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Chapter 2128: Wang Ruyan shows his prestige, the body of a cultivator is terrifying

The latest website: Xuanling Cave, a vast and boundless jungle, a huge explosion can be vaguely heard, and a red mushroom cloud suddenly rises in the distance.

In the depths of the dense forest, in an open field, towering trees were broken and countless sawdust flew around.

The ground is full of potholes, with hundreds of huge, steaming craters.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were panting, their faces were disgraced, and they looked very embarrassed.

Wang Changsheng was holding a flashing array plate in his hand, and he was controlling the array plate.

There was a blood hole the size of a fist on his left shoulder, his back was stained red with blood, his face was pale, and his blue veins were exposed. Wang Ruyan's mouth was stained with some brown blood, his face was bloodless, and there was a blood hole the size of a fist on his right chest.

Wang Ruyan was holding a red dust flute and was playing, and the cheerful flute sounded.

There were five corpses lying on the ground, as well as some red scales.

Mu Yaoyao and Yan Linlang's eyes were frantic, and they attacked Su Yuntao frantically, and the explosions continued.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were chased and killed by a number of cultivators who were transformed into gods, and they fought desperately to break out of the siege. The price was that the two fifth-order puppet beasts were scrapped and the fifth-order talisman soldiers were scrapped. Even so, they were also seriously injured.

"Friend Wang Dao, if you don't want to die, hand over the things of Xuantian."

Mu Yaoyao said with a cold face, her fifth-order spiritual flame can freeze all things, including the heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure, making it a great loss of spirituality, but it is not comparable to the water of the Ming River.

"You are crazy, the old man is not him, you have mistaken someone."

Su Yuntao shouted loudly, the Heavenly Beast Banner was destroyed by Wang Changsheng with the Moon Pearl.

Mu Yaoyao didn't hear it, and when the magic trick was pinched, the five white flags rose sharply, turning into a huge white fire cloud, exuding a biting chill, the ground instantly froze, and the ice layer quickly spread.

The white fire cloud went straight to Su Yuntao, and Su Yuntao's whole body glowed with red light, turning into a red dragon with a length of several hundred meters and rushing towards him.

The white fire cloud was torn apart by the red flood dragon, but soon, a white ice phoenix rushed over, and the red flood dragon was about to avoid it when thousands of thick cyan vines suddenly emerged from the ground, instantly entangling the red flood dragon's body. body.

The red Flood Dragon's body erupted with billowing flames, burning off all the cyan vines.

A big golden hand appeared out of thin air and patted the red flood dragon. The red flood dragon let out a shrill scream and fell from the sky.

A golden net pocket appeared out of thin air, covering the red dragon.

The white ice phoenix descended from the sky, and the red flood dragon suddenly lit up with a dazzling azure light, turning into a huge azure peng bird. The azure peng bird flapped its wings and suddenly disappeared.

"Hundred Beasts!"

Wang Changsheng frowned. Wanlingmen has a practice called "Hundred Beasts", which allows practitioners to transform into a variety of monster forms and use different magical powers.

As far as he knows, this kind of transformation technique consumes a lot of mana. It seems that Su Yuntao really wants to work hard.

Wang Changsheng's magic formula was pinched, and the nine Dinghaizhu suddenly released blue light, and a large amount of sea water poured out to protect them.

The void above Mu Yaoyao's head fluctuated together, and a huge azure Peng bird suddenly appeared, its claws grabbed towards Mu Yaoyao's head.

Normally, Mu Yaoyao would be able to avoid it, but now that she was hit by Wang Ruyan's illusion, her reaction was not as good as before.

A shrill scream sounded, Mu Yaoyao's head was shattered by the sharp claws of the blue Pengbird, and the red and white things splashed everywhere.

A round bowl with endless cyan light suddenly appeared above the cyan Pengbird. There were some flame patterns on the surface of the cyan round bowl. The cyan light flashed, and the cyan round bowl spewed a cyan flame, drowning the cyan Pengbird.

A large piece of blue-colored sound waves swept in, instantly passing through the sea of ​​​​fire, and a large number of blood-stained cyan plumes fell off.

A gust of wind suddenly blew in the flames, the cyan flames collapsed suddenly, and the cyan Pengbird disappeared.

The next moment, a few miles away, a cyan flat bird suddenly appeared.

The blue-colored Pengbird's body shone brightly and made a piercing screeching sound. With a flutter of its wings, the wind was blowing, and a blue-green hurricane suddenly appeared within a hundred miles, heading straight for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan from all directions.

The sound of the flute became tactful, and Yan Linlang's magic art was pinched, and countless cyan vines grew on the ground, which were quickly woven into a huge cyan cage, protecting Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan inside.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the dense cyan hurricane hit the cyan cage, the cyan cage was torn apart, and the heavy water curtain blocked the cyan cage.

The blue Peng Bird wanted to perform other attacks, and the flute sound became more and more rapid, and a big blue hand appeared out of nowhere and slapped the blue Peng Bird.

With a muffled sound, the cyan Pengbird fell from the sky, and a blue sound wave swept over, passing over the body of the cyan Pengbird, a large number of feathers fell off, and the cyan Pengbird was dripping with blood.

With a flash of blue light, the blue peng bird turned into a human shape, Su Yuntao was panting, blood dripping from his body, and his face flushed red.

If he is fighting alone, he is not afraid of Wang Changsheng, but Wang Ruyan's illusion has caught him off guard. If he is personally there, he will simply ignore it.

He took a deep breath, and the phantom of a phoenix, bird and insect suddenly appeared on the surface of his body, his breath soared, and his right index finger was aimed at Wang Changsheng.

A piercing sound of breaking the air sounded, and a finger wind flew out, and instantly reached the blue water curtain, and a blue sound wave flew out, and was instantly defeated by the finger wind.

Zhifeng submerged into the blue water curtain, and there was a muffled sound.

There was a deafening thunder in the sky, and a blue thundercloud suddenly appeared in the sky, with lightning and thunder.

At the same time, the sound of the flute became more and more rapid.

Su Yuntao felt his blood surging, his expression was in a trance, and the environment in front of him was constantly changing.

At this moment, a deafening man shouted loudly, and Su Yuntao suddenly stopped.

A nine-colored arrow flew out from the blue water and pierced through Su Yuntao's body, but soon, Su Yuntao's escape speed soared and disappeared into the sky.

The blue water curtain dissipated, revealing Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. There was a terrifying blood hole on Wang Changsheng's right shoulder, and the blood flowed nonstop. Hole.

A cyan shield was scattered around Yan Linlang, and there was a hole on the surface of the cyan shield.

Yan Linlang couldn't stop Su Yuntao's attack even with the defensive treasures, which shows how terrifying Su Yuntao is.

Mu Yaoyao's body was destroyed by Su Yuntao, Nascent Soul was killed by the hurricane, and the fifth-order spiritual flame became an ownerless thing.

Wang Changsheng put away the belongings on the ground and the fifth-order spiritual flame, looked into the distance into the void, and said with a cold face: "Senior Sister Ma, since you are here, why haven't you shown up yet?"

During the melee, the Ascension faction desperately intercepted other god-turning cultivators, and the local faction didn't care at all and stood by, otherwise Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan would not be seriously injured.

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