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Chapter 2073: Heiluo Realm, Heijiao Lake, Flying Butterfly Valley

In the Heiluo Realm, the Falling Devil Cave is one of the most dangerous places in the Heiluo Realm. It is also an ancient battlefield. There are many powerful restrictions, and there are many rare treasures in the world. Heavenly Magic Treasure.

Every few hundred years, the prohibition of the Falling Devil Cave will usher in a period of weakness. At this time, a large number of demons will enter the Devil Falling Cave to hunt for treasures.

The Falling Devil Cave is a dangerous place and a treasure, with opportunities and crises coexisting.

In the depths of the Falling Devil Cave, a long and narrow valley could be heard from time to time with bursts of huge explosions, and a thick black fog filled the sky above the valley, which lingered for a long time.

Inside the valley, Ye Haitang and Fang Mu were controlling a formation to besiege a giant golden python. The python was more than a hundred feet long, with a huge fleshy crown on its head. A golden flame.

Behind the giant python, there is a water pool more than a thousand feet in size, and a black lotus flower floats on the water surface. The black lotus flower has three petals.

The three-leaf Youlian has grown a petal in a thousand years. This three-leaf Youlian has grown for three thousand years. The lotus seeds of the three-leaf Youlian can assist the demons in the Nascent Soul Stage to impact the Spiritual Transformation Stage.

A thick azure light curtain covered the golden python, and the blue winds swept in, hitting the golden python one after another.

Fang Mu and Ye Haitang's tactic changed, and the array plate in their hands suddenly burst into a dazzling blue light.

Inside the cyan light curtain, the void vibrated and distorted, and countless cyan lights emerged. After a blur, it turned into a blue sky-high giant blade and slashed head-on.

The golden giant python was about to avoid it, and a little blue light emerged from the nearby void, turning into big blue hands, holding down the golden giant python.

The giant blade that lifted the sky fell from the sky and slashed accurately on the head of the golden python.

With a muffled sound, the head of the golden giant python was slashed, and a mini python flew out of the body, which was its spirit.

Ye Haitang removed the formation, flicked her wrist, and a black light flew out from the spirit beast bead. It was a black python with black scales all over its body and a pair of black fleshy wings on its back.

This is Jiuyou Python. Jiuyou Python loves ghosts and ghosts. It can release Soul Eater, Forbidden Light, to hurt enemies, and specifically to hurt the spirits of immortal practitioners. There are many ghosts in Luojie, and after Jiuyou Python devoured a large number of ghosts, it successfully advanced to the fourth rank.

The nine secluded python spewed out a black glow, covering the mini python, dragging it into the nine secluded python's mouth and disappearing.

Fang Mu strode towards the water pool, and sacrificed a black jade bottle the size of a palm.

"With this item, we can hit the Spirit Transformation Stage, but only one kind of spiritual item may not be enough. Let's go to other places to look for it, maybe we can find other spiritual items."

Fang Mu said excitedly.

"The Falling Devil Cave is one of the most dangerous places in the Heiluo world. It's very good that we can get Sanye Youlian. Let's get out of here immediately! You must know how to be content, and greed will kill people."

Ye Haitang said calmly, she and Fang Mu were not at the Nascent Soul Stage, and there were many powerful restrictions in the Falling Devil Cave. If these restrictions were touched, they might not be able to survive.

"Fairy Ye is proficient in formation, let's be careful, it should be fine!"

Fang Mu said hesitantly that he still had more than 200 years of his lifespan left, and if he did not enter the Divine Transformation stage, he could only sit and transform.

Ye Haitang frowned and said, "Fang Daoyou, I know what you mean, but don't be too greedy, we can go to other places to find spiritual objects that can assist the impact of the gods..."

Before she could finish her words, a huge explosion sounded.

The two frowned and looked towards the source of the sound.

A green light flew towards them quickly, and behind the green light, there were three escape lights.

It didn't take long for them to see the true face of the green light. It was a young woman in a green dress with a hot body, with snow-white skin, picturesque features, and a dozen colorful butterfly patterns on her sleeves. Valley

The young woman in the green skirt has the cultivation of the middle Nascent Soul, her left arm is missing, and her face is pale.

San Dao Dunguang was impressively composed of three Nascent Soul cultivators, two men and one woman. The highest cultivation base was an old man in a golden robe with a somewhat hunchback. The Nascent Soul was complete, and there was a pattern of black dragons on their sleeves.

"My concubine is Mu Dieyi, the deputy valley owner of Flying Butterfly Valley. I also hope that the two fellow Taoists will help. My concubine must be very grateful."

The young woman in the green dress said in a panic, if no one came to help, she would definitely die.

Ye Haitang and Fang Mu didn't intend to meddle in their own business, and it had nothing to do with them.

"Old man Heijiaotan Zhao Longfei, this is a matter between us and Feidiegu, and I hope the two fellow Taoists don't mind their own business."

The golden-robed old man said solemnly, with a serious expression, the two Nascent Soul Great Perfection monks should not be underestimated.

Seeing the expressions of Ye Haitang and Fang Mu, Mu Dieyi bit her red lips lightly, her sleeves flicked, and two red jade boxes flew out towards Ye Haitang and Fang Mu.

"These are two Heavenly Devil Fruits, which contain pure magic energy. Even if they are taken alive, they can help the two fellow Daoists to reach the stage of spiritual transformation. If they are refined into medicinal pills, the effect will be even better."

Mu Dieyi explained in a weak tone.

Ye Haitang squinted her eyes. If it were other things, she might not care. The elixir that assists the impact of the Spirit Transformation Stage is another matter.

"Mrs. Mu, are you an alchemist?"

Fang Mu asked, with a look of anticipation on his face.

"Exactly, the concubine entered the Devil Falling Cave this time to find the Heavenly Devil Fruit."

Mu Dieyi nodded.

Ye Haitang opened two jade boxes, each of which contained an oval-shaped black fruit, exuding a peculiar fragrance, with some pale silver lines on the surface.

"The Devil Fruit!"

Fang Mu's eyes became hot.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Longfei's face became ugly. They competed with Mu Dieyi for the Heavenly Devil Fruit, but Mu Dieyi took the lead.

"Two fellow Daoists, you can accept the Heavenly Devil Fruit, but Madam Mu handed it over to us. Our well water will not cause river water, so there is no need to go to our Black Flood Lake for the sake of two Spirit Fruits."

Zhao Longfei said meaningfully.

"Two daoists, there are cultivators in Heijiaotan, if you sit back and watch, maybe one day they will come to the door, they killed my daoist, if the two daoists can avenge my husband's revenge for me , I can help you refine the Heavenly Demon Pill."

Mu Dieyi's tone was sincere.

Fang Mu frowned. If he killed Zhao Longfei and the three, he would offend Heijiaotan, and it would be unwise to provoke the forces backed by the cultivators. dilemma.

"Do it, the dead will not speak."

Ye Haitang is very decisive, eating people with short mouths and soft hands. There is no such thing as the best of both worlds. Everything has advantages and disadvantages. They are not monks in the Hei Luo world.

As long as the three of Zhao Longfei were killed, naturally no one would take revenge.

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