Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2140: High deployment costs, job arrangements

The latest website: "If it wasn't for Senior Brother Wang's help, I would still be stationed at Xuanling Island!"

Huang Yuner said gratefully that when Wang Changsheng helped her find a job as an apprentice refiner, she was able to get acquainted with several fifth-order refiners and expanded her social circle. Relying on her own efforts and the help of her family, she was promoted to Hua. God period.

"Junior Sister Huang is very polite. By the way, Junior Sister Huang, is this really Kowloon Island?"

Wang Ruyan was full of doubts, Jiulong Island is a sub-rudder of Zhenhai Palace, although there are no particularly important resources for cultivating immortals, it does not mean that there are no trees.

"Originally, there were a lot of tidal cloud trees planted on the island, but Li Shishu thought it was a public property, so he took them all away. If it wasn't for Sun Shibo's argument, I'm afraid all the buildings and restrictions would have to be demolished."

Huang Yuner explained that since the Kowloon Island was handed over to Wang Changsheng, the local faction would naturally not allow Wang Changsheng to take advantage.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Go see Master Sun first!"

Arriving at the entrance of a green hall in the northwest corner of the island, Huang Yuner said loudly, "Senior Sun, Senior Brother Wang and the others are here."

"Nephew Huang, bring them in!"

An old man's voice suddenly sounded.

Wang Changsheng and his party walked in. The hall was spacious and bright, with gorgeous decorations.

An old man in green robe with a ruddy face stood in the hall. The old man in green robe had a round face and small eyes, a bloated figure, a faint smile on his face, and an approachable appearance.

Sun Yiming, in the early stage of virtual refining, a sixth-order array mage.

"Meet Master Sun (Master Sun)."

Wang Changsheng and others bowed and said in unison.

"I don't have to do the virtual ceremony. I have been ordered by Uncle Chen to help you set up the formation. I have checked the terrain of Jiulong Island and the nearby islands. Jiulong Island is suitable for setting up the Jiujiao lock spirit formation, and nine high-level Jiaolong spirits are required to form the formation. It can be changed to other monsters, the defense is a little worse, and there is no problem with resisting the ordinary beast tide."

"From the map, there are seven islands around Kowloon Island. The seven islands can be used as the eyes of the formation, and a sixth-order formation and seven-star trapped monster formation can be arranged to protect Kowloon Island, and other formations can be arranged on the seven islands. , even if the monsters break through the seven islands, the Nine Dragons Island will not be a big problem, unless there are a large number of sixth-order monsters attacking the Nine-Dragon Island, but you don't have to worry, there are often outbreaks of beast tides here, and a sixth-order monster occasionally appears. , For tens of thousands of years, there has never been a large number of sixth-order monsters in a beast tide."

Sun Yiming said slowly, Chen Yueying sent him over in person, and he naturally would not be neglected.

"Senior Sun, what was the formation before Nine Dragons Island?"

Wang Ruyan asked politely.

"The Four Seas Chaoyun Formation is made of 50,000-year-old Chaoyunmu, and thousands of 5,000-year-old Chaoyunmu are arranged. The defense ability is extremely strong, but the Chaoyunmu was taken away by Junior Brother Li and the others. It is the property of Zhenhai Palace. If you want to arrange other formations, you can also tell me that there is a Snow Wild Goose Island a billion miles away from here. The Leng Yan faction has established a market on the island. All of your business alliances will stay in Xueyanfang City, where there are abundant resources for immortal cultivation, I have set up a communication array, and I can contact the disciples in Xueyanfang City, you can contact them if you need any materials for the formation."

Sun Yiming spoke in a eloquent manner.

"Senior Sun, if Nine Dragons Island and the seven surrounding islands are to be arranged in formations, how many spirit stones are conservatively estimated?"

Wang Changsheng asked seriously.

Sun Yiming raised five fingers and said: "If three sixth-order formations and fourteen fifth-order formations are arranged, it is conservatively estimated that it will cost 500 million spirit stones. The conditions are a little worse, and more than 100 million spirit stones can be done. The island can temporarily not arrange formations. After all, there are not many people in your family. Nine Dragons Island must have two sets of sixth-order formations. Two years ago, a beast tide just broke out here, and there will be no beast tide in the short term. Formation, it is best to set up an attacking formation Lihuo Burning Heaven Formation, there is a shop in Xueyanfang City that sells Lihuozhu, and Wannian Lihuozhu is sold, but the price is relatively expensive."

"Then listen to Master Sun, arrange these two sets of sixth-order formations first, and trouble Master Sun to contact the colleagues in Xueyanfang City to help purchase the materials for the formation. I will pay a fee first."

Wang Changsheng said politely, took out a cyan storage ring, and handed it to Sun Yiming.

Sun Yiming swept away his consciousness, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "You have worked hard all the way, go down and rest first!"

Wang Ruyan took out three exquisite jade boxes, handed them to Sun Yiming, and said with a smile, "We brought some elixir from Xuanling Cave and gave them to Chen Shizu and Fang Shibo. These three 5,000-year-old elixir are With a little bit of our heart, I hope that Uncle Sun will not dislike it."

Most of the elixir they brought out for more than three thousand years have been given away or exchanged for other resources for cultivating immortals.

"It's not easy for you, keep it for yourself!"

Sun Yiming politely refused.

Wang Ruyan insisted again and again, but Sun Yiming accepted it, and the smile on his face deepened.

After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng and the others followed Huang Yuner down to rest.

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng and others appeared in a huge manor of thousands of acres, with stone bridge gardens, waterside corridors, pavilions and pavilions everywhere.

"Father, there are a lot of materials needed to arrange the sixth-order array! Let's go to the market to buy them, and we can save a lot of spirit stones!"

Wang Qingfeng said with some puzzlement, hundreds of millions of spirit stones are not a small number.

Wang Changsheng smiled, looked at Wang Qingcheng, and asked, "Qingcheng, what do you think?"

"Sixth brother, when people want to eat, you can't let people help you with their work for nothing. You always have to let people get some benefits. When the water is clear, there will be no fish. You didn't have to think about this before, but in the future, you will be your own boss. Call the shots, and use spirit stones everywhere."

Wang Qingcheng said with a smile, he is a smooth person and gets along well with many of his classmates.

"If they open their mouths, they will fool us as fools!"

Wang Qingfeng frowned.

"The strength of the parents is there, they should be measured, and besides, we will look at the ledger when the time will not let them mess around."

Wang Qingcheng explained.

"It's too troublesome. Forget it, I don't understand. Since Dad does this, he must not be wrong."

Wang Qingfeng has been pampered since he was a child, and he doesn't have to worry about resources for immortal cultivation. He has very little communication. He has not many friends in Zhenhai Palace.

"After the family was established, Qingcheng served as the patriarch, and Yuejiao managed the family's finances. Qingfeng, you just need to train hard. In the future, you will open a store and do business, and you will be responsible for delivering the goods."

Wang Changsheng instructed that both Wang Qingcheng and Sun Yuejiao were smooth and good at dealing with people. It would be better for Wang Qingcheng to be the patriarch and let Sun Yuejiao manage the family finances. This was Wang Changsheng's trust in Sun Yuejiao.

"Yes, Dad (Senior Wang)."

Wang Qingcheng and the others agreed in unison.

After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng let them go down to rest.

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