Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2120: Blood Leaf Spiritism, all parties gathered

Wang Changsheng didn't object either. If he couldn't meet other colleagues, he could only cooperate with Zheng Qiuyue and strive to get the 70,000-year-old Nine Thunder Bamboo.

"Wanlingmen's integrated old monster actually sent clones in. If you encounter this person again, you must be careful and careful."

Wang Ruyan's face was dignified, even if it was a clone, it was far from being comparable to an ordinary spirit transformation.

Wang Changsheng glanced at Mu Yuyan, but did not speak. Mu Yuyan was able to escape from the avatar of the fit old monster. He was no ordinary cultivator. Maybe it was the avatar of a cultivator from Zhenhai Palace. Doppelgänger and directly lead them.

After exiting the underground cave, Zheng Qiuyue threw out a flying shuttle that kept flowing red light, and entered a magic trick.

The monks jumped up one after another, Zheng Qiuyue's magic tactic was pinched, the red flying shuttle's aura soared, turned into a red long rainbow, and flew high into the sky.


An emerald green mountain that stretches for hundreds of millions of miles, a long and narrow valley.

Zhao Hong and the other five cultivators gathered together. Zhao Hong frowned. He waited for several months, but he only waited for one of his classmates. It seemed that most of the other classmates were killed.

"Brother Zhao, do you want to wait any longer?"

Sun Yan frowned, her eyes full of sadness.

The five of them alone are not the opponents of the three sixth-order monsters at all. It is absolutely impossible to **** the Xuantian Immortal Fruit in front of the three sixth-order monsters.

"We can only wait, forget it, the five of us are not the opponents of the three sixth-order monsters at all."

Zhao Hong shook his head and said that he was not arrogant enough to use five people to **** the Xuantian Immortal Fruit from the mouths of three sixth-order monsters.

Zhao Hong's face suddenly turned cold, and his right fist smashed into the void, a sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a blue fist shadow several hundred feet in size flew out and smashed into a corner.

There was a loud rumbling sound, the ground was torn apart, and the dust was flying.

A pale golden tree drilled out from the ground, and six rays of light flew from a distance at a particularly fast speed.

The golden giant tree is golden throughout, with luxuriant branches and a huge crown.

"Be careful, the enemy is coming."

Zhao Hong's face changed, and he hurriedly warned.

They sacrificed their treasures one after another, and their faces were full of vigilance.

The six-path escape light stopped, and the leader was a nine-foot-tall young man in a golden shirt. His facial features were straight and white, and his eyes faintly reflected a burst of golden light. Seeing the fluctuation of his mana, he was a cultivator of the Great Perfection of God Transformation.

"Yan Linlang, it's you."

Zhao Hong recognized the young man in the golden shirt with a solemn expression.

Yan Linlang was born in the Xuanqing School and became famous for many years.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, what a coincidence! Are you waiting for us?"

Yan Linlang narrowed her eyes and asked.

"We are in the same sect, what advice do you have, fellow Daoist Yan?"

Zhao Hong's tone was cold.

"No advice, you have been here for the fewest days! It seems that you have discovered something extraordinary, and the five of you are not sure about joining forces. Let me guess, the elixir of ten thousand years? Or a treasure of heaven and earth?"

Yan Linlang said with a half-smile but not a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, let's walk on the other side of the road. Of course, if you think we are easy to bully, just give it a try."

Zhao Hong's voice was a bit chilling.

"I'm not interested, I just want to get a piece of the pie. You can't eat it anyway, why don't we cooperate and get treasure together."

Yan Linlang suggested, in a sincere tone.

"Not interested in."

Zhao Hong directly refused.

Yan Linlang turned her eyes and said, "Anyway, I don't have anything else to do. I have time to spend with fellow Daoist Zhao."

Yan Linlang's tactic was pinched, and the surface of his body glowed brightly. He opened his palm, and there was a pattern of a blood-colored leaf in the palm of his hand.

