Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2142: 200 years, the new atmosphere of the family, the beast tide strikes

The latest website: Spring and autumn come, two hundred years have passed quickly.

The northwest corner of Xuanling Continent, Kowloon Island.

A huge thundercloud floated over the island, and silver snakes with the thickness of adult arms shuttled through it, and the wind suddenly rose.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth rolled violently, and large thick thunderclouds appeared together, covering the small half of the island.

The wind was blowing, and the Lihuozhu on the island swayed from side to side.

Wang Ruyan and Sun Yuejiao stood on the top of a steep peak with solemn expressions.

Wang Qingcheng is entering the Divine Transformation stage. He is Tian Linggen. He was in the middle Nascent Soul more than 200 years ago. Now he is in the Divine Transformation Stage. The speed of his cultivation is similar to that of the elite disciples of Zhenhai Palace, and there is still a certain gap with the core disciples of Zhenhai Palace. .

Wang Ruyan had already advanced to the late stage of Spirit Transformation, while Sun Yuejiao had achieved the Great Perfection of Nascent Soul. In addition to the abundant resources for cultivating immortals, it was also related to the abundant spiritual energy of Nine Dragons Island.

If it was in Zhenhai Palace, Sun Yuejiao would not have this treatment at all.

The Wang family now has a population of more than 500,000, and most of them are displaced mortals. Beast swarms often break out here. Some small schools and small families can easily be attacked by monsters, causing a large number of mortals to be displaced.

The Wang family took over these mortals, and the mortals with the surname Wang managed them. The mortals of the Wang family intermarried with them. If they gave birth to spiritual roots, they would be sent to Kowloon Island to teach them the knowledge of immortality and teach them to practice.

There are currently 725 immortal cultivators in the family. Most of them are in the foundation-building period. When the family was first established, Wang Qingcheng introduced a number of policies to encourage fertility. If a child with spiritual roots is born, he will immediately reward 30,000 spiritual stones. The better the qualification, the higher the reward.

Thanks to the rich wealth saved by Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, the Wang family members have obtained more resources for cultivating immortals. Because of the preferential birth policy, a group of slackers have appeared. , Some people have more than 20 wives and concubines, both mortals and immortals, and have more than 300 children and grandchildren.

In addition to more than 700 immortal cultivators, the Wang family also recruited ten small families and leased more than ten islands to them. The islands cannot be obtained unless they make a special contribution. At present, no small family has made great contributions.

There are more than 4,000 monks in ten small families, and the highest is in the late Nascent Soul.

The Wang family recruited ten small families. First, it was to expand its power. The family was just established. If the island was not inhabited by monks for a long time, it would be occupied by other forces, which would cause a lot of trouble. This gave birth to clansmen with good spiritual roots, and at the same time expanded the number of monks. Thirdly, if there was a conflict with other forces, the cannon fodder was required to rush in front. The Wang family would just send some clan members to supervise the army, and the Wang family members could not do everything themselves.

High-altitude lightning thundered, and a thick silver lightning flew out, smashing down a valley covered by thick yellow fog.

Silver lightning sank into the thick yellow fog, like mud like the sea.

Wang Ruyan and Sun Yuejiao frowned, their eyes fixed on the valley.

A rush of alarm sounded, Sun Yuejiao frowned, took out a blue shell with sparkling light from her arms, and punched a magic formula, a line of small words appeared on it.

"It's not good, mother, a beast tide broke out near Tianshu Island. There are dozens of fifth-order monsters. Qiushui and the others couldn't stop them, so they asked for support."

Sun Yuejiao said anxiously, the Wang family made Jiulong Island the main island, the seven surrounding islands were named after the Big Dipper, and Tianshu Island was guarded by Wang Qiushui.

Wang Qiushui practiced the water system exercises and is currently in the stage of forming an elixir.

"Tianshu Island? I'll rush over immediately, you are here to guard! Don't let anyone disturb Qingcheng's impact on the gods."

Wang Ruyan exhorted, turned into a flash of light and left.

It didn't take long for Wang Ruyan to appear above a huge lake with a size of 100,000 mu, with thousands of cyan lotus growing on the lake.

She blew a whistle, the lake water tumbled violently, and a 50,000-meter-long blue giant tortoise emerged from the lake.

Lin Turtle is currently a fifth-order mid-grade, equivalent to a middle-stage cultivator of God Transformation.

It is more human, and Wang Ruyan feeds it a lot. Wang Changsheng has also trained the turtle to obey Wang Ruyan's words. As for the double-eyed mouse, this guy is too timid, and it is impossible to count on fighting skills.

"Go, you can have a full meal again."

Wang Ruyan said, offering a cyan cloth bag. In the past two hundred years, there have been three beast tides in the nearby waters. Fortunately, the scale was not large. Once, three fifth-order monsters led a team to besiege Jiulong Island, and the tortoise retreated alone. Beast tide.

The tortoise seemed to understand Wang Ruyan's words, turned into a flash of light and flew into the blue cloth bag.

Wang Ruyan came to a magnificent palace with three big characters "Flying Dragon Palace" written on the plaque.

Walking through the long corridor, Wang Ruyan came to the door of a secret room with the word "Tianshu" written on the door.

Opening the door, there was a teleportation formation more than 100 feet long inside, and Wang Ruyan walked over to the teleportation formation.

Wang Ruyan broke into a magic formula, and a dazzling aura shot into the sky, drowning Wang Ruyan.

After the spiritual light dissipated, Wang Ruyan appeared in a spacious and bright hall. The hall was empty, and there was no one there. There were deafening explosions outside, and the ground shook.

Wang Ruyan's face tightened, and it turned into a blue light and flew out.

A thick five-color light curtain covers the entire island. Millions of monsters are frantically attacking the five-color light curtain. The five-color light curtain is twisted and deformed, and it seems to be broken at any time.

A blue-shirted youth with sword eyebrows and star eyes is manipulating the formation to resist the attacks of the monsters.

The youth in blue shirt is nine feet tall, wearing a gorgeous blue brocade suit, giving the impression of a handsome young man.

Wang Qiushui, the third son of Wang Qingcheng.

"Qiushui, no one of the clan is injured!"

Wang Ruyan asked nervously.

Wang Qiushui turned his head and saw Wang Ruyan, with a happy expression on his face, and said, "If we go back to my grandmother, we found out early, and no one of the clan was injured, but the Lin family and Li family suffered heavy losses."

Twenty-eight islands are scattered around the seven sub-islands. These islands serve as peripheral observation posts. When a beast tide is discovered, it will immediately report to the leaders of the seven sub-islands, who will then report to the clan elders on the main island. UU Reading

Wang Ruyan breathed a sigh of relief, the cultivation base of the clan was too low, the number was too small, and she would be moved when she died.

She took out a cyan cloth bag and entered a magic formula. After a cyan glow passed, the tortoise flew out.


The tortoise made an excited roar, and the blue light on the body surface was released, and it flew towards the outside.

Wang Qiushui controlled the formation to open a gap and let the turtle go out.

Lin turtle once fought back a beast tide by himself, and he had seen it with his own eyes.

The tortoise was lying on the sea, with golden and blue lightning spewing out of its mouth, slashing at the island-attacking monster.

There was a deafening sound of thunder in the sky, and a huge blue thundercloud appeared in the sky, with lightning and thunder.

After the thundercloud rolled violently, blue thunderballs flew out one by one, smashing into the monster below like a hailstorm.

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