Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2139: Chiyan Island Yan's house, arrived at 9 Dragon Island

The latest website: In the northwest of Xuanling Continent, there is a vast and boundless blue sea.

There was a sudden loud explosion from high in the sky, and a huge cloud of red mushrooms appeared in the sky.

Two escaping lights appeared in the sky and quickly swept through the sky.

The two dungeons were two immortal cultivators, a man and a woman, a thin man in a green robe, his face was pale, and there were obvious bloodstains on his clothes.

Judging from the fluctuation of his mana, he was a middle-stage cultivator of God Transformation.

A young woman in a red dress with delicate features stood beside the man in green robe, her breath was weaker than that of the man in blue robe, and she had the cultivation base of the initial stage of divine transformation.

They all have a pattern of red swallows on their clothes, obviously from the same faction.

There was a sharp, piercing roar from behind, resembling the roar of some kind of beast.

"No, Hippogryph is catching up."

The young woman in the red dress exclaimed, looking nervous.

"Ma'am, I'll cover you, you should retreat."

The man in green robe made a decisive decision and commanded in a stern tone.

Judging by his reaction, Hippogryph seemed scary.

"No, let's die together."

The young woman in the red dress has a firm gaze

A piercing sound of breaking the sky sounded, and a dense azure light lasing came, piercing the sky like a cyan meteor shower, with a posture of smashing them into a sieve.

The blue-robed man's expression changed, and he quickly threw out a small shield that was flickering incessantly with blue light.

There was a muffled sound of "crackling", and there were a lot of cyan thorns on the surface of the cyan shield. The cyan thorns were of different lengths. When they hit the cyan shield, they were stuck on the surface of the shield like steel nails. Cyan thorns are highly poisonous.

A harsh whistling sound rang out, and five green tornadoes swept in.

The young woman in the red dress hurriedly threw out a flag of a red command flag, shook it fiercely, and hundreds of red fireballs the size of a water tank flew out, hitting the five cyan tornadoes one after another.

After the huge explosion sounded, five huge red mushroom clouds appeared high in the sky.

The flames dissipated, revealing five huge monster birds. The shape of the monster birds resembled flying eagles, but they had no feathers. They were covered with cyan thorns, like a huge hedgehog. Under their abdomens were a pair of furry cyan claws. eccentric.

Judging from its aura, these are five fifth-order hippogryph beasts, the highest being the fifth-order mid-rank. The sharp thorns emitted by this beast are highly poisonous, their flight speed is extremely fast, and their defense is no worse than that of fifth-order beasts.

The five hippogryphs were lined up, their bodies suddenly shrunk into a ball, like a hedgehog covered with sharp thorns, their bodies quickly turned and came straight to them.

Where the five hedgehog hippocampus passed, there was a piercing cracking sound from the void.

The man in the green robe and the young woman in the red dress hurriedly used magic weapons to attack the five hippogryphs. With a loud bang, colorful magic auras appeared in the sky.

The man in the green robe and the young woman in the red dress flew out and landed on a small island. Their bodies were covered in scars and their faces were pale.

The five hippogryphs swooped down from the sky, looking like they were about to die.

"Evil animal, rest wildly."

A majestic man's voice suddenly sounded, like a dull thunder, resounding through the world.

As soon as the voice fell, a hurried piano sounded, and a blue sound wave swept over.

The bodies of the five hippogryphs shrunk into a ball and turned into a huge hedgehog. The blue sound waves hit them, and they flew out.

The sea swelled violently, setting off huge waves hundreds of feet high, and a huge vortex with a diameter of hundreds of miles suddenly appeared on the sea surface.

The five hippogryphs flew uncontrollably towards the huge vortex, and they naturally did not follow, their bodies glowed brightly, and flew above the sky.

They just flew out of the hundred feet, eighteen blue lights emerged from the huge vortex, and the airflow suddenly increased several times.

The void fluctuated together, and a big blue hand appeared out of nowhere and slapped them instantly.

Their bodies fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and were drawn into the blue vortex by the powerful airflow.

With a miserable roar, their bodies exploded one after another, turning into countless flesh and blood.

Seeing this scene, the man in the green robe and the young woman in the red dress were stunned. They knew exactly how difficult the hippogryph was. They knew exactly who it was, and had such a great power to easily solve the five hippogryphs. Could it be Lian Void monk?

A cyan escaping light appeared in the distant sky and flew towards it quickly.

It didn't take long for the cyan light to stop over the small island. It was a flying boat with a blue sky. There was a cyan bird wing on each side of the flying boat, engraved with a green luan pattern.

A group of monks stood on the blue flying boat, and it was Wang Changsheng and his party.

"Yan Zongmin in Chiyan Island, this is my wife Lin Yuyan, thank you two fellow Taoists for helping, I don't know what the two fellow Taoists are called?"

The blue-robed man said politely.

"Kowloon Island Wang Changsheng, this is my wife Wang Ruyan."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile.

"Kowloon Island? Isn't that the sub-rudder of Zhenhai Palace?"

Yan Zongmin wondered.

"We were born in Zhenhai Palace, and the head master gave us Kowloon Island to establish a family. If Daoist Yan is free, come to Kowloon Island as a guest another day, we welcome them."

Wang Changsheng made one move with one hand, and eighteen blue lights flew out from the sea, disappearing into his sleeve.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, the Qingluan boat soared and disappeared into the sky.

"A complete set of Tongtian Lingbao! This person is so talented, it seems that he is an elite disciple of Zhenhai Palace, no! How can an elite disciple of Zhenhai Palace establish a family at such a young age?"

Yan Zongmin wondered.

"Husband, let's go back to the family first! If there is a chance in the future, we will come to visit."

Lin Yuyan urged.

Yan Zongmin nodded, and the two of them turned into two rays of light and disappeared into the sky.

Seven days later, Wang Changsheng and his party arrived at Kowloon Island.

"What's the matter? Why isn't there a tree on the island?"

Wang Qingcheng frowned, and following his gaze, there was not a single tree on the island. If it weren't for some buildings on the island, I would have thought it was a deserted island!

A group of monks flew out from the, headed by a young girl in a yellow skirt, with baby fat on her face and water-like eyes, looking gentle and pleasant.

"Hey, Huang... Junior Sister Huang, it's you."

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised when he saw the girl in the yellow skirt.

The girl in the yellow skirt is none other than Huang Yuner. When she first arrived in the Xuanyang Realm, Wang Changsheng was not at the initial stage of divine transformation, and Huang Yuner was not in the initial stage of divine transformation.

"Senior Brother Wang and Sister Wang, it's been a long time since I haven't seen you, and Uncle Sun has been waiting for a long time."

Huang Yuner said with a smile.

"I haven't seen you for many years, Junior Sister Huang has entered the Divine Transformation Stage, congratulations!"

Wang Changsheng opened his mouth to congratulate, and controlled the Qingluan boat to fly towards Jiulong Island.

It can be seen from this point that the Xuanyang Realm has rich resources for immortal cultivation. If it is in the lower realm, it is estimated that it is still in the Nascent Soul stage.

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