Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2105: Zheng Qiuyue's threat

An emerald green mountain range that stretches for millions of miles, with rugged rocks and trees.

Deep in the mountains, there is a huge valley extending in all directions. At the end of the valley, there is a hole more than 100 feet large. There is no grass in the valley, and it looks a bit desolate.

A huge explosion sounded suddenly, and the ground shook violently.

After a while, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan flew out of the cave one after another.

As soon as they flew out of the cave, the ground suddenly had an irresistible gravity, and their bodies quickly fell towards the ground.

There was a lump of dirt on the ground, as if something was about to come out of the ground.

Wang Changsheng's face flushed red, the blue light on his body rose sharply, and with a loud shout, the gravity suddenly lightened a lot, and the speed of his fall stagnated.

Wang Ruyan flipped his right hand, and a golden talisman appeared on his hand. There was a flame pattern on the surface of the talisman, which exuded a terrifying energy fluctuation. It was a sixth-order talisman.

With a flick of her wrist, the golden talisman came out of her hand and burst open in an instant, turning into a golden fire cloud tens of thousands of feet in size, the void distorted and the stones on the ground melted and hit.

The golden fire cloud smashed towards the ground, with a loud rumbling sound, the entire giant valley was submerged by a golden flame, and the fire was soaring into the sky.

There was a sound of breaking the air, and the dense blue boxing shadows flew out, gradually submerging into the sea of ​​​​fire, and there was a muffled sound of "bang bang".

Taking this opportunity, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan soared and disappeared into the sky.

The ground shook violently, and hundreds of golden lights burst out of the ground, turning into a thick golden light curtain, covering the entire valley.

A dazzling blue light lit up in the golden sea of ​​fire, the flames quickly extinguished, the ground showed signs of melting, and a behemoth emerged from the disciple.

This is an alien beast with the head of a rat, the body of a cow, the body of a snake, and a pair of cyan dragon horns on its head.

This is a sixth-order monster, no wonder Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan fled.


The alien beast let out a roar, and the blue dragon horn lit up with a dazzling blue light. A blue light flew out and hit the golden light curtain. The golden light curtain suddenly shattered, like a bubble, and disappeared.

One hundred thousand miles away, there is a dense green forest.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, and Ning Lan stood under a towering tree and were discussing countermeasures.

The purpose of their trip was to find the Divine Crystal of Primordial Magnetism from a Primordial Magnetism ore vein. The Primordial Magnetism ore vein had great restrictions on spiritual consciousness. Wang Ruyan couldn't see the situation in the mine with the Wufeng Famu, and the same was true for the double-eyed mouse.

This is a natural prohibition. In desperation, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan teamed up to break into the mine, and they encountered a sixth-order monster. This beast's supernatural powers were not small. Coupled with Ning Lan's co-operation, only then can he escape.

"Why don't we meet with Junior Brother Zhao first? They have a sixth-order formation in their hands, and if many people join forces, they should be able to trap this beast."

Ning Lan suggested that it is good luck to be able to escape this time, and it may not be possible to do it again.

"Xuanling Cave is so big, it's not easy to find Senior Brother Zhao."

Wang Ruyan frowned and said.

Wang Changsheng was about to say something, when he raised his brows, his right fist suddenly smashed somewhere.

The void distorted and deformed, and a blue fist that was more than 100 meters long flew out. Wherever it passed, dozens of towering trees were broken and a lot of smoke was splashed.

A red light lit up in the void, and a huge red fireball flew out, collided with the blue fist shadow, and perished together. A powerful air wave broke out, and the air wave twisted a large number of trees into sawdust, and the dust flew.

Wang Ruyan's reaction was very quick, and she sacrificed a blue-light sparkling bead, floating on top of their heads, and released a large blue water curtain, covering the three of them.

"Don't misunderstand Wang Daoyou, we have no malicious intentions."

A cold female voice suddenly sounded.

The smoke and dust dissipated, revealing a curvaceous woman in a red dress and an old man in green robes with a pot belly. Looking at the clothes of the two, they were disciples of the Divine Soldier Sect.

"Junior Brother Wang, this woman is the descendant of Zheng Tianhong, the deputy head of the Shenbing Sect. She is proficient in the art of refining and has many pieces of powerful heavenly treasures. Her strength should not be underestimated."

Ning Lan warned her through voice transmission, her face full of alertness.

"Fairy Zheng, you hide in the dark and tell us not to misunderstand?"

Wang Changsheng sneered and said, if it wasn't for his extremely powerful consciousness, he would not have been able to discover the existence of the two.

"If I don't want you to find out, can you find out? Do you really think your divine sense can find me and Senior Brother Zhou?"

Zheng Qiuyue sneered, holding a flag with a sparkling blue light in his right hand, and with a flick of it, a blue mist surged out, covering the blue-robed old man, the blue light flashed, the blue mist and the blue-robed old man disappeared. .

"Fairy Zheng, what do you think? There are sixth-order monsters in the mine."

Wang Changsheng asked in a deep voice.


Your purpose is the Primordial Magnetic Divine Crystal! Coincidentally, my purpose is also the Divine Crystal of Primordial Magnetism. Let's work together. I have a sixth-order array. You control the array to trap this beast, and I will get the Divine Crystal of Primal Magnetism. "

Zheng Qiuyue suggested, in a sincere tone.

They can't get the Primordial Magnetism Divine Crystal unilaterally, and cooperation is the wisest choice.

"Joke, we control the formation, you go to get the Yuan Magnetic Divine Crystal? Do you think we are three-year-old children?"

Wang Changsheng sneered that he would not make wedding dresses for others.

"Can you take off the Magnetic Primordial Divine Crystal? Even the mid-grade Tongtian is not easy to chop off the Magnetic Primordial Divine Crystal. I have a treasure that can easily remove the Magnetic Primordial Divine Crystal."

As Zheng Qiuyue spoke, she took out a cyan, red, and gold jade bottle, and the aura flickered non-stop. It was a mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

"How do I know that you will keep your promise? What will you do if you return? Also, the magical power of that alien beast is not small, and the fifth-order formation is instantly broken."

Wang Changsheng snorted coldly and questioned.

"I have a set of Five Elements Forbidden Spirit Formation, which restrains the magical powers of the five elements. It is not a problem to trap this beast for a while. I, Zheng Qiuyue, will do what I say. You can kill you if you don't believe it."

Zheng Qiuyue's tone was cold and murderous.

As soon as the voice fell, her sleeves shook, and a huge thunder sounded.

With a flash of inspiration, a ripple suddenly appeared above the heads of Wang Changsheng and the three of them, and a small tower wrapped in a five-color electric arc suddenly appeared.

The mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao Wulei Demon Refining Pagoda, the Yasha clan in the God Transformation period could not stop this treasure, let alone the three Wang Changsheng.

As soon as the Five Thunder Demon Refining Pagoda appeared, it immediately released countless five-color lightning bolts, slashing at Wang Changsheng and the three of them.

Wang Changsheng had been prepared for a long time, and when the magic trick was pinched, countless blue water vapors emerged from the void, turning into a thick blue water curtain, protecting them inside.

Intensive lightning struck, and the blue water curtain was torn to shreds like thin paper.

Wang Ruyan sacrificed a small black and white umbrella. Half of the umbrella's surface was black and half of it was white. The ribs were covered with mysterious spiritual patterns.

The Tongtian Lingbao Liangyi Umbrella can weaken the power of the thunder system.

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