Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2081: The news of Xuanling Cave, the wedding in Qingcheng

A certain mountain range that stretches for millions of miles is desolate and the vegetation is sparse.

A gigantic thundercloud floated high in the sky, accompanied by a deafening roar, and dazzling thick lightning fell from the sky, smashing into a small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides.

A thick yellow mist hung over the valley, and the situation inside could not be seen.

Chen Yueying and Yang Qinglong stood on the top of a steep giant peak. They looked at the thundercloud in the distance, and there was a bit of fear in their eyes.


With the sound of huge thunder, one after another thick lightning fell from the sky and slashed into the valley. Thousands of miles around were shrouded in dazzling thunder, the wind was raging, and countless earth and rocks were swept into the sky by the wind.

After a while, the thunder cloud dissipated, the lightning disappeared, and the area was razed to the ground for hundreds of miles.

Chen Yueying frowned, and took out a pale yellow jade plaque from her arms, with the words "Gan Lei" written on it, and the aura flashed continuously.

With a muffled sound of "click", the yellow jade plaque was suddenly torn apart.

"Brother Gan died under the great catastrophe."

Chen Yueying sighed, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Gan Lei was a little older than her, and had been practicing Taoism for more than 20,000 years.

The higher the cultivation level, the longer the time for the great catastrophe to come, but the greater the power. It is precisely because of the existence of the great catastrophe that the monks must practice diligently. If they fail to break through, they will die under the great catastrophe sooner or later.

Yang Qinglong sighed and said, "Senior Brother Gan has a pair of high-grade Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasures, and he can't stop the great catastrophe. This is the fourth great catastrophe that he has entered the fusion period! Let's do more. get ready."

Chen Yueying nodded and said: "Count the time, Xuanling Cave is about to open, if we can get those few things, we have a better chance of surviving the catastrophe."

After Xuanling Tianzun entered the Mahayana period, he accidentally discovered a small world with rich resources for immortal cultivation. He used his great supernatural powers to transform the small world and used it to hone the monks of the human race. It was named Xuanling Cave Heaven.

If you want to enter this small world, you must have a specific key, and you need to be a cultivator to cast a spell to send the cultivator in. Zhenhai Palace, as the top human race in the Xuanling Continent, naturally has a key.

"The last time Xuanling Cave was opened, a lot of aliens got in. It is estimated that they also got some keys. The casualties last time were too great, so we need to send more people."

Yang Qinglong said slowly, he remembered something, and said, "Speaking of which, Brother Lin's great catastrophe is not far away! I wonder if he is ready to deal with the great catastrophe."

"He has already left the main altar, and he doesn't know where to go. It is estimated that he is going to find treasures elsewhere to survive the calamity. If he continues to stay in the Xuanling Continent, he will most likely die under the great catastrophe like Senior Brother Gan, and wait for me to pass the great calamity. Heavenly robbery, I am also ready to go out to travel, if you don't advance, you will retreat."

Chen Yueying said slowly, her voice was heavy, she changed her tone, and said: "Xuanling Cave is finally opened once, absolutely not to be missed, select elites from the monks in the spiritual transformation period, let them go into Xuanling Cave to hunt for treasures, the keys in the hands of aliens Not much, it won't make the climate, don't worry."

"I think of the two of them, but they are good candidates, but I don't know if Senior Sister Chen is willing to let them go."

Yang Qinglong said with a smile.

"You mean Junior Nephew Wang and Junior Nephew Wang! The two of them are quite good. Last time there were too many casualties and they couldn't get what we wanted. We can send them in this time. I hope they will live up to their expectations. If you get something back, they will benefit from it.”

Chen Yueying said solemnly.

"In case they have an accident..."

Chen Yueying smiled and said: "They are not treasures, they are just two disciples. If our cultivation base can go further, what is the death of a few disciples."

Yang Qinglong nodded and said, "I'm afraid that Senior Sister Chen will be reluctant. If Senior Sister Chen said this, then I can rest assured."


Xuanyue Mountain is a manor that covers an extremely wide area. The manor is decorated with lanterns and bright red "囍" characters can be seen everywhere.

In a nine-story cyan pavilion, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan sat on the main seat, their faces full of smiles.

Wang Qingcheng and Sun Yuejiao were wearing gorgeous wedding dresses, and they were praying to heaven and earth.

Dozens of monks gathered in the house, they were all smiles, and Liu Yuning presided over the wedding.

"Worship heaven and earth."

"Second worship to the high hall."

"Happy husband and wife."

"Licheng, send it to the bridal chamber."


After the whole process was over, Sun Yuejiao was supported by two female cultivators to the wedding room and waited quietly for Wang Qingcheng.

Wang Qingcheng, the groom's official, greeted the guests. Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and other six spiritual cultivators gathered together. There were delicious wine and food on the table, all of which were beneficial to cultivation.

"Junior Wang's wedding today, Junior Brother Wang, Junior Sister Wang, I'll give you a toast."

Liu Yuning picked up the wine glass and drank it all at once.

"Senior Sister Yang, you're welcome. I've troubled Senior Sister Yang. She personally officiated at Qingcheng's wedding. This kid is very fortunate. He married Senior Brother Sun's great-great-granddaughter, and Senior Sister Yang presided over their wedding."

Wang Changsheng said politely, and hurriedly raised his wine glass in return. "The last time Xuanling Cave was opened, a lot of aliens got in. It is estimated that they also got some keys. The casualties last time were too great, so we need to send more people."

Yang Qinglong said slowly He remembered something and said, "Speaking of which, Senior Brother Lin's great catastrophe is not far away! I wonder if he is ready to deal with the great catastrophe."

"He has already left the main altar, and he doesn't know where to go. It is estimated that he is going to find treasures elsewhere to survive the calamity. If he continues to stay in the Xuanling Continent, he will most likely die under the great catastrophe like Senior Brother Gan, and wait for me to pass the great calamity. Heavenly robbery, I am also ready to go out to travel, if you don't advance, you will retreat."

Chen Yueying said slowly, her voice was heavy, she changed her tone, and said: "Xuanling Cave is finally opened once, absolutely not to be missed, select elites from the monks in the spiritual transformation period, let them go into Xuanling Cave to hunt for treasures, the keys in the hands of aliens Not much, it won't make the climate, don't worry."

"I think of the two of them, but they are good candidates, but I don't know if Senior Sister Chen is willing to let them go."

Yang Qinglong said with a smile.

"You mean Junior Nephew Wang and Junior Nephew Wang! The two of them are quite good. Last time there were too many casualties and they couldn't get what we wanted. We can send them in this time. I hope they will live up to their expectations. If you get something back, they will benefit from it.”

Chen Yueying said solemnly.

"In case they have an accident..."

Chen Yueying smiled and said: "They are not treasures, they are just two disciples. If our cultivation base can go further, what is the death of a few disciples."

Yang Qinglong nodded and said, "I'm afraid that Senior Sister Chen will be reluctant. If Senior Sister Chen said this, then I can rest assured."


Xuanyue Mountain is a manor that covers an extremely wide area. The manor is decorated with lanterns and bright red "囍" characters can be seen everywhere.

In a nine-story cyan pavilion, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan sat on the main seat, their faces full of smiles.

Wang Qingcheng and Sun Yuejiao were wearing gorgeous wedding dresses, and they were praying to heaven and earth.

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