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Chapter 2144: Wang Qingcheng was promoted to a god, and the little grandson Queen Qiuya

The latest website: There are a large number of monster corpses floating on the sea, the sea water in a radius of thousands of miles is blood red, and the air is filled with a strong smell of blood and meat.

The tortoise was lying on the sea, feasting, and devouring the dead monster.

After entering the fifth rank, its appetite has increased greatly. For it, the beast tide is a snack.

Wang Ruyan looked at the retreating monsters and breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, she could use the rhythm to create illusions and let the monsters kill each other, but the rhythm attack is aimed at everyone, and the island protection formation is no problem to resist ordinary attacks. Can't stop the rhythm attack.

If it wasn't for worry about affecting Wang Qiushui and others, Wang Ruyan would have let go of his hands and feet to deal with the monsters.

This time, the Lin turtle has contributed a lot, and its size alone surpasses all the monsters that come.

"Qiu Shui, send someone to clean up the bodies of the monsters, and cultivator Jiedan to clean up, be careful."

Wang Ruyan ordered.

"Yes, grandmother."

Wang Qiushui responded and left Tianshu Island with more than a dozen clansmen to collect the corpse.

Beast tides often break out in this sea area. This is a danger and an opportunity. For powerful forces, the beast tide is a chance to make a fortune.

A certain loose cultivator from a poor background dug out a strange treasure or an inheritance bead from the belly of a monster. From then on, his supernatural powers advanced greatly, and his cultivation base advanced all the way. There are many versions of this story, which many low-level cultivators yearn for.

Who hasn't daydreamed! What if the dream comes true!

The tortoise feasted, eating the bodies of hundreds of fourth-order monsters, and a giant python that was more than a hundred feet long was swallowed by it.

After a cup of tea, it made a cheerful roar, and more than a dozen water tornadoes appeared all over its body.

Wang Ruyan pondered for a moment, then ordered: "Qiushui, you come back first."

Wang Qiushui responded and returned to Tianshu Island with his clan.

The tortoise dived into the bottom of the sea, and the sea tumbled violently, as if some behemoth was about to rush out.


Accompanied by a deafening roar, hundreds of thick water tornadoes rose into the sky, and a large number of monster beast corpses flew out from the bottom of the sea.

"Grandmother, it is helping us salvage the body of the monster that sank to the bottom of the sea."

Wang Qiushui said with a smile, sacrificing a cloud-shaped magic weapon and punching a magic trick, the cloud suddenly swelled and caught the corpses of these monsters.

Other clansmen have followed suit, and this is much more efficient.

They removed the formation and placed the corpses of the monsters on the beach. From time to time, water waves and tornadoes rose on the sea. The corpses of monsters flew out from the bottom of the sea, and were caught by Wang Qiushui and others with magic weapons. On the beach, the corpses of monsters piled up like mountains.

More than an hour later, the tortoise emerged from the sea, biting a blue python in its mouth. The python's head burst into a blood hole the size of a fist, and the blood hole was scorched black.

It devoured the whole giant python three times and five times, and let out a satisfied roar that resounded through the sky.

"Grandmother, grandfather, this spirit beast is very human, but it eats a little more."

Wang Qiushui said with a smile, his eyes full of envy, if only he had such a powerful spirit beast.

"It's a pity that there is only one. If it has descendants, I will give you one."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile, the tortoise has great magical powers and is proficient in human nature. It is normal for Wang Qiushui to want to raise one.

The scale turtle is not a pure turtle-like spirit beast, and it is not easy to breed.

"Come back! Qingcheng should have finished the thunder tribulation."

Wang Ruyan sacrificed a blue cloth bag and put the turtle in it.

"After you finish processing the monster beast materials, don't leave Tianshu Island, there may be a small beast tide."

Wang Ruyan exhorted and used the teleportation array to return to Kowloon Island.

As she expected, Wang Qingcheng successfully entered the spirit transformation stage.

There is a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. Outside the valley, there is a yellow stone tablet with three big characters "Qingyue Valley" written on it. The name is taken from the second character of Wang Qingcheng and Sun Yuejiao. This is their residence.

There is a very wide manor in the valley, in a simple green bamboo pavilion.

Wang Ruyan, Wang Qingcheng, and Sun Yuejiao were chatting. Wang Qingfeng had already cultivated to the Great Perfection of Nascent Soul, and he was in the process of hitting the spirit transformation stage.

"Cheng'er, you just broke through, so you should retreat for a while to consolidate your cultivation."

Wang Ruyan warned, his eyes full of love.

As a parent, we all hope that our children will become dragons and phoenixes.

"Mother, the child has entered the stage of spiritual transformation. In the future, if you can share the family's worries, you and father can relax a little."

Wang Qingcheng said with a smile, he looked at Sun Yuejiao, and said with a smile, "Madam, you are already in the Great Consummation of Nascent Soul, and you can go into seclusion to impact the Spirit Transformation Stage. Leave the family affairs to me to handle."

Over the years, he and Sun Yuejiao have been responsible for managing the family and formulating various policies.

"My husband has been promoted to God Transformation, and I can't fall behind."

Sun Yuejiao's face was full of self-confidence. With her qualifications, it was not difficult for her to enter the Divine Transformation stage. After all, the Xuanyang Realm had abundant resources for cultivating immortals, and there were many panaceas.

"You all have to work hard, I hope you can go further in the fairyland."

Wang Ruyan warned in a warm voice.

Wang Qingcheng and Sun Yuejiao agreed with their mouths. The Wang family is now very rich, and there is no problem in cultivating a few more cultivators.

"Xue Li they are here."

Wang Ruyan looked out of the valley with a smile on her face.

After Dong Xueli married Wang Qingfeng, they gave birth to three sons and one daughter within ten years.

"I'm going to invite them in. Speaking of which, I haven't seen my sixth siblings for a while."

Sun Yuejiao stood up and flew out.

Not long after, Sun Yuejiao came back, and Dong Xueli walked behind with a man and a woman.

A woman wearing a cyan skirt, a melon face, a cherry mouth, a pair of small dimples on her face, a pair of cyan embroidered shoes under her feet, three thousand blue silk draped over her fragrant shoulders, tied with a cyan bow, her face slightly Shi Fendai gives people a ladylike feeling.

Wang Qiuya, Wang Qingfeng's youngest daughter, ranked seventh in the Qiu generation, and is currently in the stage of forming an elixir. She is very interested in finding mineral veins.

A vein seeker is a term for a monk who is good at finding mineral veins. A vein seeker with great powers can see what veins are underground and how large the reserves are based on the terrain.

Beside Wang Qiuya is a young man in a golden shirt with sword eyebrows and star eyes, tall and tall, with a white jade belt around his waist, looking like a rich and noble son.

Wang Qiuju, the eldest son of Wang Qingfeng, ranked fourth in the Qiu generation. He is currently in the stage of forming pills. He has been interested in crafting since childhood, and followed Wang Qingfeng to learn the art of crafting. He is currently a third-order craftsman.

"The grandson visits grandmother and fifth uncle, and congratulates fifth uncle Jin for entering the stage of spiritual transformation."

Wang Qiuya and Wang Qiuju said in unison.

"Qiuya, come to my grandmother. I haven't seen you for a long time. Why don't you come to see my grandmother."

Wang Ruyan waved her hand and greeted Wang Qiuya over.

Wang Qiuya is the youngest woman in the Qiu generation, and Wang Ruyan likes this little granddaughter very much.

"Grandmother, grandson is cultivating at this time, otherwise I would have visited you long ago."

Wang Qiuya said with a smile and walked to Wang Ruyan's side.

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