Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2065: Unknown space, golden horned beast

Spring and autumn come, and the year passes quickly.

A remote desert island, a hidden cave.

The stone wall was uneven, the runes flashed, and a strong wave of restraint was emitted.

Liu Wuya stood in the corner, looking at a blood-colored attic more than ten feet high not far away, his eyes were full of fear.

On the plaque of the Bloody Attic were three large golden characters of "Blood Knife Pavilion", which was obviously a magic weapon.

Liu Wuya took the two saints of blood evil to the Shenbing Palace, and the two saints of blood evil killed the Supreme Elder Lu Dao of the Shenbing Palace without any effort, and sacrificed the Heavenly Soul Treasure Blood Soul Cauldron to take away the divine soldiers. High-ranking monk in the palace.

Until now, Liu Wuya felt like he was dreaming that the Shenbing Palace, which had been in the South China Sea for tens of thousands of years, was destroyed like this?

After a while, Chen Tiandao's voice came from the attic: "Liu Xiaoyou, come in!"

Liu Wuya responded and strode towards the Blood Sword Tower.

Walking into the Blood Knife Tower, Liu Wuya saw Chen Tiandao and Yang Yaoyao sitting on the jade chairs, their auras were much stronger than before.

"Junior Liu Wuya, see Senior Chen and Senior Yang."

Liu Wuya bowed and saluted with a respectful expression.

Chen Tiandao flicked his wrist, and a beautiful red jade box flew out and landed in front of Liu Wuya.

"There are two auxiliary spiritual things in it, enough for you to hit the stage of spiritual transformation. Do things for us well, and we will not treat you badly."

Chen Tiandao said boldly, with a smile on his face.

True Monarch Blood Knife killed almost all the cultivators in the Binghai Realm and hundreds of Nascent Soul cultivators, and used the blood sacrifice method to cultivate. Only then did they enter the Divine Transformation stage. After they grew up, there were not many masters in the Binghai Realm. When I entered the Spirit Transformation stage, I just found two Spirit Transforming cultivators, and the two of them performed great supernatural blood sacrifices to the two Spirit Transforming cultivators.

If they want to advance to the late stage of God Transformation, they need to kill multiple God Transformation monks.

"Thank you for the reward, senior, there are many masters in the Wang family, and the junior is willing to lead the way for the two seniors."

Liu Wuya said respectfully.

"No need, the rise of the Wang family is too short, and there are not many resources to cultivate immortals. First, deal with other forces that have God Transformation monks in charge. When we enter the middle stage of transformation, we will go to the Wang family and Taiyi Xianmen."

Chen Tiandao instructed that he was afraid of Qinglian Immortal Companion, who knew that Qinglian Immortal Companion was still in Dongli Realm.

If you can't bear it, you will make a big mess. Anyway, they poured dirty water on Tianlanzong. Even if the cultivators in Dongli Realm knew that it was done by cultivators from other interfaces, so what? Unless a number of cultivators arrange a formation to deal with them, they are not afraid.

Liu Wuya was a little disappointed, even claiming yes and agreeing.

After half an hour, the three of them left the cave and turned into three rays of light and flew high into the sky.


Tianlan Realm, Tianyun Island.

There are a lot of snow cloud trees growing on Tianyun Island. From a distance, the whole Tianyun Island looks like a white cloud floating in the sky, hence the name.

Over Tianyun Island, a hole more than a hundred feet in size appeared in the sky, the hole was dark, not a harsh roar.

Hundreds of Tianlan Sect disciples performed their respective duties, forming formations and patrolling patrols.

A beautiful young woman in a golden skirt looked at the void in the sky with a solemn expression.

This space node leads to an unknown space, which contains a lot of heaven and earth treasures. Long Xin and others took a group of disciples to search for the treasure, and Wang Qingshan also followed.

An unknown space, a dense green forest that stretches for millions of miles, there is a huge golden thundercloud in the sky, lightning and thunder, and from time to time, thick golden lightning strikes down, landing on the towering trees, and the thunder and fire drown it. A towering tree, the fire spread quickly.

A large number of towering trees were broken in the middle, and there were hundreds of huge pits on the ground, and there was a black smoke in the pits.

Wang Qingshan stood in the sky out of thin air, his expression indifferent and his face slightly pale.

Nine blue glass swords surrounded a small golden giant beast. The beast's body was covered with golden scales. It looked like a unicorn. On the golden wings of more than ten feet, the whole body was dripping with blood, and the scales in many places fell off, and the flesh and blood were blurred.

