Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2134: Yang Qinglong's Reward

The latest website: "Your wings are hard, and you think I'm in the way. You don't say hello to me for such a big thing as building a family."

Chen Yueying said coldly.

"Master Chen, the disciple thought it was not a big deal, so he didn't tell you."

Wang Changsheng said stubbornly, looking nervous.

"Don't call me Master Chen, I don't have that blessing."

Chen Yueying's face is full of suffocation. If ordinary disciples want to establish a family, there is no need to report to her. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan are different. .

Fang Ming walked in and said respectfully, "Uncle Chen, Uncle Yang is here."

"Junior Brother Yang please come in!"

Chen Yueying instructed, and Fang Ming led the way.

Not long after, Yang Qinglong walked in.

"Senior Sister Chen, I heard that they got a Xuantian thing, is there such a thing?"

Yang Qinglong asked excitedly.

Chen Yueying nodded and said: "It's true, but we don't have Mahayana monks, so we can't keep this thing. It has been handed over to fellow Sun Daoist of the Xuanqing Sect, and he will bring it back to the Xuanqing Sect. The Xuanqing Sect will give us a cultivating resource as compensation."

Yang Qinglong suddenly realized, he looked at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and asked in confusion, "Senior Sister Chen, is this?"

"They want to go out independently and establish a family, hum, those who don't know think I've treated them badly."

Chen Yueying's tone was cold.

"Master Chen, we didn't mean that. My husband and I will always be grateful to Master Chen for his great kindness."

Wang Ruyan bit the bullet and explained.

"Grateful? Are you so grateful? If you have a better future, I will never stop you. What do you want from Zhenhai Palace? If you have to establish a family, you are free to be the master of the house, but it is not easy to collect immortal cultivation resources. "

Chen Yueying sneered and said that she really couldn't understand Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's thoughts. She stayed in Zhenhai Palace, as long as she made enough credit, she could also get the panacea to assist in the impact of the fusion period. If she left Zhenhai Palace, it was up to her.

"Even if the disciple establishes a family, he still respects Master Chen, but if there is an order, the disciple must obey."

Wang Changsheng assured that it would be difficult to live under someone else's fence, which was one of the reasons why he wanted to build a family.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages. Staying in Zhenhai Palace will inevitably compete with local factions for power and profit. They cannot always prevail. You must know that there have been internal strife in Jiuyou Sect and Sun Moon Palace in Dongli Realm. Wang Changsheng does not want to be killed one day. embroiled in infighting.

It is really free to establish a family, to be the master of the house, and you don’t need to look at other people’s faces. However, the flaws are also obvious. The speed of collecting immortal cultivation resources is far less than that of Zhenhai Palace. If you want to reach a higher realm, you can only take risks in dangerous and forbidden places.

"Senior Sister Chen, calm down. They are used to being the head of the family. It's understandable. Did they choose a site? For such a big credit, they should get a bigger site."

Yang Qinglong made a roundabout and changed the subject.

Chen Yueying nodded and said, "Yes, Kowloon Island, and thirty-five islands."

"Kowloon Island? That's a good thing! Junior Nephew Li and the others often report their losses and send more people. When Senior Nephew Wang occupies this island, they have lost a lot of income."

Yang Qinglong praised.

"Thanks to Chen Shizu's reasoning, otherwise the disciples would not be able to get Kowloon Island to build a family."

Wang Changsheng said respectfully.

"By the way, I heard that you brought out a lot of elixir?"

Yang Qinglong changed his words and looked at Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng nodded, took out ten cyan jade boxes, handed them to Yang Qinglong, and said, "These are ten elixir of eight thousand years, please accept Yang Shizu with a smile."

Wang Ruyan took out a beautiful golden jade box, a beautiful jade box and a blue gourd, and handed them to Chen Yueying, saying: "Master Chen, this is a thousand-year-old elixir, a crystal of the magnetic essence, and a real water of Xuanguang, and we have fewer people. , I can't get the Nine Thunder Bamboo."

Yang Qinglong and Chen Yueying were not polite and took the things given by Wang Changsheng and his wife.

Eating people with short mouths and soft hands, Chen Yueying's face softened a lot.

"Even if a family is established, you are still our disciples of Zhenhai Palace. You accept these two jade jade ginseng pills. I hope you can enter the refining stage."

Yang Qinglong took out a blue porcelain bottle and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng looked at Chen Yueying with a hesitant look on his face.

Chen Yueying was very satisfied with Wang Changsheng's attitude, nodded and said, "Since it was given to you by Junior Brother Yang, you can accept it! It's done, it's no use blaming you now, when you enter the Void Refinement Stage, come and discuss with me for follow-up. Let's do the exercises! Nephew Fang, take them down and tell them what they need to prepare to establish a family, help them fill in the gaps, make adequate preparations, and then let them leave the main altar. This must be done beautifully. Bright."

The raw rice is cooked and cooked, no matter how she blames Wang Changsheng, it is useless, it is better to do it beautifully.

"Thank you, Master Chen."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan said in unison, and left with Fang Ming.

"Senior Sister Chen doesn't need to be angry, the two of them can't affect the overall situation."

Yang Qinglong comforted.

"I'm not angry, I just beat them. I didn't discuss such a big thing with me."

Chen Yueying explained that she changed her words and said, "Unfortunately, if our Zhenhai Palace gets the things of Xuantian, sooner or later, a Mahayana monk will appear."

"The things of Xuantian are not something that we can keep, or it will bring disaster. Have you forgotten the Xutian family?"

When Yang Qinglong said the end, his face was solemn.

The Xutian family is a very powerful race in the Xuanling Continent. There are four Mahayana members. Because they obtained a treasure of Xuantian, the news was leaked, causing the big clan to covet and use their supernatural powers to destroy this race. The human race also participated in the extermination of the virtual. Tian family.

"Of course I didn't forget that this race is proficient in spatial supernatural powers, and there are not many clan members, but all of them have supernatural powers. I heard that they got a treasure of Xuantian from the dojo of Xuanling Tianzun, so they were waited by the Jinrong Clan. The big clan was wiped out, and the treasure of Xuantian was snatched away.”

Chen Yueying said slowly.

Yang Qinglong nodded: "Yes! There are four Mahayana who can't protect that treasure of I heard that it is a treasure of space-type Xuantian, which can hold a race, Xuanqing faction. I still don’t know how much time and resources it will take to cultivate the treasures of Xuantian, and it may not be possible to cultivate them.”

The thing of Xuantian is just a thing of great value, and the treasure of Xuantian is a treasure. If the thing of Xuantian wants to cultivate into the treasure of Xuantian, it needs a lot of resources and time to cultivate immortals, and the human race does not cultivate the treasure of Xuantian. Experience, you can only look at the ancient books collected by other races, and find ways to cultivate.

"It seems that the treasure is mostly defensive. If it is attacking, it may improve the human race's right to speak in the Xuanyang world."

Chen Yueying sighed.

"That's not what we are worried about. If Senior Sister Chen enters the Mahayana period, you can go to other interfaces and turn around, maybe you can get a treasure of Xuantian."

Yang Qinglong laughed and joked.

"Mahayana? I also hope to be able to reach that day, let's talk about it after the great catastrophe!"

Chen Yueying said at the end, she was very worried.

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