Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2082: The edicts of grandsons Wang Qiuyu, Wang Qiupu and Chen Yueying

Spring and autumn come, and seven years have passed quickly.

Xuanyue Mountain, a courtyard that covers an extremely wide area, Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Wang Qingcheng, and Sun Yuejiao were sitting in the stone pavilion.

A handsome boy in red and a tall and thin boy in blue are chasing in the yard. They are both immortal cultivators.

The red-clothed boy's speed was very fast, his right foot touched the ground, his figure receded, and he appeared more than ten meters away. The blue-clothed boy flicked his right hand, and a blue light flew out, submerged into the ground and disappeared.

More than a dozen cyan vines suddenly emerged from the ground, entangling the red-clothed boy's legs. The red-clothed boy shook his hand, and several red fireballs flew out and landed on the cyan vines.

The cyan vines instantly turned to ashes, and at this moment, a net bag made of cyan vines fell from the sky, covering the boy in red.

"Haha, big brother, I caught you."

The boy in Tsing Yi laughed.

The boy in red waved his hands, and several red fireballs flew out, burning the blue net bag to ashes.

"This time I was careless, come again."

The boy in red said a little unconvinced.

"Okay, Qiu Yu, Qiu Pu, you all come here!"

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, asking them to come over.

During the Xuanfeng Dongtian trip, Wang Changsheng obtained two nine-leaf golden lotuses, used one, and handed the remaining one to Wang Qingcheng for him and Sun Yuejiao to take before having sex.

In the second year of their marriage, Sun Yuejiao gave birth to twins, Wang Qiuyu and Wang Qiupu.

Wang Qiuyu is the root of wood and fire, practicing "Tian Yan Zhenjing", Wang Qingcheng and Sun Yuejiao plan to train Wang Qiuyu to be an alchemist, Wang Qiupu is the three spiritual roots of wood, water and fire, and practice the "Wan Ling Jue", which is a wood attribute exercise. The technique is very interesting.

Wang Qiuyu and Wang Qiupu performed lightening techniques and quickly came to Wang Changsheng.

"Grandfather, I have already memorized the contents of the "Compendium of Ten Thousand Herbs". If you don't believe me, please test me."

Wang Qiuyu looked proud.

"I'm not bad either. Grandfather and grandmother, I have practiced five first-order spells to perfection, and I can send spells smoothly. Big brother is not my opponent."

Wang Qiupu said quickly that the two brothers were very diligent in their cultivation, and both hoped to overwhelm the other.

Wang Changsheng was assessed on the spot, and he was very satisfied with the performance of Wang Qiuyu and Wang Qiupu.

"The road to immortality is long, and you must not slack off. No matter how good your qualifications are, it is useless to slack off and cultivate."

Wang Changsheng warned that he asked Wang Qingcheng to teach Wang Qiuyu and Wang Qiupu personally, but did not let the Zhenhai Palace disciples teach them.

There are many low-level disciples in Xuanyue Mountain. They also marry wives and have children. As long as the newborns have spiritual roots, they are disciples of Zhenhai Palace. These newborns will have special personnel to teach them basic knowledge of immortality, and even choose exercises for them.

The Zhenhai Palace cultivator taught the new disciples to strengthen their sense of belonging to the Zhenhai Palace and let them serve the Zhenhai Palace. After a long time, these disciples will naturally have a strong sense of belonging to the Zhenhai Palace.

Wang Qingcheng taught Wang Qiuyu and Wang Qiupu to tell their family's origin, development and the stories of the people in the lower realms, so as to strengthen their sense of belonging to the family.

Sun Yang also knew about this, so he didn't find it strange. The Sun family also taught the younger generation this way. The children of the Sun family must be loyal to the family first, and then the Zhenhai Palace.

There is a Xiuxian family in Zhenhai Palace. The children of Xiuxian family must first consider the interests of the family, followed by Zhenhai Palace, and other forces are similar.

"Yes, grandfather."

Wang Qiuyu and Wang Qiupu agreed in unison.

Wang Changsheng took out a flashing message board from his arms and entered a magic formula. Yang Yuning's voice suddenly sounded: "Junior Brother Wang, Junior Sister Wang, you come to the master's residence, the master has something to look for you."

"Understood, Senior Sister Yang, let's go right now."

Wang Changsheng agreed, he put away the communication tray, and left the residence with Wang Ruyan.

When they came to Chen Haotian's residence, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan saw that Yang Yuning was also there.

"The disciple pays respects to Uncle Chen."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan bowed and saluted with respectful expressions.

"Nephew Wang, I heard that you have a grandson, congratulations!"

Chen Haotian congratulated Wang Changsheng with a warm tone.

Wang Changsheng was a little uncomfortable, and Chen Haotian was suddenly so polite, he was a little uncomfortable.

"I have trouble with Uncle Chen. I don't know if Uncle Chen called us here. What's your order?"

Wang Changsheng asked cautiously.

"You don't have to be nervous. This may be a good thing for you. Uncle Chen transferred you back and planned to let you enter the Xuanling Cave to hunt for treasures."

Chen Haotian explained with an envious expression on his face.

Chen Yueying personally ordered the generals, indicating that he attached great importance to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"Xuanlingdongtian? The disciple has heard of it. The specific situation is not very clear to the disciple."

Wang Changsheng frowned. He had naturally heard of Xuanling Cave, which was a treasure and a dangerous place in the Xuanling Continent. Unlike Xuanfeng Cave, Xuanling Cave was used to train cultivators.

"It's been less than a thousand years since you ascended to the spiritual world, so it's normal to not know the inside story. To put it simply, Xuanling Dongtian is a small world transformed by Xuanling There are many treasures of heaven and earth. It will only be opened once every 3,000 years. Only if you have a key can you go in and hunt for treasure, and you can enter the Xuanling Cave to hunt for treasure. This is an opportunity and a challenge."

Chen Haotian explained slowly, his tone changed, and he said, "Uncle Chen transferred you back, you should go back with the rest of your class immediately! Be careful on the road, as for your children and grandchildren, just stay here, I will take good care of them."

Chen Yueying personally ordered, how dare Chen Haotian stop it.

"Does Master Chen have any words or something for the disciple to bring to Master Chen?"

Wang Changsheng continued to ask, if it is a simple transfer, Chen Haotian doesn't need to call them over, just give the order directly.

Chen Haotian showed a look of approval, and took out a beautiful cyan jade box with a golden talisman attached to it, and the talisman exuded an amazing wave of spiritual energy.

"Take this thing back and give it to Master Chen in person. Remember, you can only give it to Master Chen."

Chen Haotian's face was solemn.

"Yes, the disciple understands that the disciple must personally hand over this thing to Master Chen."

Wang Changsheng agreed and took the cyan jade box with both hands.

Chen Haotian told them a few words and asked them to retreat.

"Master, Xuanling Cave is about to open, why don't you recommend a disciple to go in for treasure hunting?"

Yang Yuning said cautiously, with a look of anticipation on his face.

"Do you think you don't want to be a teacher? Your strength is too weak, you just die when you go in. As far as I know, our Zhenhai Palace sent fifteen gods into Xuanling Cave last time, only three of them came out alive, and one was seriously injured. He died not long after leaving Xuanling Cave, and the two who survived have entered the Void Refinement Stage."

Chen Haotian's expression is dignified. Opportunities usually coexist with crises. Xuanling Cave has many treasures, and it is also a dangerous place.

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