With a "puchi" sound, the blood-colored leaf pattern suddenly ignited spontaneously.

After a while, the blood-colored leaves disappeared, and Yan Linlang's face was quite pale, obviously performing some kind of secret technique.

The blood leaf psychic technique, this is a secret technique of communication, created by Xuan Qingzi himself. A hundred years ago, the Xuan Qing faction selected the disciples who entered the Xuanling Cave for a long time and taught them a secret technique.

This secret technique requires many people to practice, condensing a blood leaf with blood essence. Once this technique is activated, the same sect within a radius of 300 million miles will all have mutual induction, which is much more powerful than traditional communication treasures.

For example, A, B, C and D are each 300 million miles apart, and A and D are 900 million miles apart. If A casts the blood leaf psychic, B can sense A's position and track the past, C can sense B's position, and D. The position of C can be sensed, in this way, it is not 300 million miles.

If a particularly rare treasure of heaven and earth is found, the disciples of the Xuanqing faction can use this secret technique to contact other fellow disciples. Performing this secret technique will cost a lot of blood. Will not use this secret technique to contact the same door.

Zhao Hong's five people saw this scene, and their faces were ugly.

If he fights with the disciples of the Xuanqing faction now, Zhao Hong has no certainty of winning. If it is delayed and the disciples of the Xuanqing faction arrive, it will be troublesome.

Zhao Hong's face sank, and he turned his hand and took out a blue-light flickering conch, and put it on his mouth and blew it gently.

A low-pitched horn sounded, spreading over a million miles.

Sky Conch, a special kind of communication treasure, but the movement is very big, it is likely to attract other cultivators, Zhao Hong can't control so much now.

The contact treasures distributed by Zhenhai Palace can sense the existence of other sects within a radius of 100 million miles, but after so long, only five people have gathered. Zhao Hong estimates that the other sects are either in other places or have been killed.

In that case, it's better to muddy the water.

Different sects have their own means of communication and secret techniques.


More than 200 million miles away, in a long and narrow valley, a tall, thin middle-aged man opened his palm, and there was a **** leaf pattern in his palm.

With a muffled sound, the blood-colored leaves ignited spontaneously.

"There is a colleague who has used the blood leaf psychic technique. It should be some rare treasure. Hurry up and get there."

The middle-aged man muttered to himself, turned into a flash of light and walked away.


More than a billion miles away, there is a dense green forest, the ground is full of fallen leaves, and the air is filled with the smell of corruption.

In an open space, three Xuanqing Sect disciples fell in a pool of blood, their bodies were blurred, Su Yuntao stood aside, his right hand pressed on the head of a short and fat old man in blue shirt, the old man in blue shirt showed pain.

The five Fang Fei stood aside with respectful expressions.

Suddenly, a blood-colored leaf appeared in the palm of the old man in green shirt, and with a "puchi" sound, the blood-colored leaf spontaneously ignited and disappeared without a trace.

"Blood Leaf Spiritism! It seems that the people of the Xuanqing faction have found some treasure."

Su Yuntao said in a deep voice, with an expression of interest on his face.

With a scream, the old man in the blue shirt fell down and lost his breath. As soon as a mini Nascent Soul left the body, a red light descended from the sky, pierced through the mini Nascent Soul, and the mini Nascent Soul evaporated from the world.

"Let's go, the disciples of the Xuanqing faction are gathering, they should have found a treasure."

Su Yuntao greeted, burned the bodies of the disciples of the Xuanqing School, and led Fang Fei to jump on the back of the alien beast. The alien beast spread its wings and flew towards the sky.

After a cup of tea, a lump bulged in the ground, revealing a pair of dark green eyes, it was Xuan Yang.

"Chongbao? I don't know who it is in the hands of! Let you fight first, and then I will reap the benefits of the fisherman."

Xuan Yin sneered, his eyes full of fiery color.

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