Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2101: Qinglian Xianlu vs Jinghuozu

In a huge valley extending in all directions, three spiritual monks, two males and one female, were fighting fiercely with two fire-firing tribesmen.

The ground was full of potholes, and two **** corpses could be seen.

The three cultivators were dressed differently, and Ning Lan was among them.

A fat middle-aged man and a thin woman, two fire clansmen, they were wearing clothes sewn from animal skins, with red spiritual patterns all over their bodies, and the woman's eyes flashed with blue light.

The Jinghuo Clan can be said to be a legendary race in the Xuanling Continent. It took more than ten thousand years to become one of the five major races in the Xuanling Continent.

The Jinghuo people are proficient in fire Taoism, and it is difficult to kill them.

A golden-robed old man with a ruddy complexion hesitated for a moment, then took out a golden talisman that flickered incessantly. Looking at the terrifying aura fluctuations it exuded, it was obviously a sixth-order talisman.

The golden-robed old man slapped the talisman on his body, and with a muffled sound, a ball of golden light covered the golden-robed old man, and the golden-robed old man turned into a golden light and flew towards the sky at a very fast speed.

A blue-skirt woman with a delicate face glowed a dazzling blue light and flew high into the sky.

Ning Lan jumped on the back of a golden giant crane, and the golden giant crane flapped its wings gently, carrying Ning Lan towards the opposite direction, and the speed was very fast.

It depends on who of them is lucky enough to escape.

"Want to run? Leave it all for me."

The middle-aged man sneered, took out a red jade bottle the size of a slap, and punched a magic trick.

As soon as the red-clothed woman pinched the magic formula, the red spiritual pattern on her body suddenly brightened.

The golden light exploded like fireworks, turning into countless tiny golden lights, flying in different directions.

The middle-aged man's mouth showed a touch of sarcasm, and when the magic trick was pinched, the red light burst out, turning into countless slender red lights, hitting the golden light.

A shrill scream of a man rang out, and the golden-robed old man fell from the sky. Before he landed, a big red hand composed of billowing flames suddenly appeared above his head and photographed him head-on.

With a loud bang, the golden-robed old man turned into flesh, and even Nascent Soul couldn't escape.

Before the golden giant crane could fly far, a woman's scream was heard in her ear.

The sky suddenly turned red, and a huge red fire cloud appeared high in the sky. The red fire cloud rolled violently, and the red fire rain the size of a bean poured down, like red flying needles, hitting Ning Lan one after another.

Ning Lan hurriedly took out a blue shield and flew around him uncertainly. The dense rain of red fire fell on the blue shield, and there was a muffled crackling sound.

The dense red fire rain condensed into one place, turned into a huge red hand, and patted Ning Lan.

With a muffled "bang", Ning Lan flew out with her shield and smashed to the ground heavily.

A raging fire ignited on the ground, wrapping the entire valley like a red purgatory.

The two Jinghuo people strode towards Ning Lan, but the speed was not fast.

Ning Lan spit out a mouthful of blood and showed a look of unwillingness on his face. He didn't have much life expectancy. He wanted to take this opportunity to search for some resources to cultivate immortals and lay the foundation for building a family in the future.

The middle-aged man's face turned cold, and the flames around his body suddenly condensed, turning into a red fire dragon that was more than a hundred feet long and rushed towards Ning Lan.

There was a bit of despair in Ning Lan's eyes. At this moment, a hurried piano sounded, and a blue sound wave fell from the sky and hit the red fire dragon.

With a loud rumbling sound, the body of the red fire dragon exploded, turning into flames that splashed everywhere, and the blue sound wave went straight to the two fine fire tribes.

The middle-aged man snorted lightly, clenched his right fist tightly, and lit up countless red spiritual patterns, smashing towards the blue sound waves.

A piercing sound of breaking through the air came from the void, and a red fist shadow flew out, collided with the blue sound wave, and perished together. The ground was torn apart, and a huge crack more than a thousand feet long appeared.

A huge tsunami sounded, one side of the stone wall suddenly burst, the earth and rocks flew, and a large amount of sea water rushed out, with the momentum of galloping horses, going straight to the two fine fire tribes.

The middle-aged man pinched the magic trick, and the red jade bottle spewed out a large piece of red flame, which turned into a red wall of fire hundreds of feet high, blocking it in front of him.

With a loud noise, the red wall of fire was like thin paper, smashed by the blue sea water, and a large amount of sea water volatilized.

The sea water blurred, and it turned into a burly blue giant. The blue giant had nine round beads that flickered incessantly with blue light, which was obviously not a mortal thing.

The blue giant waved his fists and smashed at the two fine fire tribes.

With two muffled sounds of "bang bang", the two fine fire races turned into light and disappeared.

A certain group of flames in the distance suddenly brightened, turning into the appearance of two fine fire tribes.

"heavy water!"

The middle-aged man's face was solemn,

The water-attribute treasure of , can't easily break his defense at all.

The sea tumbled violently, setting off a huge wave more than a hundred feet high. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood on the huge wave, their expressions indifferent.

"Senior Brother Ning, are you alright!"

Wang Changsheng asked with concern.

"I'm fine, Junior Brother Wang and Junior Sister Wang, be careful, their supernatural powers are not weak, and they are proficient in fire escape. The male is a physical practitioner and can easily break the defense of the enlightened monk. The female can spray a kind of cyan flame to hurt the enemy."

Ning Lan reminded, her voice was weak.

Wang Changsheng nodded and looked at the two Jinghuo clan with cold eyes.

The spirit pattern on the middle-aged man's body was bright, and a red flame emerged from his body, and a puff of blue smoke instantly rose from the ground, which melted instantly.

With a flick of his sleeve, seven red lights flickered and the flag flew out. After a blur, billowing flames emerged to protect them. The fire spread quickly, and a large amount of white mist rose and drifted over the valley.

When the red-clothed woman's magic tactic was pinched, the red fire cloud violently rolled and turned into a red fire dragon with a length of more than one hundred meters.

Wang Ruyan's ten fingers swept across the strings of the golden lotus qin, and a rapid sound of the qin rang out, and a blue wave of sound waves swept out, hitting the red fire dragon.

With a loud rumbling sound, the red fire dragon burst instantly, turning into countless red flames, falling like fireworks, falling into the sea, the sea ignited spontaneously, and a large amount of white mist appeared.

A part of the flames fell on Wang Changsheng's side, and when they approached him, they collapsed automatically.

A certain group of flames suddenly brightened, turning into the appearance of a middle-aged man.

His body was wrapped in a red flame, turned into an afterimage, and smashed towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng said nothing, turned around and slammed into the void.

With a muffled "bang", the middle-aged man was crushed by Wang Changsheng's punch and turned into countless red flames.

A certain group of flames behind Wang Ruyan suddenly brightened, turning into the appearance of a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man had a ferocious look on his face, his right fist was wrapped in a red flame and smashed towards Wang Ruyan.

Wang Ruyan was his real target.

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