Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2107: mutation

Deep in the ore vein, the alien beast was lying in the grotto and closed his eyes.

Suddenly, a melodious piano sounded.

The alien opened his eyes, and soon closed them again.

After a quarter of an hour, the sound of the piano became excited, and the grotto shook slightly.


The alien beast let out a furious roar, the body surface glowed brightly, and rushed out.

Outside the mine, Wang Ruyan concentrated on playing, and waves of blue sound waves swept out, heading straight for the mine.

The mine swayed gently, and where the blue sound wave passed, the void vibrated and distorted, and all the gravel on the ground was shattered and turned into annihilation powder.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, be careful, that alien beast rushed out."

Zheng Qiuyue's voice rang in Wang Changsheng's ears.

Countless blue water vapor emerged from Wang Changsheng's feet, turning into a blue cloud, supporting him and Wang Ruyan into the sky and flying towards the sky.

The ground shook violently, and a strong gravity suddenly emerged, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's bodies fell toward the ground uncontrollably.

There was a rapid sound of the piano, and a blue wave of sound waves swept out.

With a loud bang, the ground burst open, and a thick and long crack appeared.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's aura soared, and their escape speed increased sharply.

The alien beast drilled out from the ground, and it made an angry roar, and the stones on the ground flew up one after another, floating in the sky like stars.

All the stones smashed towards Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan one after another, condensed into one place halfway, and turned into a yellow mountain more than a thousand feet high, smashing at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

With a loud bang, the yellow mountain was smashed into pieces by the dense blue fist shadow, and the dust was flying.

The alien beast was about to use other magical powers. Hundreds of five-color auras burst out of the ground, gathered in one place, and turned into a thick five-color light curtain, covering most of the valley.

The surface of the light curtain is covered with countless mysterious five-color runes, twisting like earthworms.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, Junior Brother Zhou, Fellow Daoist Ning, and Fellow Daoist Wang, I'll leave it to you here."

Zheng Qiuyue said hello and flew towards the hole.

Wang Changsheng followed closely, and the four Wang Ruyan held a five-color array disk with aura in their hands, and they entered a magic formula.

Zheng Qiuyue held the Dongguang Pearl in her palm and flew in the mine at a very fast speed.

The terrain of the mine is complicated, and their consciousness is seriously affected. After passing through a mine, a dozen passages will appear in front of them.

With the hole light beads in hand, everything went smoothly.

In less than twenty breaths, they reached their destination.

"Magnetic Primordial Divine Crystal!"

Wang Changsheng's eyes were fixed on a piece of crystal clear ore. The ore was embedded in the stone wall and was crystal clear. Once they entered this place, they felt that their bodies weighed hundreds of millions of kilograms. This was the natural magnetic field formed by the Yuan Magnetic ore vein.

There was a "crackling" bone sound from the surface of Wang Changsheng's body, the blue light on the body surface rose sharply, and the pressure was relieved.

Zheng Qiuyue took a picture of the silver talisman on her body, which turned into a thick silver light curtain, covering her whole body, and strode towards the Primordial Magnetic Divine Crystal.

Wang Changsheng took out the glazed axe and slashed towards the stone wall.

There was a muffled sound of "keng", sparks scattered, and there was a shallow cut on the stone wall.

"The Yuan Magnetic Mine is not so easy to mine, otherwise the predecessors would have already exhausted it."

Zheng Qiuyue explained that taking out a golden jade bottle, the aura was amazing, and it was a mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

She entered a magic formula, and the golden jade bottle spurted a golden light circle, covering the Primordial Magnetic Divine Crystal, and the place covered by the golden aura suddenly burst into blue smoke.

The golden jade bottle suddenly rose in golden light, and Zheng Qiuyue's face paled.

An oval crack appeared on the stone wall, and the crack was getting bigger and bigger.

With a sound of "click", a fist Dayuan Magnetic Divine Crystal fell down, and the fracture was extremely smooth.

There was a huge roar outside, the ground shook and the mountains seemed to change.

"No, there are changes outside."

Zheng Qiuyue's expression changed and she exclaimed.

"Magnetic Primordial Divine Crystal has already succeeded. It's a little smaller. Let's go out first."

Wang Changsheng urged, don't be too greedy, it would be good to get a piece of the Primordial Magnetic Divine Crystal.

Zheng Qiuyue nodded, put away the Primordial Magnetic Divine Crystal, mobilized the Dongguang Pearl, looked outside, and saw a huge golden bird attacking Wang Ruyan and others.

"Sixth-order demon bird! Get out."

Wang Changsheng urged that the plan could not keep up with the changes. If time was enough, they might be able to get some more Primordial Magnetic Divine Crystals, but unfortunately a sixth-order demon bird would disrupt the situation.

Zheng Qiuyue and Wang Changsheng flew outside at a particularly fast speed.

Outside the mine, a huge golden bird was attacking Wang Ruyan and the others.

The golden giant bird has a long tail, a bare head, a pair of furry red bear claws, and a long beak, like two chopsticks.

The golden giant bird's wings kept flapping, and countless golden sharp blades swept out, hitting them.

At the same time, gusts of golden wind blew from the ground, heading straight for them.

Where the golden gust of wind passed, the void was twisted, countless gravels were broken, and dust was flying.

A golden giant ape with a height of more than ten feet swung its fists, and countless red fist shadows swept out, hitting the opposite side.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the air waves were A part of the golden wind blade and golden gust of wind hit the golden giant ape, and there was a muffled sound of gold and iron clashing.

A thick seven-color light curtain protected the four Wang Ruyan and blocked the attack of the sixth-order demon birds. Their faces were pale, and the mana in their bodies was rapidly draining.

There are seven different monster patterns on the surface of the seven-color light curtain, such as golden carp, red turtle, yellow python and so on.

The sixth-order defensive talisman, the Seven Demons Protecting Spirit Talisman, has a relatively strong defensive ability.

They controlled the formation to trap the alien beast, and suddenly killed a sixth-order monster. If Chen Yunlei hadn't sacrificed the sixth-order defensive talisman in time, they would not have lost their lives, and they would not be able to control the formation to trap the sixth-order monster with peace of mind. .

"What's the matter? Daoyou Wang, they haven't come out yet? They won't run away! Leave us behind to attract monsters?"

Chen Yunlei said with a frown, looking anxious.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, rest assured, my husband is not that kind of person. If you persist for a while, I believe they will come out soon."

Wang Ruyan said confidently.

"Hmph, this is not necessarily the case. The husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest. When disaster strikes, they fly separately. I have seen many couples who share wealth and honor, and there are few who share weal and woe."

Chen Yunlei said disapprovingly.

"I'm afraid fellow Daoist Chen will be disappointed this time."

A deep male voice sounded, and just after the voice fell, Wang Changsheng and Zheng Qiuyue flew out of the mine.

"Have you got the Primordial Magnetic Divine Crystal?"

Chen Yunlei looked at Wang Changsheng with a look of anticipation on his face.

Zheng Qiuyue nodded and said, "It's here, let's get out of here first."

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