Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2072: Harvest 2 Tongtian Lingbao, appease Tai 1 Immortal Sect disciple, Qing…

"We didn't expect that they would kill Taiyi Immortal Sect. Unfortunately, we came a step too late, otherwise Fellow Daoist Meng would not have died."

Master Jin Sang sighed with regret.

On the way, they learned that the Wang family had been attacked, and speculated that the murderer might commit the crime again. In Donghuang, there was only Meng Tianzheng, a humanoid deity. They naturally went to Taiyi Xianmen, but they came a step late.

Wang Qingshan sighed and said, "By the way, Master Jin Sang, why are you injured?"

"The demon girl's magical powers are not weak, and she broke her arm. Unfortunately, their temperament is too strong, and they failed to capture their Nascent Soul. By the way, Wang Daoyou, how do you know that they are from the Ice Sea Realm?"

Master Jin Sang said sternly, he was worried that the other party still had accomplices, then it would be a big problem.

Wang Qingshan told the story again, and he was also worried about having accomplices.

They checked the storage rings of Chen Tiandao and Yang Yaoyao, and learned a lot about the Ice Sea Realm from the pile of jade slips, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

These two are indeed blood demons. True Monarch Blood Saber slaughtered all the high-level monks in the Ice Sea Realm, sacrificed hundreds of millions of mortals with blood, and took away all the heavenly treasures, leaving nothing behind.

The Blood Demon Sages finally entered the Divine Transformation Stage. They sacrificed hundreds of thousands of cultivators to refine the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasures. The high-level cultivators in the Ice Sea Realm were slaughtered, and even their sects and disciples were not spared.

There are several heaven-reaching spiritual treasures in the hands of the Blood Demon Shuangsheng. After they died in battle, the treasures naturally fell into the hands of Master Jin Sang.

"The blood demon blade and the two blood knives belong to us, we will destroy these three treasures, and we must not let these three treasures bring disaster to the world."

Master Jin Sang said sternly that he planned to arrange a large formation to destroy these three blood treasures. If they were to go out, I don't know how many people would die in the world of immortals, and the world of ice sea is an example.

Wang Qingshan nodded and said sternly: "If the two masters hadn't arrived in time, I wouldn't be able to deal with them. I just need two heavenly-reaching spiritual treasures, and the other two heavenly-reaching spiritual treasures should belong to the two masters!"

He wants Sihai Town Demon Seal and Qingsang Shield, two heaven-penetrating treasures for one attack and one defense.

Master Jin Sang and Qijue Sword Emperor did not object. They got five heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures, and they took advantage of it.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, Qinglian Immortal Companion is still in the lower realm?"

Master Jin Sang asked about the business. In fact, he had already guessed that Qinglian Immortal Companion was not in the lower realm, otherwise the Wang family would not have to escape Qinglian Island into the bottom of the sea.

"I don't know. I just came back. I have been in the Thousand Gourd Realm before. It's a long story."

Wang Qingshan shook his head and said, he really didn't know it, but he also felt that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were no longer in the lower realm. You must know that Wang Changsheng left the Heaven-shattering Spirit Blade, which has already explained the problem.

After hearing this, Master Jin Sang understood that Qinglian Immortal Companion was definitely not in the lower realm.

"Maybe there are evil demons and outsiders making trouble, we won't stay in the East Desert any more, we have to contact other Taoist friends to search for other evil demons and outsiders."

After Master Jin Sang said this, he left with Qijue Sword Emperor.

At this time, Xiaoyao Jianzun, Zhang Zhanfeng and others caught up.

"Qingshan, the enemy has been resolved?"

Sword Master Xiaoyao asked, his eyes full of anticipation.

"The three of us joined forces and have already solved them. It is not ruled out that there are accomplices. Let's go back first!"

Wang Qingshan said solemnly, he is so anxious now that he can't wait to rush back to Qinglian Island immediately, but he owes too much to Taiyi Xianmen, Meng Tianzheng just died, he can't leave immediately.