This is a fifth-order monster beast with golden horns and a thunder-linn beast, proficient in thunder attribute Taoism.

Wang Qingshan helped Long Xin to break through a space node and found an unknown space with many treasures. Long Xin invited Wang Qingshan to go in for treasure hunting, and Wang Qingshan encountered a fifth-order monster.

As soon as Wang Qingshan's tactic was pinched, the nine azure glass swords let out an ear-piercing sound. The swords swayed slightly, and countless azure sword threads flew out, quickly woven into a huge azure mesh pocket, covering the golden horns. Lei Lin beast.

The golden-horned Leilin Beast let out a shrill roar, and countless golden electric arcs emerged from its body, hitting the blue net pocket, but it was useless, the golden net covered the golden-horned Lei Lin beast.


The golden-horned Leilin Beast let out an angry roar, and the thunder on its body rose sharply, and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Wang Qingshan snorted coldly, shook his right hand, and the green lotus sword flew out, flying around him uncertainly. At the same time, a dazzling blue light lit up under his feet. He was held high in the air.

The lotus leaves of the cyan lotus are crystal clear, and the lotus paths are covered with mysterious lines.

A dazzling golden thunder light suddenly lit up, and the Golden Flood Dragon Thunder Lin Beast suddenly appeared in front of Wang Qingshan, and countless golden arcs suddenly appeared on its surface, hitting Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan was not in a hurry, and opened his mouth to spurt the fire of Qinglian karma, which landed on the golden-horned Leilin beast, and the golden-horned Leilin beast let out a shrill scream.

When his sword technique changed, the light of the Qinglian sword soared, turning into a cyan long rainbow and slashing on the body of the golden-horned Leilin beast, and there was a muffled sound.

The cyan lotus flower under Wang Qingshan turned rapidly, and countless cyan sword qi swept out, smashing the incoming golden arc.

The golden-horned Leilin Beast let out a painful roar, and the surface of the body exploded again, disappearing from the spot.

It didn't take long for the Golden Horned Lei Lin Beast to appear more than a dozen miles away, the Qinglian Karmic Fire wrapped around its body, and there was a scorching aura from its body.

Qinglian karmic fire can burn all things in the world, but it is not something it can extinguish at all.

The Golden Horned Leilin Beast flew back, its huge body lay on the ground, lowered its head, and let out a low roar, expressing submission.

"If you don't, you won't have to suffer."

Wang Qingshan snorted softly, opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood essence, which turned into a blood-colored lotus flower, and disappeared into the body of the Golden Horned Lei Lin Beast.

If it was an ordinary fifth-order monster, he naturally had no intention of surrendering, but the golden-horned Lei Lin beast was a lightning-type monster with a lot of supernatural powers, so he was determined to surrender.

He planted more than a dozen prohibitions in one breath, took back the Qinglian Karmic Fire, and took the Golden Horned Thunder Lin Beast back to the Spirit Beast Bracelet.

Several escape lights flew from a distance, and it didn't take long before they landed in front of Wang Qingshan. It was Long Xin and the others.

"Fellow Daoist Long, have you got something?"

Wang Qingshan asked casually, this golden-horned Lei Lin beast guards a golden ginseng fruit tree. The golden ginseng fruit tree blooms for three thousand years, bears fruit for three thousand years, and matures in another three thousand years.

Several Tianlan Sect disciples were killed by the golden-horned thunder-lin Wang Qingshan cooperated with Long Xin and others to deal with the golden-horned thunder-lin beast, but according to the agreement, Wang Qingshan entangled the golden-horned thunder-lin beast, and the dragon Xin and others went to pick the golden ginseng fruit to avoid the aftermath of the fight from destroying the golden ginseng fruit tree.

"Successful, fellow Daoist Wang, where's the golden-horned thunder beast!"

Long Xin asked curiously, he originally planned to pick the golden ginseng fruit, and then kill the golden-horned Leilin beast with Wang Qingshan.

"It has been surrendered by me, and now it is my spirit beast."

Wang Qingshan said solemnly, there is a fifth-order spirit beast, and he is more confident.

A look of surprise flashed across Long Xin's eyes. He had seen the power of the Golden Horned Lei Lin Beast. Wang Qingshan actually subdued this beast, which was a great help.

He took out a golden jade box, threw it to Wang Qingshan, and said, "Friend Wang Dao, this is your share."

Wang Qingshan swept away his senses and confirmed that there was no problem. He took the jade box and opened it. There were two golden fruits inside, which looked like ginseng.

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