Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2127: big melee

The latest website: A huge explosion sounded, and the dense spells were swept away by blue sound waves like snow melting in the spring.

There were ripples on the heads of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and a large hand more than a thousand feet long appeared out of nowhere.

Wanlingmen's unique secret technique, Wanling's magic hand.

The sound of dragons and phoenixes and insects rang out, and the Jin Mingpei on Wang Changsheng's chest lit up brightly, releasing a golden light to protect them. Even so, they were still a little uncomfortable.

The big hand took the picture with an aura of annihilation, as if to slap Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan into flesh.

Wang Changsheng punched the Jiujiao Drum again, another dragon roar sounded, and a blue sound wave swept out.

With a loud bang, the Wanling Beast Catcher and the blue sound wave perished together, and the powerful air wave spread out, razing more than a dozen hills to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Su Yuntao was secretly surprised. He didn't expect Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan to take this blow.

The void fluctuated together, and a giant seal with endless golden light suddenly appeared above their heads, and the golden giant seal exuded amazing aura fluctuations.

As soon as the golden giant seal appeared, an unstoppable gravitational force fell head-on. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan felt the void tightened, not to mention taking a step, it became difficult to breathe.

"Wang Daoyou, you hand over the things of Xuantian, and I will keep you safe. When you leave Xuanling Cave, I will never treat you badly. At least 100 million spiritual stones are worth at least 100 million spiritual stones. whatever."

Zheng Qiuyue's voice was full of temptation.

It's not that she was reluctant to kill Wang Changsheng, but she wanted to win over Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. With the strength of Shenbingmen, it was a little difficult to bring Xuantian's things out.

"Fairy Zheng, I am sorry to obey your orders."

Wang Changsheng refused directly, and really handed over the things of Xuantian to Zheng Qiuyue, and Chen Yueying would never spare him.

For the things of Xuantian, Zhao Hong's body was destroyed, and Sun Yan was seriously injured. Wang Changsheng couldn't just hand over the things of Xuantian to outsiders.

"Junior Brother Wang, give me the things of Xuantian. After going out, I will tell Li Shizu truthfully, and you will definitely benefit."

Ma Qianqian said through voice transmission, her tone was anxious, and her eyes were full of anticipation.

Before Wang Changsheng could answer, the golden giant seal smashed down, and the void shook and distorted.

Wang Changsheng released blue light from his arms and smashed it towards the golden giant seal.

With two muffled sounds of "bang bang", the golden giant seal flew out.

Zheng Qiuyue's beautiful eyes flashed a bit of surprise, Wang Changsheng's physical strength is so strong? The golden seal was smashed abruptly, and this treasure was refined into a strange stone from the sky, and it was extremely heavy.

A thick and long dragon tail slapped, and Wang Changsheng crossed his arms to block forward.

With a muffled sound, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan flew backwards like kites with broken strings. Wang Changsheng spat out a large mouthful of blood and his face turned pale.

Intensive spells fell from the sky, golden lightning, cyan flames, white ice arrows, yellow sand blades, etc., drowned their figures.

The powerful air waves spread, and the peaks burst open, and the smoke and dust billowed.

A gust of wind blew past, the smoke and dust dissipated, the ground was bumpy, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan had disappeared.

"Earth Escape Technique?"

Yan Linlang snorted coldly, raised her hand and threw out a small hammer that was flickering with yellow light, which instantly swelled and hit the ground.

The ground shook and was torn apart, with thick and long cracks appearing, like an earthquake.

A hundred miles away, a low soil **** suddenly burst and turned into countless powders.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan flew out from the ground, and the double-eyed mouse was lying in Wang Changsheng's arms.

Wang Changsheng's face was pale, and his body was covered in blood, but it was only scratching the skin, which was not a serious problem, and Wang Ruyan was also not a serious problem.

They glanced at each other, the blue light on the body surface was shining, and the two of them turned into a flash of light and flew high into the sky.

Su Yuntao's face turned cold, and he turned his hand and took out a long bow with red light flowing incessantly. A lifelike red giant tiger was engraved on the bow arm.

He holds the bow in his left hand and draws it in his right hand.

A tiger roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and five red arrows with continuous red light appeared out of thin air. After careful observation, the five red arrows were made up of countless red flames, emitting a terrifying high temperature.

"Whoosh whoosh" arrows sounded, and five red arrows flew out, turning into five red rainbows, heading straight for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

As soon as Wang Changsheng and others fought, Ning Lan and others also had an infighting. As a result, the two sixth-order monsters quickly got out of trouble.

In order to obtain the things of Xuantian, they cooperated together, and now that the things of Xuantian were obtained, they immediately turned their faces and attacked each other.

After the sixth-order monster got out of trouble, it immediately attacked Ning Lan and the others, and the five cultivators died instantly.

There were two screams in the distant sky, there were men and women, but soon, the blue light of the light rose, and the speed increased a lot again.

Su Yuntao snorted lightly, turned into a red light and chased out.

Mu Yaoyao and the others followed closely behind and chased after him. Ma Qianqian was no exception. Sun Yan, under the cover of other classmates, chased after him.

The various forces chased after each other and interfered with each other. During the period, many battles broke out, and many cultivators died tragically.


Outside Xuanling Cave, Chen Yueying and others were chatting.

"Calculate the time, Xuanling Cave is about to close, fellow Daoists, why don't we make a bet and see which one has the most disciples, how about that?"

Sun Yu suggested with a smile, with a warm tone.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, your Xuanqing faction sent 40 disciples in. The number is the largest. It's not fair to us to bet on the number of bettors. It's better whether the number of bettors is odd or even."

Jin Ding Zhenjun suggested.

"Hmph, this time is not as good as the last time, and I don't know what happened inside. The number of people who fell is far more than the last time. You still have the heart to Chen Yueying snorted, and said with some dissatisfaction, not saying that She attaches great importance to the disciples, and she hopes that the disciples will bring out what she wants, especially the Nine Thunder Bamboo.

"No matter what happens inside, we can't get involved. Anyway, if we are idle, we are idle. It's better to make a bet to relieve the boredom."

Sun Yu suggested that they had stayed here for several months, and there was nothing to talk about, and their cultivation experience. The exchange of items and the anecdotes of the immortal world have been discussed over and over again.

"The old man is not interested in betting, you fellow Daoists please do."

A fat golden-robed old man frowned and said, his eyes full of sadness, and there was a golden leaf pattern on his sleeve.

The Li family's children suffered heavy casualties, and he was not in the mood to bet at all.

"I'm not interested either. Maybe the old monsters of the Jinghuo clan sent clones in and started killing them. Forget it, I hope more people will come out!"

Li Yan agreed.

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