Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2084: The scale turtle is advanced to the 5th level

The Zitong Mountains stretch for millions of miles and are full of spiritual energy. There are several kinds of elixir that are rare in the outside world. There are a large number of monsters operating in the Zitong Mountains.

There is a square market outside the Zitong Mountains. It was jointly established by three immortal clans. The strongest is the Ye family. The Ye family has been inherited for more than 3,000 years.

Ye Yunxing is the representative of the younger generation of the Ye family. Four hundred years of cultivation is already in the late Nascent Soul. Within a radius of 100 million miles, he is considered to be a fast-cultivating cultivator of Nascent Soul.

In a secluded courtyard, Ye Yunxing was chatting with his brother Ye Yunfeng.

"Seventh brother, no matter what, your words last time were too frivolous, go and apologize to Fairy Dong with me, and be more sincere."

Ye Yunxing reprimanded in a stern tone.

"Third brother, it's just a loose cultivator, you won't really be fascinated by her! At most, you can be a second wife, in terms of family background, aptitude, and appearance, which Fairy Liu is worse than her? I really don't know what you think. Yes, if you want me to say, she is just to adjust your appetite, as long as you enter the spirit transformation stage, she will not obediently fall into your arms."

Ye Yunfeng said disapprovingly.

Shut up, I forbid you to say that to Fairy Dong, she is not what you think.

Ye Yunxing's tone increased a lot.

He seemed to have noticed something, took out a bright blue compass, entered a magic formula, and a panicked man's voice suddenly sounded: "Third uncle, Senior Dong suddenly checked out and left Fangshi."

"Understood, don't follow Fairy Dong."

Ye Yunxing put away the blue compass and said to Ye Yunfeng, "Seventh brother, come with me and apologize to Fairy Dong."

"I'm not going, I'm going to you, just a loose cultivator, didn't he just say a few frivolous words! I won't apologize to her."

Ye Yunfeng was unmoved.

Ye Yunxing frowned, didn't say anything, and left in a hurry.

After leaving the market, Ye Yunfeng turned into a flash of light and flew towards the sky at a very fast speed.

After half an hour, he saw a white shadow and quickly shouted: "Fairy Dong, stay, Fairy Dong."

The white escaping light suddenly stopped, and the escaping light converged, revealing a tall girl in a white dress. The girl in the white dress had picturesque facial features, snow-white skin, star eyes and white teeth, and there was a bit of heroism in the eyebrows that was rare in women.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, what? You want to keep me in Zitongfang City?"

The girl in the white dress frowned and said indifferently.

"Fairy Dong misunderstood. I didn't mean it that way. Seventh brother was spoiled by the elders. He was straight-hearted, don't take it to heart."

Ye Yunxing explained quickly.

"I didn't take it to heart, I just planned to leave this place and go to other places to hunt monsters."

The tone of the girl in the white dress is relatively cold, giving people a feeling of being rejected thousands of miles away.

"There are a lot of monsters here, and some people have even seen fifth-order monsters, you might as well stay..."

Before Ye Yunxing's words were finished, a peculiar fragrance floated into his nose, which was very attractive.

A large number of monsters rushed out of the nest and rushed towards a certain place. At the same time, a large number of monsters appeared in the sky, with a wide variety.

"What's going on? Could it be that the fifth-order monsters are summoning low-level monsters?"

Ye Yunxing's face changed greatly, he quickly took out a sound transmission, said a few words, and threw it towards the way he came.

"It's hard to say, it's also possible that a certain senior is trapping and killing fifth-order monsters, just go and see."

The girl in the white skirt escaped and flew towards the front.

Ye Yunxing was eager to protect the flower, and quickly followed.

They flew all the way, and they could see a large number of monsters moving in a certain direction, as if they were guided by some kind of direction. Valley

After a cup of tea, an indifferent male voice suddenly sounded.

"Idlers stop, and violators are severely punished."

Ye Yunxing felt a powerful sense of consciousness passing over his body, he broke out in a cold sweat, and the other party must be a spiritual cultivator.

More than a hundred miles away, a large number of monsters rushed towards a steep giant peak, the sound of the piano continued, and the monster birds fell from the sky and fell.

A cyan escaping light flew from a distance at a very fast speed. It didn't take long for the cyan escaping light to stop. It was an old man in cyan robe with straight facial features. The old man in cyan robe had a ruddy face and bright eyes.

"Old man Ye Renheng, I don't know which daoist is hunting monsters here? Daoists have no problem dealing with fifth-order monsters, but killing so many low-level monsters will affect the income of our three families."

The old man in green robe said politely.

A blue ray of light flew from the Giant Peak, and it was a burly young man in blue shirt, who was Wang Changsheng.

They were ordered to return to the main altar. Unexpectedly, on the way back, the tortoise accidentally hit the fifth order. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan could only find a place to let the turtle hit the fifth order.

Wang Changsheng didn't talk nonsense, and took out the identity token of Zhenhai Palace.

"Zhenhai Palace! Excuse me, fellow Daoist."

Ye Renheng's face changed, and he didn't dare to stay any longer.

One hundred Ye Family can't provoke Zhenhai Palace.

"We pass by here to do something, and we won't kill too many low-level monsters, so you can rest assured, Fellow Daoist Ye."

Wang Changsheng assured, he looked at the girl in the white dress, and instructed: "You also leave! This is not a place where you are a junior."

The girl in the white skirt responded, turning into a white light and walking away.

Ye Yunxing showed unwillingness, did not dare to say anything, and left with Ye Renheng.

Wang Changsheng flew back to A huge blue tortoise shell lay on the ground, it was ten thousand feet in size, the tortoise's body trembled slightly, and it emitted a special fragrance.

A thick blue water curtain covered the tortoise, Wang Ruyan was playing the piano, the sound of the piano continued, and the low-level monsters were stunned by the sound waves.

Wang Changsheng stood on the top of the mountain, and his huge consciousness scanned thousands of miles around.

The fifth-order spiritual beast is not the same as the immortal cultivator entering the god-transforming stage. It will not attract thunder disasters, but it will emit an unstoppable smell of monsters, which will attract a large number of monsters.

A day passed, a large number of monsters rushed over, there were tens of thousands of monsters, Wang Changsheng killed some of the fourth-order high-grade monsters, some of the monsters were trampled to death by his companions, and the others were stunned by Wang Ruyan using sound waves. .

A large number of monks came to hear the news, but they did not dare to approach and observed it thousands of miles away.

Wang Changsheng didn't want them to see the progress of the tortoise, so he used the formation method to block the five-hundred-mile radius.

Early in the morning, the sky just brightened.

Accompanied by a deafening roar, the blue light on the surface of the tortoise's body was released, and a huge blue unicorn phantom suddenly appeared in the void, and the phantom quickly collapsed.

With the protection of the formation, the other monks did not see the unicorn phantom.

"Qilin phantom, it seems that after this guy has advanced to the fifth rank, his bloodline has become more pure."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile.

The tortoise made a low roar, looking a little proud.

"Look at what you can. It's better if you advance to the fifth rank. If you enter the Xuanling Cave to hunt for treasures, we will have more support."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, he fed some spirit fruits to the tortoise and put it into the spirit beast bracelet.

He put away the formation, left the place with Wang Ruyan, and the cultivators swarmed over to **** the beasts that were stunned or killed.

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