Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2088: Pick treasures and quests

Xuanyang Realm, a blue lake with a size of more than 1,000 acres, with colorful fish chasing in the lake, there is a blue stone platform in the center of the lake.

Wang Changsheng and other fifteen people sat on the edge of the stone platform, each holding a fishing rod with straight hooks.

Liu Che sat aside, holding a thick book in his hand, reading it with relish.

After Liu Che finished talking about his experience in Xuanling Dongtian, he started to discuss with them, pointed out their personal shortcomings and asked them to improve, and then each group joined forces to fight against the enemy. For the rest of the time, let them fish here without saying anything. How many fish were caught, and when they were caught.

Wang Changsheng held his breath and stared at the lake.

A red spirit fish hovered near the hook, seemingly curious.

Wang Ruyan sat next to Wang Changsheng, calm and relaxed.

A gust of breeze blew, and the fishing line swayed slightly, scaring the spirit fish away.

Ning Lan's wrist flicked, and the fishing line danced wildly. Instead of entangling a spirit fish, it scared away the nearby spirit fish.

There were more than a dozen sound transmissions floating in the sky, and Liu Che ignored them.

Zhao Hong looked at the sound transmission in the sky, frowned, and said cautiously: "Uncle Liu, why don't you take a look at who sent it? What if it was sent by the master of the sect!"

Liu Che took out a magic plate with a flashing aura from his arms and punched in a magic formula. Chen Yueying's voice suddenly sounded: "Liu Shi-nephew, it's almost time, bring them to the Patriarch's Palace to pick out treasures!"

"Yes, Uncle Chen."

Liu Che agreed and put away the dharma tray.

He looked at Zhao Hong and the others and asked, "Do you have any insights?"

"Stop still, not arrogant or impetuous can win."

"Don't be greedy, greed kills people."

"Don't be deceived by the illusion, think twice before you act."


Wang Changsheng and others expressed their opinions one after another, with different opinions.

"It's all wrong. I just want to tell you that dead people can't speak. Only people who leave Xuanling Cave alive can have a future. Rules are dead, and people are alive."

Liu Che said unceremoniously, life is the most important thing, not treasure.

With a thoughtful expression on Wang Changsheng's face, he nodded secretly.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go!"

Liu Che waved his hand and took them away.

When they came to the Patriarch's Hall, Li Qian and others had been waiting for a long time, and Chen Yueying was also present, but Song Yiming had not come out yet.

Liu Che and others saluted Chen Yueying and stood in line.

A potbellied old man in red robe stood next to Chen Yueying. A string of red magic beads was hanging on the chest of the old man in red robe. His eyes were so small that he could not see his neck.

"Junior Sister Chen, are these two nephew Wang and nephew Wang who have soared from the lower realm? They are well trained in spiritual awareness."

The eyes of the red-robed old man fell on Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and said with a smile.

"Nephew Wang and nephew Wang, don't hurry up and meet Uncle Li."

Chen Yueying said solemnly.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan hurriedly took two steps forward, bowed and saluted, and said, "This disciple pays respects to Master Li."

The old man in red robe, surnamed Li Mingyan, was in the middle of the fit.

Li Yan nodded and said, "Unfortunately, if you worship under the old man's sect, the old man can teach you a set of exercises, which is especially suitable for cultivators with strong consciousness."

"Thank you for your kindness, Master Li. We prefer the exercises that Master Chen chose for us."

Wang Changsheng said respectfully.

Chen Yueying nodded with satisfaction, waved her hand, and told them to stand.

Song Yiming walked in with a solemn expression.

He took out more than a dozen dazzling magic disks, handed them to Zhao Hong and Ma Qianqian, and said, "You can choose these treasures by yourself, each of them will have a Heavenly Soul Treasure and a Heavenly Soul Treasure, a sixth-order talisman, and a bottle of healing. Medicine pills, medicine pills are distributed uniformly, and treasures and talismans are selected by yourself."

Zhao Hong and Ma Qianqian handed over the extra trays to the others and chose from them.

The surface of the dharma plate is a golden curved blade, with a line of small characters next to it - the golden sword, made from the fangs of the fifth-order top-grade golden-winged bat. Once the skin is scratched, it will drain the blood of the enemy. .

Wang Changsheng gently slid the dharma plate, and the golden machete turned into a black shield with a line of small characters beside it.

He gestured for a while and found that there were more than a hundred treasures for them to choose from, flying, defending, attacking or supporting.

Wang Changsheng has a lot of treasures on his body, including flying, defense, attack, and support. He really doesn't look down on ordinary heavenly treasures.

He picked out a support-type Tongtian Lingbao, Jin Mingpei, which can weaken sonic attacks and restrain rhythm magical powers, as well as a sixth-order talisman, Escape Talisman, Escape Magic Talisman.

Wang Ruyan also chose an auxiliary type of Tongtian Lingbao - Liangyi Umbrella, which can weaken the power of thunder-type attacks, restrain Lei Xiu or thunder-type monsters, and a sixth-order talisman Jiugong Huacang talisman, trapping the enemy. Fu Zhuan, even if the cultivator of the void is trapped, he will not be able to get out of it in a short time.

In addition, they each got a bottle of Jinlin Yuyang Pill, a healing pill.

Wang Changsheng got a fifth-order high-grade array, and Zhao Hong and Sun Yan each got a sixth-order array.

Song Yiming sent everyone a map. This is the place that Zhenhai Palace's disciples have already explored, and it has certain reference value.

Wang Changsheng checked the map carefully and remembered some places marked with dangerous places.

"You guys go back and have a good night's rest, and leave tomorrow, with Junior Sister Chen and Junior Brother Li leading the team."

Song Yiming said in a deep voice.

"Yes, the head master."

Wang Changsheng and others agreed in unison The voices echoed in the patriarch's hall.

"Nephew Wang and nephew Wang, come to my residence and tell you something."

Chen Yueying's voice rang in the ears of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan hurriedly agreed, and after leaving the patriarch's palace, they went straight to Chen Yueying's residence.

When they arrived at Chen Yueying's residence, they found that Zhao Hong and Sun Yan were also there.

Chen Yueying didn't talk nonsense, she took out four maps and distributed them to them.

Wang Changsheng's eyes swept away, his expression as usual.

The map given by Chen Yueying is different from the map given by Song Yiming. There are many more locations and many dangerous places are marked. This shows that Liu Che has concealed a lot of things.

"Don't be surprised, Senior Brother Li and the others did the same thing, concealing some places with important resources for immortal cultivation, so as to facilitate the disciples of your faction to find treasures. The third is the Yuan Magnetic Divine Crystal, and the most important is the Nine Thunder Bamboo, bring back these three things, you can ask for anything."

Chen Yueying's tone was full of temptation.

"Yes, Master Chen."

The four Wang Changsheng agreed in unison. If conditions permit, they can do it.

Chen Yueying took out four jade boxes and distributed them to Wang Changsheng. Each jade box contained two sixth-order talismans.

"You are my people, other people are not necessarily. The task I gave you is not allowed to reveal half a word."

Chen Yueying's tone was somewhat chilling.

Wang Changsheng and the four agreed in succession and accepted the jade box.

"Okay, let's go back and rest! The treasures are sacrificed and refined, and the famous patriarch's hall gathers."

Chen Yueying ordered, and Wang Changsheng bowed and stepped back.

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