Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2066: Agreement and the attack on Wanjianmen

These two golden ginseng fruits can reach Wang Qingshan for more than a hundred years of ascetic cultivation, which is not bad.

Wang Qingshan thanked him and put away two golden ginseng fruits.

"There is no strong restriction here, it's not like a forbidden place, but an unknown secret realm."

Wang Qingshan frowned and said that what he was worried about was that Long Xin let him continue to break the interface, endless.

"This should be an unknown secret realm. I didn't expect that we accidentally found an unknown secret realm. Wang Daoyou, I also know a lot of space nodes, and maybe there are still discoveries. Let's work together to get treasures. Everyone has a share. how?"

Long Xin suggested, with a warm tone.

There are a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures here, especially the elixir of high years. He got seven golden ginseng fruits, plus other elixir of high years, enough for him to cultivate to the middle stage of spiritual transformation.

Wang Qingshan is a little moved. When he reaches the stage of spiritual transformation, it is particularly difficult to go further. If he finds a few unknown secret realms and obtains more than ten thousand years of spiritual fruit or ten thousand years of spiritual medicine, it will greatly speed up his cultivation speed. .

"When it comes to the Spirit Transformation Stage, it's not much use to meditate and cultivate for hundreds of years. If there are rare and extraordinary fruits, we can advance faster."

Long Xin's tone was full of temptation.

"I can cooperate with you, but I want five Jiuyanguo, you get dozens of them, it's no problem to divide me five!"

Wang Qingshan said in a deep voice, his distraction was attached to Shi Ling. Shi Ling had been hiding in the ground. He accidentally heard the conversation between the disciples of Tianlan Sect. There is a Jiuyan fruit tree here, and there are dozens of Jiuyan fruits, but With the guardian of the fifth-order monster, the god-turning monk of Tianlanzong went to kill this monster.

Jiuyanguo can help immortal cultivators to reach the stage of spiritual transformation. If the Wang family wants to train more spiritual cultivators, they need heaven and earth treasures such as Jiuyanguo. After all, the Wang family does not have a fifth-order alchemist.

Several lights flew from a distance, and it didn't take long for them to stop. There were two men and one woman. Their faces were slightly pale and full of smiles. It seemed that they had gained a lot.

"Brother Li, how is it, has Jiu Yanguo succeeded?"

Long Xin asked a tall green-robed old man, his eyes solemn.

The old man in green robe forgot to take a look at Wang Qingshan, but he stopped talking.

"It's okay, Fellow Daoist Wang is his own person, but it's okay to say it."

Long Xin waved his hand and said generously.

The old man in green robe nodded and said, "I got it, there are not many."

"Bring out seven Jiuyan Fruits to fellow Daoist Wang, and he will work with us to find the unknown secret realm."

Long Xin instructed that Jiuyanguo could assist the Nascent Soul cultivator to reach the God Transformation stage, which was not very useful to the God Transformation cultivator. For him, as long as Wang Qingshan was willing to help, it would be no problem to give Wang Qingshan half of the Jiuyanguo.

Wang Qingshan asked for five, he was generous and gave seven Jiuyanguo.

Long Xin doesn't care whether the cultivators can continue to appear in Tianlan Sect. He only cares about whether he can ascend to the spiritual world. As long as he can improve his cultivation and ascend to the spiritual world, everything is negotiable.

The old man in green robe nodded, his sleeves flicked, and seven exquisite jade boxes flew out and landed in front of Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan checked it carefully and confirmed that it was seven Nine-Yan Fruits, and nodded with satisfaction.

"I can continue to search for the unknown secret realm with you, but I will not continue to help you find it. After three years, whether I can find the unknown secret realm or not, I will leave."

Wang Qingshan said solemnly, if he can't find the unknown secret realm, he can't always follow Long Xin around.

"Three years? It's too little. It will take a lot of time just to travel. It's almost ten years. I'll give you ten Jiuyanguo."

Long Xin bargained and said that three years is too short.

Wang Qingshan shook his head and said, "Up to five years."

After a period of haggling, Long Xin gave Wang Qingshan 15 nine-flavored fruits and a batch of high-year elixir. Wang Qingshan would follow Long Xin and others for ten years to find unknown secret realms or other interfaces.

With fifteen Nine-Yan Fruits, how could a cultivator of the Wang family have another Spirit Transformation cultivator.

"Let's go! Let's rush to the next location."

Long Xin said excitedly.

They flew high into the sky and left this unknown space.

The Tianlan Sect cultivator will slowly search for the immortal cultivation resources inside, and Long Xin doesn't need to worry about the rest.

"There are several space nodes in the Voidling Mountains, and the seal is too strong to be broken. I don't know what is behind the space nodes. Let's go to the Voidling Mountains and take a look."

Long Xin said in a deep voice, turned into a golden light, and flew towards the sky, Wang Qingshan and others quickly followed.


Dongli Realm, Wanjianmen.

A large number of buildings collapsed, the fire blazed into the sky, countless corpses lay on the ground, there was a huge cloud of blood in the sky, and there was a faint scream of Devil May Cry.

A large number of flying swords were scattered on the ground, and the aura was dim.

A tall blue-skirted girl stood in the void, her face bloodless, holding a blue flying sword with dim aura in her hand. Judging from its aura, it was the initial stage of divine transformation.

Liu Ruyi's body was destroyed. Fortunately, Wang Changsheng rescued her Nascent Soul. After returning to Dongli Realm, Wang Changsheng returned Liu Ruyi's Nascent Soul to Wanjianmen.

Liu Ruyi seized a body and started to practice again. It took hundreds of years to finally restore the cultivation level in the early days of God Transformation, and a powerful enemy came to her door.

"Who are you? There is no such person as you in the Dongli world."

Liu Ruyi asked with a cold face, her eyes full of doubts.

There are not many blood dao exercises in the Dongli world. When did two blood cultivators in the early stage of **** transformation appear?

"Tian Lanzong Chen Tiandao, today is the day your Wanjianmen will destroy the sect."

Chen Tiandao said coldly, the blood-colored long knife in his hand slashed towards the void, and there was a harsh sound of breaking the air from the void, and a dazzling blood-colored giant blade swept out and went straight to Liu Ruyi.

Yang Yaoyao's sleeves twitched, the blood cloud in the sky rolled violently, and a large blood-colored flame poured down, hitting Liu Ruyi.

Liu Ruyi's eyes flashed fiercely, and she threw the blue flying sword forward.

Man and sword unite!

The blue flying sword turned into a dazzling blue and struck towards the blood-colored giant blade.


With a muffled sound, the blood-colored giant blade was like thin paper, cut in half by the blue Changhong, and the blue Changhong went straight to the two of Chen Tiandao.

Chen Tiandao and Yang Yaoyao let out a cold snort, the blood on their bodies shone brightly, and the blue Changhong suddenly changed direction and flew towards the distant sky.

"Hmph, I want to run, but there is no way."

Yang Yaoyao was about to block, but was stopped by Chen Tiandao.

"It's not easy for a sword cultivator in the transformation stage, let's forget it, the dog will jump over the wall if he is in a hurry, let's change the target!"

Chen Tiandao said sternly.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, the blood cloud rolled violently, grew rapidly, and fell quickly. The dazzling blood light drowned the entire island.

Half a month later, the news of the Tianlan Sect's cultivator's attack on Wanjianmen quickly spread in the Nanhai Xiu Xianjie. After the news spread, people panicked.

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