

"It seems that Your Excellency is really confident in yourself. You don't eat or punish you for toasting. I think you should honestly hand over what Mrs. Chen and Fellow Daoist Deng asked for, so that everyone will be well."

The old man in green robe said with a kindness.

Wang Mengbin didn't answer. When the magic trick was pinched, countless silver arcs appeared all over his body. There was a huge thunderous sound from high in the sky, and a black thundercloud suddenly appeared high in the sky.

"Since he doesn't want to be kind, there's nothing to say, just do it and kill him."

Chen Hong said coldly, with a flick of her right hand, a golden light flew out, turning into a small golden umbrella, floating above their heads.

On the surface of the golden umbrella, there is a pattern of a giant golden turtle, and the aura is is obviously a treasure.

To defend the Lingbao Golden Turtle Umbrella, the skin of the fifth-order golden turtle beast is used as the umbrella surface, and the animal bone is refined from the umbrella bone, which restrains the attack of the thunder attribute Taoist method.

The magical powers of a single attribute are easy to restrain. Now that they know that Wang Mengbin is Lei Xiu, they will naturally prepare some treasures to restrain the thunder system.

That's not all, Chen Hong took out a silver talisman, pinched it and shattered it, and a dazzling silver light curtain appeared out of nowhere, covering the three of them.

Xuanguang Huayuan Talisman, fifth-order talisman, restraining thunder attribute Taoism.

In order to deal with Wang Mengbin, they tried their best to collect the golden turtle umbrella and Xuanguang Hua Yuanfu, which shows how cautious Chen Hong is.

The three of them dealt with Wang Mengbin alone, and prepared a defensive spiritual treasure and a fifth-order talisman to restrain the thunder attribute Taoism. If they lost, Chen Hong was convinced.

She believes that her chances of winning are still very large, and the loser should be Wang Mengbin.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mengbin snorted coldly.

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