Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2083: Returning to the main altar, Sun Tianhu flew to Xuanyang Realm

"If there is nothing wrong with your second and third senior brothers, I will recommend them to go to Xuanling Cave to hunt for treasures."

Chen Haotian sighed, he remembered something, waved his hand, and said: "Okay, you go! Take good care of the children and grandchildren of the nephew Wang, if the nephew Wang and the nephew Wang can leave Xuanling Cave alive and enter Lianxu The chances are still quite high.”

"Yes, the disciple obeys."

Yang Yuning agreed and bowed down.

Back at the residence, Wang Changsheng called Wang Qingcheng, Wang Qingfeng and Sun Yuejiao together and told them what happened.

"We are going to return to the main altar, and we may have to enter Xuanling Cave to hunt for treasure. We won't be able to come back in a short time. Take care of yourself, Qingfeng, don't run around. Before we come back, stay at the residence to practice."

Wang Changsheng solemnly warned that he was most worried about Wang Qingfeng.

"Got it, Dad."

Wang Qingfeng agreed.

"Father, Master Liu once entered the Xuanling Cave. My cousin married Master Yang's younger disciple. You can visit Master Liu and ask his elders for advice. Maybe there are unexpected rewards."

Sun Yuejiao reminded that the Sun family has been developing in Zhenhai Palace for many years and has a wide network of contacts.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "I'll go find your grandfather and ask him for advice!"

After a few words, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan left the residence and came to Sun Yang's residence.

Sun Yang was very surprised to learn that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan might be going to Xuanling Cave to hunt for treasures.

He took out a red jade pendant with a peacock engraved on it, took out a sound transmission note, said a few words, and handed it to Wang Changsheng, saying: "After you return to the main altar, bring these two things to Yuesheng, he knows how to do it. ."

"Thank you, Brother Sun."

Wang Changsheng thanked him and took over the jade pendant and the sound transmission.

"We are in-laws, thank you, please be careful, Xuanling Cave is very dangerous, and it is also a whetstone. As far as I know, most of our Zhenhai Palace's disciples who came out of Xuanling Cave have entered the Void Refinement Stage."

Wang Changsheng agreed repeatedly and left with Wang Ruyan.

The two turned into two rays of light and walked away, and soon disappeared into the sky.


An emerald green mountain range that stretches for millions of miles. In the depths of the mountain range, a steep sky-high giant peak is like a sharp sword.

Jufeng is covered by thick fog all the year round, and it is difficult to see what is inside.

On the top of the mountain, there is a bluestone square covering an area of ​​100,000 mu, and a Feiling Terrace stands in the center of the bluestone square.

A plump young woman in a purple skirt sat cross-legged under the Feiling Platform, her eyes closed.

The Feiling Platform shook violently, illuminating a dazzling aura.

The young woman in the purple skirt opened her eyes, her beautiful eyes were full of surprises.

A dazzling aura soared into the sky, and the aura dissipated, revealing a burly old man in green robe. beside him. Valley

The young woman in the purple skirt took out a purple jade slip and threw it to the old man in green robe, motioning him to stick it between her eyebrows.

The old man in green robe stuck the purple jade slip between his eyebrows, and the eyebrows lit up with a dazzling light.

"Under Sun Tianhu, I will meet fellow Daoists."

The blue-robed old man cupped his hands and said, his eyes full of joy.

It took him more than two thousand years to successfully cultivate to the late stage of **** transformation. There has not been a late stage cultivator in Dongli Realm for tens of thousands of years.

This is also thanks to his natal beast, Lei Yiyanhu. Leiyiyanhu is currently a fifth-rank mid-rank. If it is promoted to a small realm, Sun Tianhu can also benefit. It is because of this that Sun Tianhu was able to cultivate to the late stage of divine transformation .

For tens of thousands of years, there have been many monks with better qualifications than Sun Tianhu, but they all stopped in the middle stage of God Transformation, or explored the secret realm, or smuggled it, or went to other interfaces. a little.

"My concubine is Liu Ling from Wanlingmen. Welcome Daoyou Sun to ascend to the Xuanyang Realm. I would take the liberty to ask, which interface did Daoyou Sun ascend from? Which force did you come from? You can rest assured, no matter which interface or force you came from, the ascension cultivators are all us. Wanlingmen focuses on taking care of objects, we Wanlingmen have a number of integrated monks, hundreds of gods, and they are good at expelling insects and beasts."

The young woman in the purple skirt said slowly, this is her routine.

Sun Tianhu thought for a while and said, "Sun Mou came up from Dongli Realm and was born on the Island of Myriad Beasts."

"Fellow Daoist Sun, wait a moment, I will inform Master Li that you can join our Wanlingmen or go out independently. We will never force it."

While speaking, the young woman in the purple skirt took out a dazzling magic plate, entered a magic formula, and gestured for a while.

"Mrs. Liu, have you ever heard of Qinglian Immortal Companion?"

Sun Tianhu asked politely, he really wanted to know the situation of Qinglian Xianlu. Before he ascended, he made a special trip to Wang's house to inquire about Qinglian Xianlu's whereabouts. Wang Qingshan's answer was rather vague, Sun Tianhu was sure that Qinglian Xianlu If they are not in the lower realm, they do not know if they have ascended to the Xuanyang realm.

Liu Ling shook her head and said, "Qinglian Immortal Companion? I haven't heard of it. I have been stationed here for more than 500 years. The Xuanling Continent where we are located is very large, and the territory controlled by the human race is tens of trillions of miles. There are currently two Mahayana. Cultivator, what kind of realm do you mean by Qinglian Immortal Companion? I have never heard of Maybe they are not very famous."

"They are also cultivators in the East Li Realm, so they ascended more than 800 years ago!"

Sun Tianhu said truthfully, either Qinglian Xianlu has not made a name for itself, or Qinglian Xianlu has an accident.

Liu Ling introduced the Xuanling Continent to Sun Tianhu. The origin, development, racial forces and major events of the Xuanling Continent were introduced, which enhanced Sun Tianhu's understanding.

"It's really not easy for Daoyou Sun to cultivate to the late stage of God Transformation. You must have little life expectancy. Our Wanlingmen has a panacea for prolonging life. It is not a problem to prolong life by seven or eight hundred years. Join our Wanlingmen, and Daoyou Sun will have a better room for development. , If you want to go out independently, it’s okay to start a sect, but it’s very difficult.”

Liu Ling's tone was warm, and if Sun Tianhu was willing to join Wanlingmen, she would have done a lot of credit.

Sun Tianhu nodded, he understood the reason why it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and he had no resistance to Wanlingmen.

After chatting for a while, a tall and thin old man in green robes descended from the sky while riding a white peacock. Judging from his aura, he was a cultivator.

"This disciple pays respects to Master Li, this fellow Daoist Sun ascended from Dongli Realm and was born in Myriad Beast Island."

Liu Ling bowed and pointed to Sun Tianhu to introduce.

"Dongli Realm? Myriad Beast Island? There used to be a Myriad Beast Gate, which has been destroyed, but you don't have to worry, no matter what power you are from, since you appeared in the Feiling Platform controlled by our Wanling Gate, you want to join Wanling. The door is still independent, no problem, go back to the main altar with this old man first! Our Wanlingmen is a special treat for the ascended cultivator."

The old man in green robe instructed in an unquestionable tone, Sun Tianhu did not dare to neglect, put away the Leiyi Yanhu, and flew to the back of the white giant crane.

The white giant crane spread its wings, a gust of wind blew up, flew high into the sky, and disappeared into the sky.

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