Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2136: Wang Qiushui, the third grandson of the spirit world

The latest website: "I wonder if the two fellow Taoists have obtained the millennium golden cockroach grass? I am willing to buy it at a high price."

Qian Guoxin said politely.


Wang Qingfeng shook his head.

Qian Guoxin frowned and said sincerely, "Friend Wang Dao, I urgently need a thousand-year-old golden cockroach grass, please help."

"I said no, no, why lie to you!"

Wang Qingfeng said impatiently, one is one, two is two, he is not interested in deceiving people.

"Seventh brother, don't talk nonsense with them, just take them down, I don't believe they don't have golden cockroaches on them."

"That's right, this is what we discovered first, and the golden scorpion grass is ours."

"Hand over the golden cockroach, or you will never leave this place."

The other three disciples of the Qian family showed a sullen look on their faces, and they turned their faces when they disagreed.

"Joke, more people bully less people? Think I'm afraid of you?"

Wang Qingfeng sneered, with a look of disdain.

He has rich experience in actual combat. From childhood to adulthood, he has often learned from his peers, losing less and winning more.

"Fellow Daoist Qian, we really didn't find the golden cockroach. When we broke into the cave, the golden-winged flying cockroach had already eaten the golden cockroach."

Dong Xueli quickly explained.

"How do we know what you said is true? The golden-winged flying cockroach does not eat it in the morning or late, and you will eat the golden cockroach grass when you come? Unless you take out the contents of the storage ring and let us check."

A young girl in a green skirt questioned.

"Joke, if you don't believe it, don't believe it, why should I ask you to check?"

Wang Qingfeng retorted.

"Our ancestor of the Qian family was born in Qingyunmen, and we asked two fellow Taoists to show the face of Qingyunmen and hand over the golden grass. I will definitely give you a satisfactory reward."

Qian Guoxin said sincerely that he felt that the other party was not easy to provoke, so he could only report to Qingyunmen, hoping to scare the other party away.

Qingyunmen has an imaginary cultivator in charge, which should be able to scare off the opponent.

"Qingyunmen? Hmph, I thought you were disciples of the Xuanqing faction!"

Wang Qingfeng looked disdainful, compared to his background? Miscalculated.

He turned over and took out a blue token with the word "Zhenhai" clearly written on it.

"Zhenhai Palace!"

Qian Guoxin's expression changed, and his eyes were full of fear. As a result, he would not dare to do anything. If he killed the disciples of Zhenhai Palace and the news leaked, it would bring disaster to the Qian family, unless they did it. clean.

The other three Qian family disciples were a little shocked. In their opinion, Qingyunmen was already a very strong force, but compared with Zhenhai Palace, Qingyunmen was far worse.

"Fellow Daoist Qian, we really didn't find the golden cockroach. If we cut open the body of the golden-winged flying cockroach, we may be able to find the golden cockroach."

Dong Xueli suggested that they naturally couldn't take out the contents of the storage ring for Qian Guoxin to check, Qian Guoxin seemed to be in desperate need of golden cockroaches.

If this matter is not handled properly, it may be a big fight.

Qian Guoxin flew to the ground, took out a golden flying knife, and cut a hole in the belly of the golden-winged flying cockroach. After careful inspection, he could not find the golden cockroach grass.

"Since there is no golden cockroach grass, then forget it, disturbing."

Qian Guoxin sighed and left with his clan. He was not confident enough to leave Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli behind, and did not dare to gamble on the safety of the family.

Looking at the backs of them leaving, Dong Xueli breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, just explain it to them clearly, there is no need to quarrel with them."

Dong Xueli said softly.

"One is one, two is two, no is no, I don't lie, and I don't need to explain too much to them, believe it or not."

Wang Qingfeng said disapprovingly, he has always been like this, there is no need to explain to others.

Dong Xueli remembered something, frowned and said, "Fellow Daoist Wang, you never mentioned that you are a disciple of Zhenhai Palace."

"You didn't ask me either."

Wang Qingfeng said honestly.

Dong Xueli laughed lightly after hearing this.

"Okay, let's go! It's getting late."

Wang Qingfeng put away the corpses of the two golden-winged flying cockroaches and left the place with Dong Xueli.


Deep in the Xuanyue Mountains, in a courtyard that covers an extremely wide area, Wang Qingcheng and Sun Yuejiao were sitting in the stone pavilion, and a thin boy in blue was chasing a cyan puppet beast.

The blue-clothed boy has clear eyebrows, and his facial features are quite similar to Sun Yuejiao.

Wang Qiushui, the third son of Wang Qingcheng.

Sun Yuejiao originally wanted a daughter, but she didn't expect it to be a son.

"Husband, uncle will be all right! Do you want me to ask my great-grandfather to send someone to look for it?"

Sun Yuejiao suggested that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were away, the eldest brother was the father, and the eldest sister-in-law was the mother. If Wang Qingfeng had an accident, they would not be able to explain to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Wang Qingcheng shook his head and said, "No, I'll go find him myself! If others can't persuade him, I know his temper."

"What? Qingfeng has left the Xuanyue Mountains?"

A vigorous male voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked in.

"Father, mother, you are back."

Seeing Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, Wang Qingcheng and Sun Yuejiao quickly stood up.

The boy in blue ran to Wang Ruyan's side and looked at Wang Ruyan eagerly.

"Mother, this is Qiushui, Qiushui, call your grandfather and grandmother."

Sun Yuejiao smiled and explained that Wang Qiushui had not been born when Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan left.

They had been away for several years, and Wang Qiushui had not seen them.

"Grandfather grandmother."

Wang Qiushui shouted.

Wang Ruyan picked up Wang Qiushui and said with a smile, "Let my grandmother take a good look. I didn't expect that we would come back and have another grandson."

"Qingcheng, where did you say Qingfeng went?"

Wang Changsheng asked in a deep voice, he was most worried about Wang Qingfeng, worried that he would cause a big disaster.

"He went out to hunt monsters and should be back in a few days."

Wang Qingcheng hesitated.

"I want to hear the truth."

Wang Changsheng's tone increased a lot, and his eyes were majestic.

Wang Qingcheng sighed and told the truth.

"Father, I'll ask my great-grandfather to send someone to look for him! He shouldn't run far."

Sun Yuejiao suggested.

"No, it's good to let him hone for a while outside. If you don't make it, he can think of going out to practice, which is a good thing."

Wang Changsheng shook his head and said, he thought that Wang Qingfeng had caused some serious He was very relieved to learn that Wang Qingfeng was going to travel.

The flowers in the greenhouse didn't grow much, so he couldn't protect Wang Qingfeng forever.

Wang Qingfeng's character is a little paranoid, let him go out to experience some, maybe he will change.

"By the way, we will go out independently in the future, so do you, go to Kowloon Island and establish our own family."

Wang Changsheng said excitedly, his eyes full of longing.

"Build a family!"

Sun Yuejiao was a little surprised, she didn't understand, Zhenhai Palace had rich resources for immortal cultivation and huge power, what was wrong with staying in Zhenhai Palace, it was difficult to go out independently.

"We have collected a large amount of resources for cultivating immortals from Xuanling Dongtian. The early development of the family is not a problem, you don't have to worry about it."

Wang Ruyan comforted that she knew that Sun Yuejiao had a strong sense of belonging to Zhenhai Palace, after all, she grew up in Zhenhai Palace.

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