Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2102: Tier 5 Spirit Flame

A deafening man roared, and the middle-aged man heard this, his body trembled, his face turned pale, and his facial features were distorted.

A thick golden and blue two-color thunder spear shot out and went straight to the middle-aged man's head.

The flame on the middle-aged man's body suddenly condensed and turned into a thick red curtain of light.

With a muffled sound, the red light curtain tore apart, and the thunder spear burst, turning into a dazzling thunder light that drowned the middle-aged man's figure.

Intensive lightning lasing came and disappeared into the thunder.

After a burst of enthusiastic piano sounds, a large blue sound wave swept out and fell into the thunder light. The thunder light burst suddenly, and the middle-aged man disappeared.

"Junior Brother Wang, be careful."

Ning Lan suddenly opened her mouth to remind, her voice was hurried.

Three piercing sounds rang out, and five cyan arrows shot towards Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"It's not an entity, but a kind of fifth-order spiritual flame that is so masculine. Ordinary defensive treasures can't withstand this flame at all."

Ning Lan quickly reminded.

It is because of this loss that they will kill and injure many people.

Wang Changsheng's sleeves flicked, and the sea tumbled violently, setting off a huge wave hundreds of feet high, blocking him.

Five cyan arrows easily pierced through the giant waves and appeared in front of them instantly.

After a few muffled sounds, the blue arrows pierced through their bodies, and the bodies turned into little blue light and disappeared.

Five cyan arrows floated in mid-air, composed of a cyan flame, emitting a terrifying high temperature.

Dozens of thick thunder spears fell from the sky, smashing five cyan arrows, the cyan arrows turned into a group of cyan flames, and the cyan flames suddenly condensed and turned into a cyan fire sparrow that was about a zhang large.

The flames rolled violently and turned into a red giant more than a hundred feet tall. The giant was composed of countless flames and strode towards the blue giant opposite.

The blue giant and the red giant were fighting together, the air was billowing, and countless white mists appeared.

The sea rolled violently, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan emerged from the sea, their faces solemn.

The cyan fire sparrow spread its wings and rushed towards Wang Changsheng with a monstrous heat wave. Wherever it passed, a large amount of seawater evaporated.

Wang Changsheng snorted lightly, and opened his mouth to spew out a white flame. After one blurred, it turned into a white cold dragon about 10 feet long and greeted him.

Seeing the white cold flood, the red-clothed girl's eyes brightened and her eyes were fiery.

The white Han Jiao collided with the cyan fire bird. The white Han Jiao was obviously not the opponent of the blue fire bird. Its size was getting smaller and smaller, and its body size was reduced by a quarter, and the blue fire bird had more body surface. some white light.

Wang Changsheng frowned, the opponent's spirit flame was even more powerful than Xuanyu Bingyan.

As soon as the red-clothed woman's magic tactic was pinched, the fire on the body of the cyan firebird rose sharply, and the body size soared, and it opened its mouth and swallowed the white cold dragon.

Several blue sound waves swept in, and the body of the cyan fire sparrow burst, turning into hundreds of cyan flames, and some white flames could be vaguely seen.

With a flash of red light, a small and exquisite red tower suddenly appeared high in the sky. After its body soared, it spurted a red glow, covering all the cyan flames and submerging into the red giant tower.

The giant red tower shrank rapidly and flew back to Ning Lan's hand.

"Senior Brother Wang, this treasure of mine is made from Divine Yan Jade, and this fire will not be able to get out of trouble for the time being."

Ning Lan explained.

Wang Changsheng nodded and looked at the woman in red.

The red-clothed woman's gaze was flaming, and if her gaze could kill, she would have killed Wang Changsheng countless times.

The hands of the woman in red and the hands of the middle-aged man joined together, and drew a circle towards the void. A small red mirror appeared in the air, and the mirror was covered with mysterious red runes.

The red light flashed, and a thick red beam of light flew out, instantly piercing the blue giant's head.

The red giant waved his fists and smashed at the blue giant.

With a loud bang, the blue giant's body exploded, turning into countless sea water, submerged in the sea of ​​fire, and turned into a large amount of white mist.

A rush of piano sounds rang out, and dense blue sound waves swept in, and the flames dissipated wherever they passed.

The middle-aged man pinched the magic trick, the flame on the red giant's body rose sharply, and he waved his arms to smash the blue sound waves.

With a loud noise, the blue sound wave was smashed by the red giant, and the air waves rolled.

Heavy rain suddenly fell from the sky. After the rain was blurred, it turned into blue fist shadows and smashed into the two fine fire tribes.

The woman in red flipped her right hand, a red light flashed, and a red round bowl the size of a slap appeared in her hand, and the surface of the bowl suddenly lit up with countless mysterious red runes, billowing flames emerged, and it turned into a huge red cloud of fire , floating above their heads.

Intensive blue fist shadows fell on the red fire clouds one after another, like mud like the sea, the woman in red

And the middle-aged man is safe and sound.

A deafening man shouted loudly, the red-clothed woman and the middle-aged man's heads dizzy, their facial features twisted, and they felt that the sea of ​​​​consciousness was about to burst.

A blue-colored sound wave swept in, and the two of them flew out backwards like kites with broken strings.

They looked inside and found that the internal organs were injured, and the meridians were broken in many places. If they were replaced by ordinary cultivators, they would have died.

The sky suddenly darkened, and eighteen thick water tornadoes rose into the and turned into a huge blue water curtain, covering the two of them inside.

The sound of the piano became more and more exciting, as if thousands of troops were fighting, it was extremely fierce.

The middle-aged man's face sank, and the magic trick was pinched. The red giant waved his arms and smashed into the blue water curtain. The blue water curtain suddenly sank, and countless white mists appeared.

Eighteen Dinghai beads were distributed on the surface of the blue water curtain, and the blue water curtain swayed with ripples.

The middle-aged man and the red-clothed woman urged the magic weapon to attack the blue water curtain, but it was of no use. The formation formed by the eighteen Dinghaizhu had a strong defense, and they could not escape.

With the continuous sound of the piano, the middle-aged man felt that his breathing became quicker, his heart beat faster, and the blood flow in his body accelerated, as if he was about to burst out.

"Quickly use that treasure to break the formation, otherwise we will all stay here."

The middle-aged man urged, looking anxious.

He felt that the environment in front of him was a little blurry, and the other party's rhythm magic was far beyond his imagination.

The next moment, he felt a chill in his chest, and a spearhead with a flash of aura emerged from his chest, exuding a terrifying aura fluctuation, which was a mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

The middle-aged man's eyes were full of horror, and his face was inconceivable. He turned his head and looked at the red-clothed woman. The red-clothed woman's eyes turned crimson.

Fortresses are often breached from within, and he never imagined that his companions would give him a fatal blow.

There was a muffled sound of "pu chi", and three different colors of runes appeared on the surface of the gun head. After a blur, a three-color flame of blue, red and gold emerged and spread rapidly.

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