Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2119: Dream Butterfly

"Friend Wang Dao, long time no see."

Zheng Qiuyue smiled sweetly and greeted Wang Changsheng.

Su Yuntao narrowed his eyes and said, "You are the descendant of Daoyou Zheng! For the sake of Daoyou Zheng, let's go! This old man will not embarrass you."

"Thanks to the love of the seniors, but the juniors are hard to obey. When you killed our disciples of the Shenbing Palace, you didn't think of our ancestors."

Zheng Qiuyue said neither humble nor arrogant, her lips were dead and her teeth were cold. If Su Yuntao killed Wang Changsheng, he would definitely not let them go. Zheng Qiuyue watched the play and took advantage of the fisherman? Neither Su Yuntao nor Wang Changsheng would allow such a thing to happen.

She wouldn't believe that these old monsters would talk about morality, and strength was the foundation.

"Okay, don't eat and drink fine for toasting, you brought it on yourself."

Su Yuntao's face turned cold, and he was about to sacrifice a powerful treasure to kill Zheng Qiuyue and others. A deafening explosion sounded, and a huge silver mushroom cloud appeared in the distant sky.

The monks were startled and looked into the distance.

A silver light appeared in the distant sky and flew towards them quickly.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness sensed that the person who came was a cultivator.

It didn't take long for the silver light to stop. It was a tall and thin silver-shirted youth. The silver-shirted youth had a pair of wings that flickered with silver light on his back. The surface of the silver wings was filled with countless silver arcs, and the aura was amazing. .

The silver-shirted youth's facial features were distorted, his face flushed red, as if he had encountered something terrible.

"Junior Brother Li, what's going on?"

Zheng Qiuyue was stunned for a moment and wondered.

"Run, Dream Butterfly!"

The silver-shirted youth shouted loudly, and suddenly burst into laughter.

A large amount of golden light suddenly appeared in the distant sky, not much at first, but as time passed, the number of golden light became more and more, covering the sky and the sun.

"What? Phantom Butterfly?"

Zheng Qiuyue's complexion changed greatly, and the Dream Butterfly ranked 16th on the Ten Thousand Insects List. This kind of fierce insect is proficient in illusion, and usually creates illusion, so that immortal cultivators or other creatures fall into illusion, and then devour their souls.

Dream Butterfly is best at performing illusions. A single Dream Butterfly is not scary. The number of such vicious insects is terrifying, usually appearing in groups of millions. If a high-level cultivator accidentally falls into an illusion, it will also cause trouble.

Wang Changsheng's complexion changed, and he sacrificed a flying boat that was flickering with white light.

Wang Changsheng and the four jumped onto the white flying boat one after another, and with a pinch of the magic trick, the white flying boat turned into a white light and flew away.

At the same time, Zheng Qiuyue, Su Yuntao and others fled one after another.

The golden light is impressively golden butterflies, their eyes are golden, and there are circles of silver spirit patterns on their abdomens, and millions of dreamy butterflies are overwhelming.

In the center of the Butterfly Sea, a huge butterfly king with wings spread out thousands of feet, is a sixth-order monster.

Wang Changsheng was controlling the white flying boat to fly at full speed, the void fluctuated together, and a red dragon claw appeared out of nowhere and shot at the four Wang Changsheng.

He had been prepared for a long time, and his right fist smashed towards the void again, and countless blue light spots emerged, turning into a blue fist shadow, smashing the red dragon claws into pieces.

The ground suddenly produced a strong gravity, and the white flying boat quickly fell towards the ground.

Wang Ruyan stirred the strings of the piano, and a rapid sound of the piano sounded, and a blue sound wave swept out, hitting the ground one after another, the red short knife in Mu Yuyan's hand soared, and slashed toward the ground, and a large red knife swept through the air. out.

There was a loud bang, the ground burst, and the dust flew up, and the gravity weakened a lot.

An extremely strange hissing sound sounded, Wang Changsheng and others heard this sound, dizzy and confused.

Wang Changsheng felt that the environment in front of him was a bit blurry, but fortunately, the Jin Mingpei on his chest burst into a dazzling golden light, and Wang Changsheng instantly regained consciousness.

Dream Butterfly uses sound to create illusions, which is similar to Wang Ruyan's practice.

If it wasn't for Wang Changsheng's combined attack technique to raise his mana to the level of the imaginary stage, he would not be able to stop the attack of the Dream Butterfly.

Zheng Qiuyue and others fell into the illusion, Wang Ruyan was in a trance and dizzy.

Ning Lan and Mu Yuyan laughed, shaking their heads.

Wang Changsheng took a deep breath and hurriedly unleashed his roar.

The sea of ​​consciousness of Zheng Qiuyue and others was attacked, and they suddenly let out painful screams. They gradually regained their sobriety, and more than 100,000 fantasy butterflies fell from the sky.

The Butterfly King's body trembled slightly and made a shrill hissing sound.

After Zheng Qiuyue came back to her senses, she lifted her right hand, and a golden light flew out and disappeared.

The next moment, a golden light lit up on the head of the sixth-order Butterfly King, and a golden bead appeared. The surface was covered with countless mysterious spiritual patterns, emitting a terrifying energy fluctuation.

This is a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao Jin Yan Burning Dzi Bead, a one-time treasure, comparable to a full blow in the refining period.

With a loud bang, the golden ball burst, and tens of thousands of miles around it turned into a sea of ​​golden fire, and the temperature was astonishing.

A large number of fantasy butterflies turned into ashes, their defenses are not strong, they are mainly good at creating illusions.

Taking this opportunity, Wang Changsheng's mana crazily injected into the white flying boat, and the white flying boat soared and disappeared into the sky.

Zheng Qiuyue urged the flying treasures with all her strength, and carried them towards the sky.

Before long, they all disappeared into the sky.


Two days later, a hidden underground cave.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Mu Yuyan, Ning Lan, Zheng Qiuyue and others gathered in the underground cave. Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Mu Yuyan and Zheng Qiuyue were talking.

"Fairy Zheng, although the elixir of ten thousand years is precious, it must be enjoyed with life. I'm sorry, we won't mix it up."

Wang Changsheng shook his head and said, Zheng Qiuyue invited them to pick the elixir of ten thousand years, but they had to trap two sixth-order monsters.

Zheng Qiuyue looked regretful. If Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan helped each other, there would be no problem in picking a few thousand-year-old elixir.

"By the way, Daoyou Wang, this is your share."

Zheng Qiuyue took out a cyan jade box and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng opened the jade box, and inside there was a piece of Primordial Magnetic Divine Crystal, one-third the size of what they had cut.

"Where's fellow Daoist Chen! Haven't you met him?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously.

"No, I will keep his share. If he dies, I will send it to his relatives. I will do what I say."

Zheng Qiuyue said seriously.

Wang Changsheng was in awe. He originally thought that he would not have the chance to get the Magnetic Essence Divine Crystal, but he did not expect that Zheng Qiuyue would really fulfill the agreement. This was beyond his expectations. After all, the Magnetic Essence Divine Crystal was not an ordinary material, and the cultivators would also be hot-eyed.

"Fairy Zheng, let's go together! Treasure hunt together, if we are separated, we will encounter people from Wanlingmen, which will be troublesome."

Mu Yuyan suggested.

Zheng Qiuyue thought about it and agreed.

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