The group returned to the Taiyi Immortal Sect. The disciples of the Taiyi Immortal Sect were gathering their bodies. Their expressions were different, fearful, angry, and nervous. Even Meng Tianzheng was killed in the battle, so they were not guaranteed to be next.

"I have already executed the enemy that I committed in the future to avenge Senior Brother Meng."

Wang Qingshan said in a deep voice, and the voice spread throughout Taiyi Xianmen.

"The thief is dead, don't worry about it."

Xiaoyao Jianzun opened his mouth to comfort him.

After hearing this, the disciples of Taiyi Immortal Sect breathed a sigh of relief.

When they came to the council hall, more than 20 elders had been waiting for a long time.

"I have seen Senior Wang."

All the elders stood up one after another, said in unison, and looked respectful.

"Masters, uncles and uncles are polite. I, Wang Qingshan, will always be the named disciple of Taiyi Immortal Sect. This will never change. You don't have to call me by my predecessors. Without Taiyi Immortal Sect, I would not be where I am today."

Wang Qingshan said sincerely, drinking water did not forget the well digger, Taiyi Immortal Sect gave him a lot of help, he would not put on airs just because he was in the God Transformation stage.

"Junior nephew Wang, according to their seniority, they are all your juniors, you just need to call them nephew."

Zhang Zhanfeng introduced that he had considered this for a long time, except for him and Xiaoyao Jianzun, the elders who were higher than Wang Qingshan did not come, just to avoid the problem of addressing.

"Qingshan, you are welcome, sit down in the main seat!"

Sword Master Xiaoyao greeted Wang Qingshan to sit down, Wang Qingshan answered and sat down in the main seat.

"Sect Master, the enemy is from the Blood Sword Sect of the Ice Sea Realm. There are currently two cultivators known to transform the gods. You can send someone to spread the news and let the major forces strengthen their vigilance! In addition increase Send people to find the whereabouts of Qinglian Island."

Wang Qingshan said politely.

Zhang Zhanfeng agreed and began to give orders. All the elders took the orders and went away in good order. Because Wang Qingshan and the three arrived in time, the loss of Taiyi Immortal Sect was not particularly large. It took a little more time to recover.

"Qingshan, we will send someone to look for Qinglian Island. You can stay in Taiyi Immortal Sect for a while, and you can't be without you now."

Xiaoyao Jianzun said solemnly.

"Okay, master, no problem."

Wang Qingshan agreed, the two saints of blood and evil have been destroyed, and Qinglian Island has escaped into the bottom of the sea. The family has no problem for the time being. Relying on the power of Taiyi Xianmen, we will find the location of Qinglian Island first.


South China Sea, somewhere under the sea.

Qinglian Island, the council hall.

Wang Qingling was exhorting, Wang Mengfen and other people's faces were solemn.

"I'm going to retreat to the stage of spiritual transformation. Before I leave the customs, no matter what happens, no one is allowed to leave Qinglian Island, nor can Qinglian Island be moved back to the sea. The family has been away from the world for a hundred years."

Wang Qingling said in a deep voice, with a serious expression.

"Yes, my ancestor."

The monks agreed in unison, looking respectful.

Wang Qingling exhorted a few words and returned to the residence.

Bingfeng Jiao was lying on the lake, and seeing Wang Qingling, Bingfeng Jiao let out a loud roar.

"Xiao Bai, I'm going to retreat to the Immortal Transformation Stage. You stay outside and don't allow anyone to disturb my cultivation."

Wang Qingling ordered.

Bingfeng Jiao seemed to understand Wang Qingling's words, nodded and lay on the ground.

Walking into the practice room, Wang Qingling sat cross-legged on the futon with a solemn expression.

She took a deep breath and started to practice.

Soon, a dazzling aura emerged from her body surface, covering her whole body.

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