Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2053: Zijin Zhenlei Jiangong

The azure-robed old man took off a cyan gourd from his waist, threw it into the void in front of him, and entered a magic formula. A piercing whistling sound rang out, and countless azure-light flickering gravels flew out.

These cyan gravels are no more than the size of a fingernail, the runes are flashing, and the aura is amazing.

The dense cyan gravel soared into the sky and turned into a huge cyan cloud, covering a small half of the sky, and the sky suddenly darkened.

The old man in the azure robe reminded him of the tactic, and the cyan sand and gravel runes were bright, and a group of cyan flames emerged, which turned into a big hand wrapped in cyan flames, and slapped Wang Mengbin head-on.

Chen Hong's sleeves flicked, and seven quaint little mirrors with sparkling aura flew out. The seven mirrors were of different colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. The aura was amazing. It was obviously seven spiritual treasures.

A complete set of Lingbao Qixia Mirrors, both offensive and defensive, are the treasures of the five major towns of Qingyun Palace.

When her tactic changed, the seven small mirrors suddenly burst into light, and countless mysterious runes appeared on the mirrors. The light flashed, and seven rays of light of different colors swept out and went straight to Wang Mengbin.

Deng Tianxin turned his hand and took out a green feather fan, the runes flashed, and the aura was amazing, and it was also a spiritual treasure.

Deng Tianxin slammed the fan lightly, the whistling sound was loud, and a green wind swept out, turning into a blue wind dragon that was more than a hundred meters long, and went straight to the opposite side. The wind blade, followed by the dense cyan wind blade.

Wang Mengbin was in no hurry, and when the magic trick was pinched, the high-altitude thunderclouds rolled like boiling water, and countless silver lightnings cut through the sky and slashed downwards.

As soon as the big cyan hand approached Wang Mengbin, it was smashed by the dense silver lightning strikes and turned into countless cyan gravel. Come.

Intensive silver lightning struck the cyan wind dragon, and the blue wind dragon let out a miserable roar, which turned into a little blue light and dissipated.

Seven rays of different colors were like thin paper, shattered by dense silver lightning.

Wang Mengbin clasped his hands together, the void vibrated, and countless silver arcs emerged around him, suddenly turning into a huge silver lightning net, covering the incoming cyan arrows, wrapping all the cyan arrows, condensing into a huge silver thunderball.

"Break it for me."

The old man in green robe shouted loudly, and the magic trick was reminded.

The silver thunderball was torn apart suddenly, and countless cyan gravels poured out. After a blur, the size of the gravels skyrocketed and turned into cyan boulders, sparkling with aura, obviously not extraordinary.

These blue boulders quickly gathered together and turned into a mountain covered in countless blue flames, smashing towards Wang Mengbin head on.

Intensive silver lightning struck the blue mountain, and the blue mountain was safe and sound, but the speed of its fall slowed down.

There was a look of pride in the eyes of the old man in green robe. His gourd Qingyang real sand was made with green sand as the main material. It was unpredictable and had both offense and defense. He helped him kill powerful enemies many times.

"Mrs. Chen, Fellow Daoist Deng, this person has great supernatural powers, so don't hold back, and make a quick decision to avoid any changes."

The old man in green robe urged, his expression a little unhappy.

Chen Hong nodded, raised his right hand, purple light flashed, a feather fan with purple light flashing non-stop appeared in his hand, and there was a pattern of purple flames on the fan.

Violet Fan, a fire-type spirit treasure.

She waved lightly, countless mysterious purple runes lit up on the surface of the purple fan, and a pungent purple flame swept out, heading straight for the opposite side.

Where the purple flames passed, a burst of blue smoke rose from the void, and a large number of flowers and plants withered instantly and turned into a pool of juice.

Deng Tianxin threw out a white light, and after a blur, it disappeared.

Countless silver arcs appeared on Wang Mengbin's body, turning into silver thunderballs, facing the falling blue mountains.

The rumbling sound of rumbling sounded, and a dazzling silver thunder light drowned the blue mountain.

As soon as the purple flames approached Wang Mengbin three hundred feet, hundreds of silver thunder spears fell from the sky, defeating the purple flames.

The top of Wang Mengbin's head lit up with a white light, and it was a net pocket with white light, and the net pocket was cold.


Deng Tianxin gave a light drink, and the white net pocket suddenly burst out with cold air, covering Wang Mengbin and freezing him. The white net pocket covered the frozen Wang Mengbin.

The azure mountain suddenly burst, turning into countless azure arrows, heading straight for Wang Mengbin.

With a loud bang, the ice layer shattered, and Wang Mengbin disappeared in a dazzling silver light.

"Not good, Thunder Escape Technique!"

Seeing this scene, Deng Tianxin's expression changed, and he exclaimed, that's how he lost last time.

The high-altitude thunderclouds rolled violently, and their bodies soared, covering most of the sky.

One after another dense silver lightning emerged like a tide, slashing at the three of Deng Tianxin.

The rumbling sound of thunder sounded, and the dense silver thunder light drowned the figures of the three of them, and strong air waves erupted.

The radius of a hundred miles was submerged in silver thunder, like a sea of ​​thunder.

Wang Mengbin sat cross-legged on top of the thundercloud, with countless silver arcs throbbing all over his body, his eyes were cold, like a ruler, looking down at all beings.

A azure light suddenly lit up above Wang Mengbin's head, and a small tower with azure light flashed out of nowhere.

As soon as the small cyan tower appeared, countless runes lit up on the surface, and its size skyrocketed. The word "Qingyun" could be clearly seen on the tower.

This is the Qingyun Pagoda, the treasure of the Qingyun Palace. It is trapped in the enemy's treasure. Once trapped by this treasure, it is difficult for the cultivators to escape.

The Qingyun Tower spewed out a blue glow, covering Wang Mengbin. Wang Mengbin shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye and headed towards the Qingyun Tower.

Wang Mengbin opened his mouth, and a purple-golden lightning flew out, shattering the cyan glow, and the lightning on his body rose sharply and disappeared.

The next moment Wang Mengbin appeared near the silver sea of ​​thunder.

A cold glow flashed in his eyes, and a burst of purple-gold lightning spewed out of his mouth, submerging into the silver sea of ​​thunder, and there was a painful scream from a man.

Hundreds of golden axe blades flew out from the silver sea of ​​thunder and instantly arrived in front of Wang Mengbin.

Countless silver arcs appeared on Wang Mengbin's body, and when he went up to him, the golden axe blades exploded one after another, and disappeared as little auras.

The void above Wang Mengbin's head fluctuated together, and the blue light flashed, and a small and exquisite blue round bowl suddenly appeared. The surface of the round bowl was engraved with some flame patterns. As soon as it appeared, the size of the bowl skyrocketed.

A thick cyan flame spewed out from the cyan round bowl, drowning Wang Mengbin's figure, and there was a faint scream.

A red light flew out from the sea of ​​thunder, and it was a huge red seal hundreds of feet high, hitting Wang Mengbin.

Wang Mengbin was hit by the giant red seal and flew out, spitting out a large mouthful of blood, and his whole body was covered in blue flames.

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