Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2087: Wang Jiaxin's goddess Wang Qing?

After half an hour, Wang Changsheng and his party came to Liu Che's residence.

Liu Che sat on the stone bench and instructed: "Let's introduce each other first! In the future, if you enter the Xuanling Cave, you will be your companion."

"Under Zhao Hong, I have seen you all."

Zhao Hong stepped forward and said politely.

"Little sister Sun Yan, I have seen you all."

A graceful girl in a white dress stepped forward and introduced herself.

Wang Changsheng and others reported their names one after another and got to know each other.

"Xuanling Dongtian is very large, and the chances of you encountering it are very low. Divide into three groups, five people in groups, each group has a patriarch, Ma Shi, Sun Shi, Wang Shi, the three of you are the team. Master, and nephew Ma also serves as the captain."

Liu Che divided Zhao Hong and the others into three groups. Wang Changsheng served as the leader of the group. There were four Spirit Transformation cultivators under his command.

Ning Lan is a spiritual master with two fifth-order spirit beasts, and his strength is no worse than that of the middle stage of Shenhua, which is one of the reasons why he was selected.

"Just stay here! Each group of people lives in the same yard, and I will tell you about my experience in Xuanling Cave, the elixir, monsters and traps inside, and I will also try to learn from you for a period of one year. , in a year, you will be leaving."

Liu Che ordered.

"Yes, Uncle Liu."

Wang Changsheng and the others agreed in unison, and according to Liu Che's instructions, they stayed here.


Donglijie, Qinglian Island.

Tens of thousands of monsters surrounded Qinglian Island, and a thick blue light curtain covered the entire island.

Wang Mengfen directed his clan to attack these monsters.

Ten-sized giant fourth-order puppet beasts released various spells to attack these beasts, and colorful spells lit up over Qinglian Island.

Lei Feng hovered uncertainly in the sky, his wings fluttered, and a huge thundercloud floated high in the sky, and the thick lightning struck down one after another.

Colorful beams of light flew out from Qinglian Island and struck in all directions. The demon bird touched the beam of light and immediately made a shrill scream and fell from the sky.

"Hurry up and change the spirit stone, these beasts rushed up quickly."

Wang Mengfen instructed that before Wang Qingqing and Fairy Ziyue sat down, they left a number of fourth-order puppet beasts, which greatly enhanced the heritage of the Wang family.

He looked towards the snow-capped mountains in the distance, his eyes full of anticipation.

Time passed, and the island guarding formation was firmly guarding Qinglian Island. The Nascent Soul cultivators such as Wang Qiuming and Wang Changjie were pale and looked like they had consumed too much mana.

Wang Qiuming and Wang Changjie had already cultivated to the Great Consummation of Nascent Soul, and they had tried to impact the Spirit Transformation Stage, but all ended in failure.

With the aging of the older generation, the Wang family is somewhat unconnected. Fortunately, Wang Qingshan is still there, and no force or individual dares to trouble the Wang family.

Wang Qingshan has already cultivated to the middle stage of God Transformation. The speed of this practice is not fast in Dongli Realm. The main reason is that he and Bai Linger have been trapped in an unknown space for hundreds of years, otherwise they would have advanced to the middle stage of God Transformation long ago.

There were a large number of wreckage of monsters floating on the sea, and the sea area for tens of thousands of miles was dyed blood red.

Three fourth-order puppet beasts were damaged, and dozens of third-order puppet beasts were scrapped.

Wang Qingshan stood on top of a peak, looking at the snow-capped mountains in the distance, his eyes dignified, his clothes swaying in the wind.

A deafening dragon roar sounded, resounding for a million miles. Valley

A powerful spiritual pressure rose into the sky from the snow-capped mountain, and a huge white dragon flew out from the snow-capped mountain. After flying high into the sky, the white dragon spewed out a white glow and landed on the sea. The sea instantly froze, and the ice layer It spread rapidly, and a large number of monsters were frozen.

With Qinglian Island as the center, the sea surface in a radius of 100,000 miles was frozen.

"Tier five, finally succeeded."

Wang Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a bit of joy in his eyes.

The white Flood Dragon burst into a dazzling white light, turned into a white rainbow, descended from the sky, and landed in front of Wang Qingshan, a burly young man in white shirt.

The young man in white shirt has handsome features, with a pair of white dragon horns on his head and some white scales on his arms.

"Wang Qingxing has met Seventh Brother."

The young man in white clasped his fists and said with a solemn expression.

He is Bingfeng Jiao Xiaobai, Wang Qingling left the Transformation Pill and Tongtian Lingbao Xuan Yuzhu to Bingfeng Jiao before he sat down, hoping that he would advance to the fifth rank.

After more than 300 years of ascetic cultivation, he successfully advanced to the fifth rank.

"Seventh brother?"

Wang Qingshan was a little surprised.

"My sister is Wang Qingling, she calls you the seventh brother, you are also my seventh brother, and I am the Wang family."

Wang Qingxing said seriously, his eyes firm.

With a relieved expression on Wang Qingshan's face, he said, "Ten sister knows, she will definitely be very happy."

"I promised my elder sister that I would protect the family for her. Seventh brother, go ahead! Find a way to ascend to the spiritual world. As long as I am here and the Wang family is here, I will protect the family until a new spiritual cultivator appears in the family."

Wang Qingying's expression is serious, this is Wang Qingling's last words, he will definitely do He has been waiting for hundreds of years, and it is not too short of time. You have just entered the fifth rank, so take care of your injuries! "

Wang Qingshan said with a light smile, over the years, Long Xin has come over and over again, and wanted to join forces with him to find the way to ascension, but Wang Qingshan refused.

He wanted to protect the clan until a new spiritual cultivator appeared in the clan, and Wang Qingying was promoted to the fifth rank, which was beyond his expectations.

"Okay, if you have something to do, I'll go back to accompany my sister."

Wang Qingying turned into a white light and flew back to the snow-capped mountains.

Not long after, he appeared in a huge ice cave.

There is a white stone platform in the center of the ice cave, and there is a white ice coffin on the stone platform. Wang Qingling is wearing a blue dress, lying in the ice coffin, his eyes are closed, and his hands are put together, as if asleep.

Wang Qingxing stood beside the ice coffin, stared at Wang Qingling, and said softly, "Sister, I will protect the family for you until a new spiritual cultivator appears in the family. If there is a reincarnation, I will definitely find you, our sister and brother. Always together, forever and ever."

After he finished speaking, he sat cross-legged and practiced.


In Qinglian Tower, Wang Qingshan stood in front of the portraits of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan with a solemn expression.

"Ninth uncle, ninth aunt, we have one more clan member today, Wang Qingjing. I can understand that you are leaving in a hurry. I will settle everything before leaving, and I will never repeat the mistakes of the last time. With me here, no one will be there. Dare to kill Qinglian Island."

Wang Qingshan's tone was strong and powerful, and his eyes were full of chills. The Wang family members were scattered in the Ice Sea Realm, Dongli Realm, and Thousand Gourd Realm. All the Wang family cultivators added up to more than one hundred thousand. Among them, the ice sea realm. There are the most cultivators of the Wang family, and the strongest is the cultivator of the Wang family in the Dongli world.

In this way, even if there is a catastrophe, the Wang family will not lose their blood.

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