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Chapter 2080: Stubborn Wang Qingfeng, Qingcheng begs for marriage

The three female monks belonged to the Ascension faction, and their personalities, backgrounds, and aptitudes were all good.

Marrying anyone would be of great help to Wang Qingcheng.

Wang Changsheng nodded and asked, "I've been in seclusion all these years, and I don't know the situation of the three of them. Madam, please talk about it."

"Senior Brother Sun's great-great-granddaughter, Sun Yuejiao, is quite good. It's in the early stage of Nascent Soul. She is about the same age as Qingcheng. She is gentle, virtuous, and generous.

Wang Ruyan said with a smile, she has been walking around with the same door stationed in Xuanyue Mountain in recent years, secretly looking for a daughter-in-law candidate.

Sun Yuejiao's great-grandfather, Sun Yang, was a spiritual cultivator. There were hundreds of clansmen in the Sun family, all of whom were disciples of Zhenhai Palace.

Wang Changsheng nodded, he seemed to sense something, turned his head to look outside, and Wang Qingfeng walked in.

Wang Qingfeng's clothes were stained with brown blood, and he was carrying a treasured sword. He exuded a faint evil spirit.

"Father, mother, brother, I'm back."

Wang Qingfeng smiled and greeted them.

"Qingfeng, you're not too young, it's time to start a family, look at these classmates, who do you like?"

Wang Changsheng handed the portrait to Wang Qingfeng, Wang Qingfeng glanced at it and shook his head: "Dad, I don't like it either."

"Their characters, backgrounds, and qualifications are all good. You can try to get in touch with them more. My mother and I also had a lot of contact at the beginning. When I found out that the other party was good, we got married."

Wang Changsheng persuaded that he didn't really urge Wang Qingfeng to get married, but wanted to see if Wang Qingfeng's personality had changed.

"I've been in contact with them, and I don't have any feelings for them. It's okay to be a classmate, but not a Taoist companion."

Wang Qingfeng insisted on his own opinion and did not intend to change his mind at all.

Wang Changsheng shook his head and sighed lightly. After so many years, Wang Qingfeng was still so straight, he said something, not even a single euphemism.

"Father, my brother doesn't think about the personal feelings of his children for the time being, just let him concentrate on his cultivation! Maybe after a while, he will catch up with me."

Wang Qingcheng thought that Wang Changsheng was going to blame Wang Qingfeng, and quickly spoke for Wang Qingfeng.

"Brother, this has nothing to do with cultivation. I really don't have feelings for them. If I don't feel it, I don't feel it. If I don't like it, I don't like it."

Wang Qingfeng said seriously, in his opinion, if he likes it, he doesn't like it, and he can't do it if he wants to say something against his heart.

"Okay, you all go back to rest!"

Wang Changsheng waved his hand and told them to retreat.

Wang Qingcheng and Wang Qingfeng responded and turned to leave.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan looked at each other, they smiled bitterly and shook their heads at each other.

Not only has Wang Qingfeng not changed, but his character has become more stubborn, and things that he believes will not change.

"Ma'am, it's been three hundred years."

Wang Changsheng said softly, his face full of worry.

Calculate the time, if Qingqing does not enter the spirit transformation stage, he should be sitting.

"Yeah! It's been three hundred years. I don't know if Qingqing has entered the God Transformation stage, and there are Qingshan, Qingling, and Haitang."

Wang Ruyan sighed, his eyes full of worry.

"If Qingshan gets out of trouble, it will be no problem to enter the spirit transformation stage, and it will be difficult for others to say."

Wang Changsheng shook his head and said, it does not mean that if there are spiritual things, you can cultivate a spiritual cultivator, otherwise the major sects in the Dongli world would have cultivated many spiritual transformations long ago.

Under the same conditions, Wang Changsheng was more optimistic about Wang Qingshan, and it was difficult for other clansmen to say.

"I hope they can advance to the God Transformation Stage! I think Junior Nephew Sun is quite good, husband, what do you think!"

Wang Ruyan changed the subject.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Just do what you want! Let Qingcheng get married first. Qingfeng's personality is too straight, so I won't force him. I hope he will meet someone he likes soon."

"Okay, let's visit Senior Brother Sun tomorrow and propose marriage to Senior Brother Sun."

Wang Ruyan suggested that Sun Yang should not refuse.

Early the next morning, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan brought Wang Qingcheng to the entrance of a manor halfway up the mountain, and Wang Ruyan sent a sound transmission.

It didn't take long for the courtyard door to open, and a girl in a silver skirt with fine features and fair skin came out.

The girl in the silver skirt was tall and slender, with three thousand blue silk randomly scattered on Xiang's shoulders, her eyes were bright, it was Sun Yuejiao.

"The disciple has seen Master Wang and Master Wang, and the great-grandfather invited you in."

The girl in the silver skirt bowed her body and said enthusiastically.

Wang Changsheng nodded and followed Sun Yuejiao in.

After passing through several independent courtyards, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan came to a courtyard with many fire sun bamboos. A tall and thin old man with a ruddy face was sitting in a red bamboo pavilion. The tall and thin old man was wearing a red Taoist robe. It was Sun Yang with bright eyes.

"Junior Brother Wang, Junior Sister Wang, please take a seat."

Sun Yang greeted Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan to sit down with a warm tone.

Sun Yang liked Sun Yuejiao the most, and hoped to find a good Taoist companion for her. At first, Sun Yang didn't know the origins of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and looked down on Wang Qingcheng.

By chance, he learned that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were cultivators who had ascended from the lower was summoned many times by Chen Yueying, and Sun Yang's attitude was much better. He secretly observed Wang Qingcheng and Wang Qingfeng, and he especially liked Wang Qingcheng.

Sun Yuejiao took out the tea leaves and tea set to make tea, and it didn't take long for a pot of fragrant spirit tea to be brewed.

"Master Wang and Master Wang, please use tea. This is the golden robe cultivated by Gaozu's father."

Sun Yuejiao poured tea for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan with a warm tone.

The tea is golden, and there is a special fragrance at the entrance. The tea is poured into the stomach, and the whole body is warm, as if bathing in the sun.

After a few cups of tea, Wang Changsheng talked about the business: "Senior Brother Sun, Qingcheng likes Senior Nephew Sun very much, and wants to marry Senior Nephew Sun as a Taoist companion. We both have a cheeky belt and he came to ask for relatives, I don't know what Senior Brother Sun thinks. ?"

Wang Qingcheng took a step forward, bowed and said, "Master Sun, please."

Hearing this, Sun Yuejiao's cheeks flushed, like a ripe red apple.

Sun Yang laughed, stroked his beard lightly, and said, "This old man has observed Qingcheng, this child is not bad, Yuejiao, what do you think!"

Sun Yuejiao lowered her head and said softly, "It's all up to Grandfather."

"Okay, this marriage, the old man has agreed, Qingcheng, you have to treat Yuejiao well in the future, otherwise the old man will never spare you."

Sun Yang said solemnly.

"Senior Brother Sun, rest assured, Qingcheng will treat Junior Nephew Sun well. If he dares to treat Senior Nephew Sun badly, I will be the first to forgive him."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile.

"Yes! Senior Brother Sun, don't worry, I will support Senior Nephew Sun."

Wang Ruyan smiled.

They talked in detail, and agreed to hold the wedding a month later. The wedding would be organized in Xuanyue Mountain, and all the members of the same family were invited to attend. As for whether the members of the local faction would come, that was another matter.

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