Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2121: A chance encounter with Ma Qianqian

A long and narrow canyon, covered with gray-white stones, with obvious traces of fire.

Five men and one woman were lying on the ground. All of them had a fist-sized blood hole in their chests.

There are still some stumps, broken arms and some dimly lit treasures on the ground. Obviously, there was a fierce battle here.

Jin holmium and a thin young woman in a golden skirt were talking, and the two of them were full of smiles.

The golden skirt young woman's body is covered with golden-red spirit patterns, her eyes are golden, and she is of the fire clan.

Li Fengyang stood aside with a respectful expression and pale face.

"Jin holmium, you have a good idea, let him mix into the human race, and then cooperate with us inside and out to destroy the human race cultivator."

The young woman in the golden skirt said excitedly, Li Fengyang mixed into the human race monks, and then they suddenly rushed out, the human race monks attacked them with all their strength, and Li Fengyang stabbed the younger generation.

"It's okay to use it once or twice, but if you use it more often, something will happen."

Jin holmium shook his head and said, rejecting the proposal of his family.

"I know a few places. If we join forces, we will definitely be able to scavenge a lot of resources for immortal cultivation."

The young woman in the golden skirt suggested.

Jin holmium shook his head and said, "Although the treasures are good, we have to enjoy them with our lives. We have already obtained enough treasures. Find a safe place and wait to leave!"

He looked at Li Fengyang and instructed: "You stay with me, I will let you leave Xuanling Cave safely, and there will be a place for you in the future. You cooperate with us in the process of killing the cultivators, but I use the camera lens. Recorded, before leaving Xuanling Cave, I will lift the ban, if you dare to rebel, you will kill Zhenhai Palace, Xuanqing Sect, Shenbing Palace, Wanlingmen disciples will spread throughout the human race."

If Li Fengyang can be subdued, as the spies of the Jinghuo clan who are placed inside the human race, maybe it will be able to play a miraculous effect.

"After leaving Xuanling Cave, the ancestors may use secret techniques to ask questions. If I lie, I will be discovered."

Li Fengyang showed a bitter face.

"Don't worry, I will give you a rare treasure, which should be able to help you through this level, let's go! Find a safe place, and I will tell you slowly."

Jin holmium instructed, they put away the belongings on the ground, burned the corpses on the ground, and left the place.


Half a month later, a red escaping light swept through the sky at an extremely fast speed.

The red light flashed, and the red escaping light fell over a steep peak. It was a red flying shuttle that was more than a hundred meters long. Wang Changsheng and ten others stood on the red flying shuttle.

In half a month, Xuanling Cave will be closed.

Wang Changsheng has never been able to meet other colleagues, so he can only cooperate with Zheng Qiuyue, but he did not tell Zheng Qiuyue the location and the name of the treasure, and he will not reveal it until the last moment.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, where are you talking about? There's no need to go around in circles."

Zheng Qiuyue frowned and said.

The heart of guarding against others is indispensable. Wang Changsheng released Zheng Qiuyue everywhere. Zheng Qiuyue could understand that she also released Wang Changsheng and the four people everywhere.

They are both cooperative and competitive, and if the interests are big enough, they will turn their backs.

"Flying 30 million miles to the east is almost the same."

Wang Changsheng said vaguely that he hoped to meet a few fellow students, and the fat and water would not flow to outsiders.

Zheng Qiuyue frowned, and was about to say something when a deafening dragon roar came from a distance, and a golden dragon appeared high in the distance, showing its teeth and claws.

"This is?"

The four Wang Changsheng were stunned for a moment, and their faces were full of curiosity.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness sensed that this was not an entity, but rather a means of communication.

Zheng Qiuyue's face changed. This is the emergency contact method of Shenbingmen. The disciples of Shenbing Palace are asking for help or finding something.

Zheng Qiuyue's tactic was pinched, and the red jade shuttle evaded and accelerated, speeding up.

In a huge valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, seven men and two women were fighting, and the ground was littered with fragments of magic weapons, as well as hundreds of huge pits with black smoke.

Judging from their costumes, there are disciples of the Xuanqing School, Shenbing Palace and Zhenhai Palace.

Two men and one woman stood together. The leader was a nine-foot-tall youth in a golden shirt. Judging from his clothes, he was clearly a disciple of the Shenbing Palace. The two behind him were disciples of the Xuanqing School.

Opposite them, there are six Zhenhai Palace disciples including Ma Qianqian.

"Quick fight, don't delay."

Ma Qianqian's face was full of murderous aura, and when the magic trick was pinched, countless red flames appeared on the body, just like a burning man. monstrous.

Most of the valley was submerged by the sea of ​​azure flames, and the azure flames tumbled violently, turning into a huge azure fire dragon and rushing towards the opposite side.

The other five people manipulated magic weapons and attacked the three young men in golden shirts.

The rumbling sound of rumbling sounded, and the defenses of the three young men in golden shirts were shattered like thin paper, and they flew out like kites with broken strings, vomiting blood.

The cyan flame tumbled violently and went straight to the three young men in the golden shirt.

The young man in the golden shirt looked desperate. With his current situation, he could not stop Ma Qianqian's attack at all.

At this moment, a piercing whistling sound rang out, and a cyan tornado swept in and smashed the cyan fire dragon.

A red light flew from a distance, and it was a flying shuttle with red light. Zheng Qiuyue and other ten people stood on the red flying shuttle.

Wang Changsheng frowned when he saw Ma Qianqian and the others.

"Junior Brother Wang, Junior Sister Wang, you are hanging out with people from Shenbing Palace? What do you want to do?"

Ma Qianqian said with a cold face.

"Senior Sister Ma, we encountered the clone of the Wanlingmen cultivator. If we hadn't joined forces, we would have died."

Wang Changsheng explained that there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies.

In order to fight Wanlingmen, they had to join forces. Now that Ma Qianqian is fighting with the disciples of Shenbing Palace, they have to stand on opposite sides.

The four of them quickly fell to the ground and looked at Zheng Qiuyue from a distance.

As a result, Zhenhai Palace has ten gods, and Zheng Qiuyue also has nine gods. From the perspective of the number of people, Zhenhai Palace has the advantage.

"Families should be resolved rather than Fairy Ma, there is no need for us to fight to the death here! Why don't we join forces to hunt for treasures."

Zheng Qiuyue said sincerely.

"Yes, but you ask the Xuanqing faction to give me Tianyue Hanjing."

Ma Qianqian said in a non-negotiable tone.

Zheng Qiuyue's lips moved slightly, obviously to whom the voice was transmitted.

A grey-haired azure-robed old man frowned, hesitated again and again, and took out a white jade box.

At this moment, a **** light lit up in the palm of the old man, and a **** leaf pattern appeared out of thin air.

Both Wang Changsheng and Ma Qianqian saw this pattern, but they didn't know what the blood-colored leaves were.

"Blood Leaf Spiritualism, the people of the Xuanqing faction are calling for the same family, they should have discovered rare resources for cultivating immortals, or asked for help."

Mu Yuyan opened her mouth and said that she was Song Yuchan's avatar, and her knowledge was far beyond that of ordinary cultivators.

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