Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2135: Leaving Zong to take office, Dong Xueli

The latest website: One month has passed quickly.

Chen Yueying sat on the chair, Fang Ming stood beside Chen Yueying, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan said goodbye to Chen Yueying, they planned to leave Piaoyun Island, rush to Xuanyue Mountain, take Wang Qingcheng and others, and go to Kowloon Island to settle down.

The immortal cultivation resources they brought back from Xuanling Dongtian were converted into good deeds and exchanged for a large number of immortal cultivation resources, which were mainly used to establish the immortal cultivation resources of the family. In addition, the uncles and uncles of the Ascension faction also gave them some things, Of course it wasn't for nothing, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan exchanged things for them.

Wang Changsheng used a large sum of good deeds to exchange for a group of fifth-order spiritual flames, and collected five fifth-order spiritual flames.

When he arrives at Kowloon Island, he can retreat into the Void Refinement Stage with peace of mind.

"This goodbye, I don't know when I will be able to see you. The waters near Jiulong Island often erupt in beast tides. Be careful, I have already sent Martial Nephew Sun to Jiulong Island, and let him help you arrange a sixth-order formation, all expenses. You pay for it yourself, as for the formation, you can discuss with him."

Chen Yueying said solemnly, no matter what, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were branded with the Ascension faction. If the Wang family was wiped out by the beast tide, it would not be a good thing for the Ascension faction.

"Thank you, Master Chen."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan agreed in unison.

"You have entered the Void Refinement period, and then return to the main altar to get the follow-up exercises."

Chen Yueying ordered.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan agreed in succession, the Wang family is still very weak and needs Chen Yueying to take care of them.

Chen Yueying told them a few words and asked them to withdraw.

Looking at the backs of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan leaving, Chen Yueying had a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Maybe in ten thousand years, the Wang family will become the second Long family and Li family."

Fang Ming said with a smile, one palace, two factions, three families, four sects and five kings. Among them, the ancestors of the Li family came from the Xuanqing School, and the ancestors of the Long family came from Wanlingmen. There are many immortal families under the Zhenhai Palace, but their overall strength is not strong.

"Ten thousand years? The local faction supports the Song family. The Song family has developed for more than 20,000 years, but there are only eight cultivators. It's hard to say.

Chen Yueying said softly, even if they were sent out to establish a family, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan would still belong to the Ascension faction, and this identity brand would exist for tens of thousands of years.

After leaving Chen Yueying's residence, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan turned into two rays of light, flew towards the sky, and left Piaoyun Island.


Donglijie, South China Sea, Qinglian Island.

In the conference hall, Wang Qingshan was talking to Wang Qingxing.

"The family will be handed over to you, Qingying, I'm going far away. If I find the interface directly under the spiritual world, I will come back and tell you."

Wang Qingshan said solemnly, he has been delayed in the lower realm for a long time, and with Wang Qingjing in charge of the family, he can feel at ease to find the interface directly under the spiritual realm.

"Don't worry! Seventh brother, I will take care of the family."

Wang Qingying patted his chest and agreed.

Wang Qingshan bowed and said: "Then please, if I can go to the spiritual world, I will find a way to pick you up."

After saying this, Wang Qingshan turned into a cyan rainbow and walked away, leaving Qinglian Island and disappearing into the sky.


The Golden Clam Mountains are named after the large number of golden-winged flying scorpions, which are extremely poisonous, but their inner pills are widely used, attracting many monsters to hunt and kill.

A damp and dark dark forest, looking around, there are towering trees more than a hundred feet high everywhere, with lush branches and leaves, blocking a lot of sunlight.

At the end of the jungle is a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the valley is overgrown with weeds.

A deafening roar came from the valley, and the ground shook violently.

Three golden rays of light flew out from the valley, and they were three huge centipedes with a pair of golden thin wings. The centipedes were all pitch-black, with a pair of tentacles on their heads, and their eyes were golden.

These are three fourth-order golden-winged flying cockroaches, and they are flying towards the sky at a particularly fast speed.

At this moment, a cold woman shouted: "Flying snow!"

As soon as the voice fell, a large piece of white sword energy swept over, slashing at them one after another, as if slashing on a copper wall and an iron wall, there was a muffled "kengkeng" sound.

Some white ice debris appeared on the bodies of the three golden-winged flying cockroaches, covering half of their bodies, and their speed was stagnant.

A red light flew out from the valley, it was Wang Qingfeng.

Wang Qingfeng originally worked hard in the Xuanyue Mountain Range, but after staying in the Xuanyue Mountain Range for a long time, it was a little boring. He said hello to Wang Qingcheng and planned to go out for a trip.

The flowers in the greenhouse don't grow much, and he doesn't want to live under the protection of his parents all his life.

Wang Qingcheng naturally refused to agree, but what Wang Qingfeng decided, the Nine Headed Bulls couldn't pull back.

Wang Qingfeng did not run around. The Jinbing Mountains were not far from the Xuanyue Mountains. He met a female sword cultivator here. The two did not know each other and hunted monsters together.

Wang Qingfeng held a red shining sword in his hand and slashed towards the void.

The void vibrated and twisted, red light flashed, and hundreds of red sword qi swept out, smashing on the heads of the three golden-winged flying cockroaches one after another.

The heads of the three golden-winged flying cockroaches were like tofu, smashed by the dense red sword energy.

The corpse fell to the ground, and the three mini centipedes flew out of the body. Wang Qingfeng quickly sacrificed a red cloth bag, released a red glow, and took away the three mini centipedes.

This is the spirit of a monster, and the soul-eater Jin Chan, raised by Wang Changsheng, likes to devour the spirit of monsters.

A fragrant wind wafted by, and a tall girl in a white dress flew out of the valley. The girl in the white dress had picturesque features, snow-white skin, star eyes and white teeth, and there was a bit of heroism in the eyebrows that was rare in women. white sword case.

The girl in the white dress breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Fellow Daoist Wang, I thought you would destroy the corpse of the monster again."

"Fairy Dong, you have said it so many times, I will definitely pay attention."

Wang Qingfeng said with a smile, the girl in the white dress was called Dong Xueli, and she was a female swordsman.

"It's a pity that the golden cockroach grass was eaten by them. The two golden-winged flying cockroaches belong to you, and one belongs to me."

Dong Xueli suggested.

"Let's divide it evenly! If it weren't for you, I would easily kill these three golden-winged flying cockroaches."

Wang Qingfeng said with a light smile.

"No To be able to kill these three golden-winged flying cockroaches, you put in great effort, I won't take advantage of you, I said, let's work together to hunt down monsters, distribute property according to contribution, everyone will Take advantage of no one."

Dong Xueli's attitude was firm.

At this moment, several dangling lights flew over, and the speed was very fast.

It didn't take long for four Nascent Soul monks to appear, three men and one woman. The leader was a burly young man in golden shirts. In the late Nascent Soul period, their sleeves were embroidered with a pattern of a small golden snake. , obviously representing a certain force.

"Seventh brother, they took the lead."

A girl in a blue skirt frowned.

The young man in the golden shirt frowned, clasped his fists and said, "In the Valley of the Golden Snake, Qian Guoxin, I don't know what the two fellow Taoists call them."

"My surname is Wang, this is Fairy Dong, what advice do you have?"

Wang Qingfeng's tone was indifferent.

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