Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2085: The parties intend

Piaoyun Island, the main altar of Zhenhai Palace.

Chen Yueying was sitting on the bamboo chair, and Fang Ming was reporting the situation to her.

"Nephew Zhao and Nephew Sun, they are all transferred back, they are all one of the thirty-six heroes of our Zhenhai Palace, I heard that Senior Brother Li has transferred back Master Nephew Ma and Junior Nephew Feng, and it is estimated that they will also enter. Xuanling cave to search for treasures."

Fang Ming said respectfully, he served in the Deacon Hall and had many eyes and ears, so it was very convenient to inquire about the news.

There are hundreds of cultivators in Zhenhai Palace, and thirty-six are selected to focus on training. Generally speaking, the disciples of Zhenhai Palace who are selected as the thirty-six heroes have a high chance of entering the Void Refinement Stage.

"Nephew Ma? I remember that he was in the late stage of God Transformation hundreds of years ago, and he has not yet broken through to the virtual world? It is estimated that Senior Brother Lin pressed him and let him enter the Xuanling Cave to hunt for treasure. It's no wonder that the last time Xuanling Cave was opened. One of the survivors is a descendant of Senior Brother Lin."

Chen Yueying said slowly, she remembered something, and asked, "Aren't Junior Nephew Wang and Junior Nephew Wang back yet?"

"It should be on the way, there may be some delays on the way for a while."

Fang Ming's voice just fell, and a sound transmission flew in.

Chen Yueying crushed the sound transmission, which was sent by Wang Changsheng.

"They're back, you go and bring them in!"

Chen Yueying ordered.

Fang Ming responded and led the way.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan followed Fang Ming in.

"Disciple pays respects to Master Chen!"

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan bowed and said in unison.

"Hey, you have broken through the late stage of God Transformation, yes, it seems that you are very diligent in your cultivation."

Chen Yueying felt Wang Changsheng's powerful aura, and praised her with a look of approval on her face.

"The disciple firmly believes that God rewards hard work, and dare not slack off."

Wang Changsheng said modestly, his aptitude was average, and he did not dare to slack off in cultivation. The cultivators with higher talent than him also worked hard to cultivate. He had to work even harder to shorten the gap with others as much as possible.

"It's very good for you to understand this, Junior Nephew Chen told you! I'm going to send you to the Xuanling Cave to hunt for treasures. If you get back what I want, you can do whatever you want, including the top-grade Tongtian Lingbao or Bi Moon Jade Shendan."

Chen Yueying's tone was full of temptation.

"Master Chen wants the disciple to get something back?"

Wang Changsheng asked cautiously.

"The 70,000-year-old Nine Thunder Bamboo, if it is refined into a treasure, would be the most suitable for transcending the great catastrophe. You should go back and rest first! After a while, the sect master will summon you to give lectures and train you for a while. ."

Chen Yueying instructed that the disciples sent by Zhenhai Palace to enter Xuanling Cave were mainly to hunt for treasures, not to die. They must be trained for a period of time to improve the survival rate of the disciples, and by the way, collect more resources for cultivating immortals.

"If you really enter the Xuanling Cave, you will also be distributed treasures, such as talismans and formations, to enhance your strength and improve your survival rate."

Fang Ming added.

"Master Chen and Master Fang, since there are so many treasures in Xuanling Cave, there should be avatars or clones of high-level monks to enter!"

Wang Ruyan asked curiously. Valley

"Xuanling Tianzun originally considered this point and set a special restriction. If the avatar can't enter, the avatar can't be said. However, the cultivation base can only be limited to the spirit-transforming stage. At most, he can master a few powerful secret techniques. Lingdongtian is a major trial for the human race in the Xuanling Continent, many major forces will send people to participate, and even some aliens will enter Xuanlingdongtian to hunt for treasure, specific circumstances, there will be special people to train you."

Chen Yueying explained.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan responded, bowed and stepped back.

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan appeared in a quiet manor, with pavilions, gardens, waterside pavilions, strange rocks and rocks everywhere.

"Xuanlingdongtian, this is an opportunity and a challenge. If you can make great achievements, you may be able to settle down on a site and establish our family."

Wang Changsheng muttered to himself, his eyes fiery.

It’s nice to enjoy the cool under the big tree, but he wants to be independent. During the chat with Sun Yang, he found that the faction dispute in Zhenhai Palace is very serious. Hard to say.

The disciples of the Xiuxian sect came from all over the world. They had different ideas, and it was easy to have infighting. This was inevitable, and the Xiuxian family would also have infighting, but the probability was lower.

"This task is not easy. Maybe we will die. If we can really bring out the Nine Thunder Bamboo, we can ask Chen Shizu for a piece of land to develop our family."

Wang Ruyan said in a deep voice that if a disciple of Xiu Xian Zongmen wants to establish a family in the Zongmen area, he needs to apply to the Zongmen.


In a magnificent palace, Song Yiming was talking to Song Yuchan.

"Father, why does Uncle Chen send so many people into Xuanling Cave this time? Could it be that she has discovered a rare resource for cultivating immortals?"

Song Yuchan wondered.

"I guess so! Otherwise, Junior Sister Chen would not propose to send more staff. Even Junior Nephew Zhao and Junior Nephew Sun have been transferred back. Junior Brother Liu has transferred Senior Nephew Ma and Junior Nephew Feng back, presumably for the purpose of collecting resources for cultivating immortals."

Song Yiming said helplessly, the local faction and the Ascension faction have their own little abacus and concealed some important planning to send his capable disciples in to hunt for treasure, Gu Xiaojia ignores everyone.

With him there, Hainan can currently hold the two major factions. If he is gone, it would be hard to say. After the infighting of many major factions in Xuanling Continent, they soon declined, and some major factions have disappeared in the long river of history. middle.

"Why do you care about this all of a sudden? Are you going to send someone in too?"

Song Yiming asked curiously, he has high hopes for Song Yuchan, Song Yuchan has a spiritual body, and is expected to enter the Mahayana period. If Song Yuchan enters the Mahayana period, he can resolve the contradiction between the two factions and deal with selfishness. Serious disciple, kill one to set an example.

Chen Yueying is also a spiritual body person, and has a higher chance of entering the Mahayana period.

When Chen Yueying entered the Mahayana period, the Ascension faction will definitely overpower the local faction, which will only increase the contradiction. If Chen Yueying died under the great catastrophe, the Ascension faction's power will be weakened, and the local faction will overwhelm the Ascension faction. Song Yiming is very contradictory. .

He wants to maintain the status quo now and let Song Yuchan grow up.

"I received news that there are several thousand-year-old elixir that are beneficial to my cultivation. I plan to send a clone in, and it has just been cultivated to the stage of spiritual transformation."

Song Yuchan said truthfully that she was the only daughter of the head of Zhenhai Palace, so she didn't need to worry about resources for immortal cultivation.

"Send a clone in? It's too risky. It's not easy to cultivate a clone. I'll send someone to help you get it!"

Song Yiming frowned and said.

"Dad, who did you send? Reliable? Who knows how many people Chen Shishu and Lin Shishu have attracted? Maybe they will swallow it alone, let's forget it! Those kinds of elixir are very beneficial to my cultivation, I You must get it, and you should spend more time training the disciples who entered the Xuanling Cave! Avoid repeating the mistakes of the last time."

Song Yuchan declined politely, her eyes firm.

Song Yiming nodded and agreed.

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