Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2137: Refining clones

Latest website: Wang Changsheng briefly talked about the things that Ma Qianqian stood by, but did not mention the things of Xuantian, Song Yiming repeatedly warned that the existence of things of Xuantian should not be passed on.

"Yuejiao, let me tell you the truth! If we continue to stay in Zhenhai Palace, we will be involved in the battle between the two factions sooner or later. Besides, we would rather be the head of the chicken than the tail of the phoenix, and be the master of the house."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly, it was difficult to live under the fence of others, there were too many uncles and uncles, they reprimanded Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan had to show respect.

"Yeah! I'd rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. Dad is right. By the way, Dad, where is our territory?"

Wang Qingcheng was brought up by Wang Changsheng since he was a child. His sense of belonging to Zhenhai Palace was relatively weak, and he didn't care if he was separated from Zhenhai Palace.

"Kowloon Island, occasionally a big business alliance will pass by. When Qingfeng returns, we will go to Kowloon Island."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, he briefly talked about the family development blueprint he built, and with the resources he brought out from Xuanling Cave, the development of the family in the early stage was definitely not bad.

Sun Yuejiao pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "I listen to my father."

Wang Qingcheng treats her very well. If she stays in Zhenhai Palace, Wang Qingcheng goes to Kowloon Island, and the husband and wife are separated, which is not a good thing.

Wang Changsheng nodded in relief. If Sun Yuejiao had to stay at Zhenhai Palace, he wouldn't force it. Fortunately, Sun Yuejiao knew a lot about it. Of course, Wang Changsheng and others treated Sun Yuejiao very well.

"You have to practice diligently. When you arrive at Jiulong Island, we will support the family."

Wang Changsheng had a look of longing on his face. The three grandsons were the future of the family. Hundreds of years were enough to breed a family. Many immortal-cultivating families in the spiritual world came this way.

"Prop up the family."

Wang Qiushui said in a milky voice.

"Okay, grandfather and grandmother conquer the world, and Qiushui and two older brothers guard the world."

Wang Changsheng's face was full of love, and he pinched Wang Qiushui's small face.

There are always several generations in a family who have to endure hardships, Wang Changsheng would rather endure more hardships so that future generations can relax a little.

The old ancestor is not easy to be, but with his own territory, there is hope.

Wang Qiushui blinked, he didn't know what Wang Changsheng meant.

After teasing Wang Qiushui for a while, Wang Changsheng walked into the residence, and the incarnation of Wang Sen was already Nascent Soul Great Perfection.

In general, avatars are better than avatars, but there are pros and cons to each! The clone leaves the main body for too long, and will go out independently and not obey the order. This situation is not unheard of. The incarnation cannot go out independently, but it is only a high-level puppet and can never betray.

Wang Changsheng let the avatar continue to practice, and he planned to refine the avatar.

The Wang family got thirty-six islands and needed manpower to guard them.

When he came to the basement, Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, a blue ray of light passed by, and there were a lot of things on the ground.

He opened a beautiful golden jade box, and there was a blood-red lotus seed in it. The blood light flickered, like a drop of bright red blood, emitting a strange smell.

The nine-leaf blood lotus can hold the primordial spirit and is an excellent material for refining the clone.

The refining method of the avatar is similar to that of the avatar. The difference is that the avatar is a part of the primordial spirit, which can be withdrawn at any time. The primordial spirit entrusted in the avatar cannot be withdrawn casually.

Wang Changsheng took a deep breath, opened his mouth and spewed out a white flame, it was Xuanyu Bingyan.

He threw the lotus seeds of the nine-leaf blood lotus into the air, and the mysterious jade ice flames wrapped the lotus seeds.

Xuanyu Bingyan has been cultivated by Wang Changsheng for many years, and its power is not small, but the lotus seeds show no signs of melting.

Three days passed, and the lotus seeds swelled up and slowly became bigger.

Under the control of Wang Changsheng's consciousness, the lotus seed was deformed and gradually transformed into a human shape, and the humanoid's facial features gradually became clear.

Wang Changsheng made one move with one hand, and a piece of ore glowing with seven-color aura flew up. The seven-color glass stone can increase the toughness and is mainly used as the bone of the clone.

Now that the shape has been shaped, it is time to refine other things.

The mysterious jade ice flame wrapped the colorful glazed stone. Time passed, and the colorful glazed stone slowly showed signs of melting, turning into a pool of seven-colored liquid, sparkling with aura.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and the seven-color liquid was divided into multiple groups of different sizes. Under the control of his divine sense, it slowly condensed into a fragment of bone.

Half a year passed quickly.

Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the ground, his face was exhausted, a layer of fine sweat oozes from his forehead, and a large amount of refining materials were placed beside him.

A glittering human-shaped object floated in front of him, and the internal organs, bones, meridians, etc. of the human-shaped object could be clearly seen.

Generally speaking, only the cultivator can refine the clone, mainly because the spirit of the cultivator is not strong enough, the separated spirit is too weak, the clone cannot move independently, the separated spirit is too strong, and the body will be severely damaged.

Fortunately, Wang Changsheng has a seven-star soul-cultivating lamp. Many years ago, he separated out a strand of soul-cultivating lamp and deposited it in the seven-star soul-cultivating lamp.

Wang Changsheng took out the seven-star soul-cultivating lamp and injected it with mana, the wick suddenly brightened, and a ball of light the size of an egg flew out.

"go with."

With Wang Changsheng's light drink, the light group flew towards the humanoid body.

The humanoid body lit up with a dazzling aura, opened its mouth, and the light group disappeared into the mouth of the humanoid body.


When Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, countless mysterious runes lit up on the surface of the humanoid body, and the limbs suddenly moved, a flash of light flashed, and a naked young man appeared in front of Wang Changsheng.

The young man was tall, with handsome features and sharp edges and corners.

With the colorful glazed stone as the bone, the lotus seed of the nine-leaf blood lotus as the body, and the core of the blood lin fruit as the core, a clone was refined like this.

Different from the incarnation, the avatar is only in the qi-refining period. It can practice exercises, has self-consciousness and can move Unlike the incarnation, it needs Wang Changsheng's order to move.

"From now on, you will be called Wang Xiangrong!"

Wang Changsheng said softly, Xiang Rong, taken from Prosperity, he hoped that the family would prosper.

Wang Xiangrong nodded and acquiesced.

He didn't have a suitable exercise for the time being, so he asked Wang Xiangrong to practice the "Yunyu Jue" first, and he could revise it if he had a good exercise in the future.

A sound transmission flew in, Wang Changsheng grabbed the sound transmission, and put his five fingers together, the sound transmission spontaneously ignited, and Wang Ruyan's voice suddenly sounded: "Husband, Qing Feng is back, um, he also brought a female cultivator back."

Wang Changsheng put away the materials on the ground and walked out.

When he came outside, Wang Changsheng saw Wang Ruyan sitting in the stone pavilion, and her face was full of joy.

Wang Qingcheng and Sun Yuejiao were all smiles, and Wang Qingfeng stood aside, pulling a graceful girl in a white dress.

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