Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2108: cartilage head

With a loud noise, the golden giant ape flew out, its huge body fell to the ground, splashing a lot of smoke and dust, and its left arm was missing.

The golden giant ape had hundreds of slender slashes on its body. If it wasn't for the body of a puppet, it would have been killed long ago.

The golden giant bird spewed a golden light and went straight to Wang Changsheng and Zheng Qiuyue.

Wang Changsheng slashed towards the void with his right fist, a blue fist flew out, a large amount of blue water vapor appeared all over his body, and a thick blue water curtain emerged out of nowhere, covering his entire body.

The blue boxing shadow collided with the golden light, and the golden light burst open, covering a radius of several hundred meters.

Wang Changsheng and Zheng Qiuyue felt their bodies tense and could not move, as if an invisible big hand grabbed their bodies.

The golden giant bird came straight to them, very fast.

Wang Changsheng's face flushed red, and there was a "crackling" bone sound from his body.

A deafening roar sounded, and the void shook and twisted.

The golden giant bird made a shrill neigh, and its huge body trembled.

Wang Changsheng and Zheng Qiuyue felt the pressure loosen, as if the invisible hand had released them.

The blue light flashed, and a small cauldron appeared above the golden giant bird.

The size of the golden giant bird shrank rapidly and flew towards the cyan giant cauldron.

A sharp and piercing hissing sound sounded, and the golden giant bird fluttered its wings, bursting with countless dazzling golden lights. The cyan glow was like thin paper, pierced by the dense golden light, and the golden giant bird regained its freedom.

The ground shook violently, and the five-color light curtain was twisted and deformed, as if it was about to shatter at any time.

"No, that sixth-order monster is about to get out of trouble."

Ning Lan's face changed greatly.

"Flee separately and see who has bad luck."

Wang Changsheng said in a deep voice, he took out a silver talisman and slapped it on his body.

With a flash of silver light, a silver curtain of light appeared out of thin air, covering Wang Changsheng, supporting Wang Changsheng to fly high into the sky, Wang Ruyan took a golden talisman on his body and turned into a golden escaping light that broke through the air.

At this time, they no longer hesitated and used the sixth-order talisman to escape.

The golden giant bird fluttered its wings and chased after Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Ning Lan and the others fled separately, very fast.

With a loud bang, the five-color light curtain exploded, and the sixth-order monster escaped.


With the angry roar of the sixth-order monster, the ground suddenly generated a strong gravity.

The old man in green robe and Chen Yunlei didn't fly far, and their bodies quickly fell towards the ground.

"Senior Brother Zhou!"

Zheng Qiuyue frowned, intending to turn back to save the old man in Qingpao.

"Run, Junior Sister Zheng, leave me alone, if you can leave this place, my descendants will ask you."

The old man in green robe shouted loudly, his face swelled with determination, and his body swelled at an astonishing speed.

With a loud bang, the old man in green robe revealed himself, and a dazzling blue light lit up, covering a radius of hundreds of miles.

Zheng Qiuyue took a deep breath, the light soared, and disappeared into the sky.

Chen Yunlei was shocked and flew out by the strong air wave. He didn't dare to be careless.

The golden thunder eagle spread its wings, and a huge thunder sounded, and a dazzling thunder light burst out from the body, and disappeared from the place.


In a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, there was a deafening explosion in the valley, and the ground shook.

Inside the valley, three corpses were lying on the ground, with a fist-sized blood hole in their hearts. Their eyes were wide open, as if they had seen incredible things before their death.

The ground is full of potholes, with hundreds of huge potholes.

Judging from the clothes on their bodies, they are cultivators of the Li family.

A pale-faced young man in a golden shirt stood on the ground, and a light-blue light curtain covered his whole body.

Opposite him, there is gold holmium.

A golden flame enveloped Jin Holmium's whole body, and the whole person was like a fire god.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, spare my life, I will take you to a place where there is a ten thousand-year-old Diyan fruit tree, count the time, it should be mature, all of you Jinghuo Clan are cultivating fire-related exercises and have Diyan fruit, It can speed up the training speed.”

The young man in the golden shirt said nervously.

"Kill you, search your soul, I can also know the location of Di Yanguo."

Jin holmium's tone was indifferent.

"The exercises I practice here are quite special. The soul searching technique is useless to me. If you don't believe me, you can do it anyway, Fellow Daoist Jin."

The young man in the golden shirt had a decided look on his face, and he looked like he was going to die.

"I don't have to kill you, but you want me to plant a ban and do things for me in the future."

After Jin holmium said this, he spewed out a mouthful of golden blood essence, which turned into hundreds of mysterious golden runes and floated in mid-air.

The young man in the golden shirt hesitated for a moment, but agreed, he had no other choice.

Hundreds of golden runes whirled around and disappeared into the body of the golden-shirted youth.

"What's your name? What position do you hold in the Li family?"

Jin holmium asked.

"Li Fengyang, the head of the Li family is my great-uncle."

The young man in the golden shirt said honestly.

"You humans have a Those who know current affairs are Junjie, I hope you don't play tricks, otherwise you will die ugly."

Jin holmium threatened.

"It's natural, I finally entered the Spirit Transformation Stage, and I don't want to die."

Li Fengyang said honestly.

"Let's go! Take me to the place where the Diyan fruit tree is located and pick the Diyan fruit, I will not treat you badly."

Jin holmium ordered.

Li Fengyang agreed repeatedly, put away the corpses of the tribe, and personally led the way for Jin Holmium.


A hidden underground cave.

The cave was dark and damp, and a middle-aged man with decent features was reporting something to Xuanyin.

The middle-aged man was wearing the costume of Wanlingmen, and Xuanyin was the elite of the Yasha clan. It was really strange that the two of them got together.

There were two **** corpses lying on the ground, and the state of death was terrifying.

"Your vice sect master of Wanlingmen sent a clone in, don't you know what his purpose is?"

Xuan Yin said with a cold face.

"I really don't know, every sentence is true, not the slightest false statement."

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly, his eyes full of pleading.

Ants are greedy for life, not to mention a spiritual monk who has been practicing Taoism for many years.

"You should have a way to contact him! Take me to find him."

Xuan Yin ordered.

"You might as well kill me directly. If Master Su sees me with you, he must kill me."

The middle-aged man showed a bitter face.

"I'll keep a certain distance from you and won't stay with you, don't worry! If you don't agree, then I'll urge the ban now and send you on your way. You saw the death of your companion just now, so you can experience it for yourself. ."

Xuan Yin's tone was cold, and his face was full of anger.

"Okay, okay!"

The middle-aged man hesitated and agreed.

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