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Chapter 2143: The tortoise shows its mighty power and helps Wang Ruyan fight off the beast tide

The latest website: The rumbling sound of rumbling sounded, and the blue thunderballs burst open one after another, turning into countless blue arcs, and the monsters below the third-order were immediately wiped out, and the fourth-order monsters had their skins ripped open and their flesh was blurred.

The tortoise raised its right paw and patted the sea.

Hundreds of huge vortices suddenly appeared on the sea surface, each vortex was thousands of feet in diameter, rotating rapidly, and a large number of seawater rolled back, forming a tornado of water waves, and the void made an ear-piercing crackling sound.

As soon as the monsters approached the huge vortex, they were suddenly swept into it by the vortex. The rapidly rotating sea water slashed at them one after another like a blue blade, and their bodies turned into pieces at a speed visible to the naked eye. Not even the spirit can escape.

There was a sharp roar from high in the sky, and a hippogryph beast with wings spread out a hundred feet fell from the sky.

At the same time, other fifth-order monsters cast spells and attacked the tortoise.

Flames, ice arrows, water blades, hurricanes, etc., the tortoise did not avoid it, its head and limbs retracted into the turtle shell, and a huge turtle shell floated on the sea.

Intensive spells fell on the turtle shell, and there was a muffled sound of fried beans, and the colorful aura drowned the figure of the scale turtle.

Wang Ruyan took out a light blue guzheng and played it.

Accompanied by the sound of a melodious fairy sound, one after another blue and misty sound waves swept out, heading straight for the beast tide.

The dense blue sound waves passed over a dozen fourth-order sea lions, and they all made a shrill roar, fell down, and floated motionlessly on the sea.

They didn't have the slightest scar on their bodies, but their internal organs had long been shattered by sound waves.

With Wang Ruyan's great perfection of transforming the gods, the power of the lower-grade Tongtian Lingbao is naturally no trivial matter, and the fourth-order monster can't stop it at all.

The fifth-order monsters are better, but the blue thunderballs hit them, and they made a series of miserable screams.

At this time, the magic light dissipated, and a huge tortoise shell floated on the sea, with no scars on the surface.

Five low-rank fifth-rank Hippogryphs swooped down from the sky and headed straight for the scale turtle.

Just as they approached the sea, hundreds of thick blue water ropes flew out from the bottom of the sea, entangling their claws or bodies like lightning.

They struggled violently, trying to break the blue water rope, but the blue water rope kept on growing, and it didn't stop at all.

Dozens of blue lightning **** smashed on them, and their skins burst open and their bodies were blurred.

A rush of celestial sounds rang out, and a blue-colored sound wave swept across their bodies. The wounds on their bodies expanded a lot, the blood flowed nonstop, and the bones were faintly visible, and the resistance became weaker and weaker.

Hundreds of blue thunderballs fell, drowning their bodies.

The rumbling thunder sounded, and the bright blue thunder light drowned their bodies.

After the thunder light dissipated, the flesh and blood of the five hippogryphs were blurred and their breath was sluggish.

Even if they were hit hard by this, they were not dead yet, they were fifth-order monsters after all.

The sea rolled violently, and tens of thousands of blue water arrows shot out, piercing the bodies of the five hippogryphs without warning. This time, they stopped moving and died.

The tortoise made an angry roar, the blue light on the body surfaced, and the body of the hundreds of water wave tornadoes soared and quickly moved towards the herd.

Where the water wave tornado passed, a large number of monsters were drawn into the water wave tornado, and the rapid water flow turned into blue water blades, one after another slashed on these monsters.

The monsters below the fourth rank turned into blood rain, and the water wave tornado turned blood red, dyeing a large area of ​​sea water.

In the center of the beast group, a blue whale twisted its huge body, setting off huge waves, and each eye shot a blue beam of light, hitting the incoming water wave tornado.

The other fifth-order monsters followed suit, casting spells to attack the Water Wave Tornado.

After the loud bang, dozens of water wave tornadoes were defeated and disappeared.

Wang Ruyan flipped his right hand, a flash of inspiration, and a five-color command flag with glittering aura appeared in his hand. On the flag, there were five flames of red, gold, blue and blue, with different colors, and the aura was amazing.

The five-flame flag of Tongtian Lingbao, which Wang Ruyan obtained from the disciples of Jiuyanmen.

As soon as the Wuyan Banner left his hand, his spiritual light exploded, turning into a mass of five-colored fire clouds that were hundreds of miles in size, emitting a terrifying high temperature, and the void was distorted and deformed, and it seemed that some could not bear the high temperature.

Wang Ruyan's tactic was pinched, and the five-color fire clouds rolled violently like a tide, and the pea-sized rainwater poured down. This was not ordinary rainwater, but fire rain. Every drop of rainwater was a ray of flame, colorful.

From a distance, it looks like rainbow rain is falling from the sky.

The five-color fire rain fell on the monster beast, and immediately turned into a billowing flame, and a large amount of white mist suddenly appeared on the sea.

A dense rain of fire fell on the blue whale, and the blue whale's body was submerged in flames, but soon, after a dazzling blue light on its body surface, the flame suddenly collapsed.

There was a huge thunderous sound from high in the sky, hundreds of blue lightning **** smashed, and hundreds of golden and blue lightning spears shot towards them.

The huge body of the blue whale twisted non-stop, setting off a huge wave, blocking the incoming thunder ball and thunder spear.

A blue-colored sound wave swept in, and the huge wave was like tissue paper, shattering instantly.

The blue sound wave quickly swept across the body of the blue whale, and the blue whale suddenly roared in extreme pain.

The nearby sea water suddenly brightened, and after a blur, the tortoise suddenly appeared.

It opened its **** mouth and spewed out hundreds of thick gold and blue thunder spears, hitting the blue whale.

After the loud rumbling, the dazzling thunder light drowned the body of the blue whale.

At the same time, there was a piercing explosion from the five-color fire cloud in the sky, smashing down from the sky and landing on the blue whale.

With a loud noise, the sea surface in a radius of thousands of miles turned into a sea of ​​fire, a large amount of fog rose, and a large number of low-level monsters vanished into ashes.

There were bursts of miserable roars from the sea of ​​​​ The sea set off a series of shocking waves, accompanied by a huge thunder.

Wang Ruyan concentrated on playing the guzheng, and the blue sound waves swept out, like a sharp blade, cutting the low-level monsters into pieces of minced meat. There were a lot of stump limbs floating on the sea, and the sea water was dyed. Blood red, the air was filled with the smell of burnt meat, as if someone was stewing meat.

After a while, the sea of ​​​​fire dissipated, and the blue whale was motionless, floating on the sea, its head was missing, and the tortoise was biting its body.

The blue whale's head was forcibly torn off by the turtle.

There are some obvious scratches on the tortoise shell, but the effect is not large.

The fifth-order high-grade monsters, Wang Ruyan and the lin turtles joined hands to kill, the lin turtles played a major role, it released not the ordinary power of thunder and lightning, but the water gangster thunder.

The leader of the fifth-order monsters died, and the monsters were headless. Wang Ruyan urged Tongtian Lingbao to kill several fifth-order monsters with the cooperation of the tortoises.

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