Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2106: 3 parties cooperate to plan Yuanci Shenjing

The Liangyi umbrella spun around and sprayed out a black and white light curtain, covering the three of them.

Intensive five-color lightning fell on the two-meter umbrella and the two-color light curtain, and disappeared without a trace like mud like the sea.

Zheng Qiuyue frowned. With her knowledge, she could naturally see that the treasures sacrificed by Wang Ruyan restrained the thunder system.

There was a ripple above their heads, and a big blue hand more than a hundred feet long appeared out of thin air and photographed it head-on.

The old man in green robe flicked his sleeves, and a sparkling azure ball flew out, releasing a green wind, blocking the big blue hand.

A deafening tsunami sounded, and a large piece of azure sea water rushed towards with the momentum of galloping horses.

Zheng Qiuyue's sleeve flicked, and a golden flag appeared in his hand. With a flick of his wrist, a golden flame swept out and greeted him.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the golden flame was submerged by the blue water.

The blue water rolled violently, turning into a big blue hand more than a thousand feet long, and patted Zheng Qiuyue.

"heavy water!"

Zheng Qiuyue's face froze, and just as she was about to cast a spell to resist, a deafening shout rang out.

An unbearable pain came from her sea of ​​consciousness, as if it was about to burst open.

When she came back to her senses, the big blue hand was already in front of her.

Before Zheng Qiuyue had time, her big blue hand patted her body-protecting aura.

She flew out in an instant, the blood in her body surged, her face flushed red, and the aura of protecting her body dimmed.

There was a rapid sound of the piano, and a blue sound wave swept in. Wherever it passed, a towering tree broke off.

Zheng Qiuyue quickly took out a red conch the size of a slap, put it on his mouth and blew it gently, a low horn sounded, and a red sound wave swept out and greeted him.

The two sound waves collided and perished together. A powerful air wave erupted, shattering the ground with a radius of thousands of meters, and the dust was flying.

Zheng Qiuyue was swept away by the powerful air wave, and as soon as she landed, she opened her mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood essence, her face slightly pale.

"Stop, fellow Daoist Wang, say something if you have something to say. If you have to fight to the death, it won't do anyone any good."

Zheng Qiuyue said with a frown, she turned her hand and took out a round bead that was flickering with azure light.

She originally wanted to use her powerful strength to force Wang Changsheng and the three to agree to cooperate, but Wang Changsheng was not afraid of her at all and taught her a lesson.

"Hmph, it's you who want to kill us yourself, why don't you allow Wang to fight back?"

Wang Changsheng sneered, a look of fear flashed in his eyes.

Zheng Qiuyue has a lot of treasures, and she deserves to be the descendant of the fit cultivator.

"At this time and another, our purpose is the Primordial Magnetic Divine Crystal, why..."

Before Zheng Qiuyue's words were finished, Yurong was cold, and the magic trick was pinched, and the Five Thunder Demon Refining Pagoda suddenly burst into a dazzling thunder light and disappeared.

The next moment, the Five Thunder Demon Refining Pagoda appeared above a certain open space, the aura soared, and countless five-color arcs swept out and smashed to the ground.

There was a loud noise, and there was a huge fire pit on the ground, and there was a burst of heat in the pit.

There was a lump on the ground, and a nine-foot-tall yellow-shirted youth emerged from the ground. The yellow-shirted youth had a square face, small eyes, and a snarky look. Judging from his clothes, he was a disciple of Wanlingmen.

"Chen Yunlei, it's you."

Zheng Qiuyue's face turned cold, and her eyes were full of cold light.

"Don't get me wrong, Fairy Zheng, it's because of your fighting style fluctuations. I'm also interested in the Primordial Magnetic Divine Crystal. Count me in, how about that?"

Chen Yunlei said with a smile, a huge earthen bag bulged on the ground, and a yellow pangolin emerged from the ground, wrapped in countless yellow scales, it was a fifth-order spirit beast.

There was a deafening screeching sound from high in the sky, and a golden thunder eagle with wings spread over a hundred feet descended from the sky and landed beside him.

Chen Yunlei has the cultivation of the late stage of God Transformation, plus two fifth-order spirit beasts, his strength is not weak.

"Many people are powerful, I have no opinion."

Zheng Qiuyue looked at Wang Changsheng. If she hadn't been separated from her sect, she would not have cooperated with Wang Changsheng and others.

"Cooperation is cooperation, but I want to enter the mine with you, who knows if you will embezzle it."

Wang Changsheng put forward a condition.

"No problem, Junior Brother Zhou and the other four control the formation. Let's mine the Primordial Magnetic Crystal."

Zheng Qiuyue agreed.

"I have no opinion, but let me remind you in advance that I hate others to lie to me. If you lie to me, I will do nothing and just stare at you."

Chen Yunlei threatened.

"I, Zheng Qiuyue, are faithful to what I say, and I have no doubts."

Zheng Qiuyue

Said with confidence.

"Anyone can say anything, look at the action, let's discuss the countermeasures!"

The six Wang Changsheng discussed specific countermeasures, and Wang Ruyan was worried about more than one sixth-order monster.

"I have a hole light pearl, which is made from the eyeballs of the multi-eye clan in the refining stage. You can see the situation in the mine. If there are two sixth-order monsters, then forget it."

Zheng Qiuyue flipped his right hand, and a azure-glowing orb appeared in his hand, which was a middle-grade heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure.

They flew towards the mine and landed outside the mine.

Zheng Qiuyue took out the hole light beads, and the hole light beads lit up with a burst of dazzling blue light. Through the hole light beads, Wang Changsheng could clearly see the structure of the mine.

In the depths of the ore vein, there is a grotto with a size of several acres, alien beasts lie in the corner, and a certain stone wall is crystal clear but the size of a watermelon.

Wang Changsheng's eyes showed a bit of surprise. This hole light pearl is really powerful. It is estimated that it is a treasure that Zheng Tianhong personally refined.

"There is only one sixth-order monster. That's right, this beast should have devoured the Primordial Magnetism Divine Crystal and can perform the Primordial Magnetic Technique. My five-element sealing formation should be able to trap this beast for a while."

As Zheng Qiuyue spoke, she took out hundreds of colorful array flags, and when the magic trick was pinched, the hundreds of array flags suddenly brightened, turned into five-colored auras, and disappeared into the ground.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, you Wanlingmen are proficient in the art of repelling insects and beasts. Is there any way to draw out this beast?"

Ning Lan asked.

"This monster lives in the magnetic elemental vein, and it should have swallowed a lot of magnetic elemental ores. The elixir can't lure it. It can only be sent out to lure it out, or take out the seventh-order refining materials."

Chen Yunlei analyzed.

"Who will lead it out? Without the sixth-order escape spell, it's easy to die."

Ning Lan frowned.

"I can play music and use rhythm magic to force it out."

Wang Ruyan took the initiative to ask Ying, this is the safest way.

"I use the hole light beads to observe the movement of this beast, and I will send a message to you."

Zheng Qiuyue reminded.

After the discussion, Zheng Qiuyue and the four cast spells and hid in the distance.

In the center of the formation, Wang Ruyan was sitting on a yellow boulder, with the golden lotus qin placed in front of him and playing.

Wang Changsheng stood aside, and the two bodies lit up with a dazzling blue light one after another, and Wang Ruyan's breath rose sharply.

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