Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2067: The blood evil double saints come to the door, the Wang family rejects the enemy

Spring and autumn come, and ten years have passed quickly.

In the Thousand Gourd Realm, somewhere in the vast plain, there is a door of light more than one hundred zhang in the sky.

Wang Qingqing and other thousands of cultivators gathered here. Their expressions were excited, and Wang Qingshan was ready to take them back to Dongli Realm.

Long Xin was talking to Wang Qingshan with a smile on his face.

Thanks to Wang Qingshan's help, they discovered another unknown secret realm in the past ten years, and obtained a thousand-year-old elixir and a batch of high-year elixir.

He originally wanted to keep Wang Qingshan and continue to search for the unknown secret realm, but was rejected by Wang Qingshan. He is now returning to his heart like an arrow, and it will not be too late to find the secret realm with Long Xin after he settles down his clan.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, go early and return early, I will wait for you at the main altar of Tianlanzong."

Long Xin's tone was warm, and he discovered two unknown secret realms. He obtained a lot of elixir of three or four thousand years, and even got a thousand-year elixir. Must not be.

"When I settle down the clan, I will definitely go to Fellow Daoist Long."

Wang Qingshan said sternly, he cooperated with Long Xin to find the unknown secret realm, and he also got a lot of good things, which was beneficial to his cultivation. They have not returned to Dongli Realm for many years, and they do not know the situation of the family.

He waved his sleeves and shouted in a deep voice: "The disciples of the Wang family obey the order and go home with me."

Wang Qingqing and the others responded with a sound, turned into a flash of light, and flew towards the high-altitude gate of light.

After a quarter of an hour, Wang Qingshan turned into a cyan escaping light and flew towards the gate of light.

He felt a flower in front of him suddenly appear in the sky above a continuous black mountain range. The fire spirit here is abundant, obviously it is the northern border.

"Northern Xinjiang Xiu Xianjie, I haven't been back for many years, I don't know what happened to the family."

Wang Yingjie sighed that it is impossible to say that he has been away from home for many years.

Hundreds of years have passed, and most of his peers are sitting down!

"Our family has some strongholds in northern Xinjiang, let's inquire about the family's situation with them first!"

Wang Qingqing suggested.

Wang Qingshan nodded and took the clan to fly high into the sky at a very fast speed.


South China Sea, Qinglian Island.

In the conference hall, Wang Qingling sat on the main seat with a solemn expression.

Wang Mengfen and other more than 20 elders were sitting on both sides, and their faces were serious.

In the past ten years, five powers with god-turning cultivators have been ambushed one after another. Except for Liu Ruyi's desperate fight to break out of the siege, the other four forces have been wiped out, and their nests have been levelled.

"Shenbing Palace, Wanjianmen, Dayan Dynasty, Donghuang Yaozu, and Shangqingguan were successively attacked by the so-called Tianlan Sect cultivators. Except for Wanjianmen's senior Liu who broke through the siege, all other forces were wiped out. "

Wang Qingling frowned and said with a heavy tone.

At present, there are two cultivators who burn, kill, loot and loot. They are ruthless, and they specifically pick the forces that have cultivators in charge. Except for Liu Ruyi, the nests of the other four forces have been wiped out.

The people of Dongli Realm are in a panic, and the major forces can only strengthen their vigilance. The Wang family's clan protection formation has been in operation for ten years.

"Meng Fen, what are the attitudes of Senior Sun and Senior Gongsun of Myriad Beast Island? If they don't stand up, we will only be defeated by others."

Wang Qingling looked at Wang Mengfen and asked with a frown.

"I just met Daoyou Sun, the head of the Myriad Beast Island, but I couldn't see the two seniors. Daoyou Sun said that he had already sent someone to contact other cultivators, and let us strengthen our vigilance."

Wang Mengfen smiled bitterly and sighed.

This time, unlike the last time, the enemy this time is stronger, has no scruples, and is not afraid of revenge at all.

Wang Qingling frowned, just as he was about to say something, the whole hall shook violently, and the alarm sounded loudly.

"Not good, enemy attack, enemy attack."

Wang Mengfen was shocked and exclaimed.

"Don't panic, Meng Fen, you go and see what's going on, Uncle Changjie, you protect the formation, others cooperate with Meng Fen, even if a strong enemy strikes, you can't be in a mess, I'll come when I go. "

Wang Qingling was calm, and before Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan left the family, they left a back-up, which came in handy.

Wang Mengfen and others agreed one after another, and went to work separately.

A light blue water curtain covered the entire Qinglian Island, and a huge blood cloud floated high in the sky. Chen Tiandao, Yang Yaoyao and Liu Wuya stood on the blood cloud with different expressions.

Liu Wuya looked at Qinglian Island below with hatred in his eyes. After hundreds of years, he could finally avenge the Taoist companion.

According to his personal opinion, he should find a way to sneak into the Wang family and start killing, but Chen Tiandao rejected it. The reason is very simple. Qinglian Xianlu's supernatural powers are not weak, and they dare not sneak into Qinglian Island. , how to use the array to kill them?

They attacked from the front, but they were still able to escape. They killed a number of cultivators in succession. Even so, they were still more cautious.

Liu Wuya didn't dare to object, fortunately, the two saints of blood evil never missed. Five forces have been destroyed. Liu Ruyi escaped, but the middle and high-level casualties were all killed and injured, and it was very difficult to restore vitality.

More than a dozen escaping lights flew high into the sky, led by Wang Mengfen.

Wang Mengfen was taken aback when he saw the two saints of blood and evil. According to the survivor's confession, the murderers were two men and one woman, and they were exactly the same.

"Junior Wang Mengfen, what do you two mean?"

Wang Mengfen said with a serious face.

"You don't have the right to speak here, let Qinglian Immortal Companion come out, but let's see what magical powers Qinglian Immortal Companion has."

Chen Tiandao said coldly.

Wang Mengfen's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly explained, "The ancestors are practicing in seclusion, so it's inconvenient..."

Before he could finish his words, two piercing knives rang out, and two blood-colored giant blades cut through the sky, like two blood-colored rivers, heading straight for them.

"No, go back to the formation."

Wang Mengfen's complexion changed his sleeves flicked, and a huge bone dragon flew out, with mysterious spiritual patterns all over his body, it was a puppet beast.

This is the treasure of the Wang family—the fourth-order high-grade puppet beast, refined from the bones of a fourth-order flood dragon.

Two blood-colored rivers hit the bone Jiao, and there were two muffled sounds of "keng keng". There were two tiny cracks on the surface of the bone Jiao, and the Tongtian Lingbao's strike was extraordinary.

Taking this opportunity, the other clansmen fled back to the great formation of protecting the clan.

An ear-piercing sound of breaking the air sounded, and a blood-colored rainbow shot out. It was a short knife with **** light, the blood demon blade, the treasure of the Shenbing Palace, the immortal cultivator who was killed by the blood demon blade. The more, the greater the power.

Wang Mengfen's combat power is not strong, and it is impossible for him to block the attack of Tongtian Lingbao.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, Gu Jiao hurriedly greeted him.

The Bone Flood Dragon was smashed by the Gorefiend Blade like a piece of paper. The Gorefiend Blade killed many high-ranking monks, and its power increased a lot.

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