Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2145: Wang Changsheng's impact on refining the virtual

The latest website: Six grandchildren and one granddaughter. Rareness is precious. Wang Qiuya is the jewel of the Wang family. Except for Wang Ruyan and others, her six brothers love her very much.

Wang Ruyan held Wang Qiuya's palm tightly and asked about her current situation, and Wang Qiuya answered truthfully.

"Fifth brother, congratulations on your entry into the Divine Transformation Stage. This jade soul stone is our heart, not our respect."

Dong Xueli took out a beautiful white jade box and handed it to Wang Qingcheng.

Jade Soul Stone is a fifth-order refining material, which can be refined into defensive magic weapons to enhance defense capabilities.

"Jade Soul Stone, brother and sister, you have a heart."

Wang Qingcheng thanked him and accepted it.

"Uncle Wu, this is the spiritual honey brewed by Colorful Butterfly. I hope you like it."

Wang Qiuya took out a beautiful cyan jade box and handed it to Wang Qingcheng.

Wang Qingcheng opened the lid of the box, and there was a mass of seven-color paste-like objects inside, exuding bursts of strong floral fragrance.

Courtesy is light and affectionate, Wang Qiuya keeps a group of colorful butterflies. This kind of spirit butterflies are good at concealment, and it is difficult for monks of the same level to find their existence.

"Uncle Wu, this is the Jingshen pendant that I made by myself. You can concentrate on it and congratulate the fifth uncle who has become a god."

Wang Qiuju took out a red jade box and handed it to Wang Qingcheng.

Wang Qingcheng took the jade box and opened it to see that there was a light-blue jade pendant inside, which was shining brightly.

"Yes, you have your heart."

Wang Qingcheng looked happy and accepted these two things.

Wang Ruyan nodded. Relatively speaking, Dong Xueli is more sophisticated than Wang Qingfeng, but the two of them are very sincere, and the discipline of their children is stricter. Wang Qingcheng's three sons are relatively smooth and disciplined. There is no problem.

"Mom, is Dad not out yet?"

Dong Xueli asked with concern, she usually doesn't care about business, nor does she ask about family affairs, except for cultivation, she is teaching her children.

"Not yet, your father estimates that he will enter the virtual refining period before he will leave the customs."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile.

"That's probably soon, my grandfather has been in retreat for many years, and I haven't seen him yet!"

Wang Qiuya said with a smile, with a look of longing on her face.

Wang Changsheng has been in seclusion for many years, and none of Wang Qingfeng's children have ever seen Wang Changsheng himself, only the portrait.

"You have to practice hard and strive to have babies as soon as possible. Your grandfather will be very happy then."

Wang Ruyan warned.

After chatting for more than an hour, Wang Ruyan and others left, and asked Wang Qingcheng to adjust his breath.

A steep green mountain peak, at the foot of the mountain stands a silver stone tablet more than ten feet high, with three golden characters "Qinglian Peak" engraved on it, shining with inspiration.

This is the residence of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. A cyan stone stair spreads from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. A large number of exotic flowers and plants are planted on both sides of the stone stair, and a group of seven-colored spirit butterflies are collecting nectar.

Wang Ruyan took Wang Qiuya back to Qinglian Peak. She liked Wang Qiuya very much and asked Wang Qiuya to live with her at Qinglian Peak for a while.

On the top of the mountain is a huge manor covering an area of ​​10,000 mu, with blue bricks and glazed tiles. In the manor, pavilions, gardens, rockeries, and arch bridges can be seen everywhere.

"Qiuya, stay longer and talk to your grandmother."

Wang Ruyan said kindly, saying that they were relatives across generations, and Wang Ruyan liked Wang Qiuya very much.

"Okay, grandson also wants to spend more time with grandmother."

Wang Qiuya smiled sweetly, and the small dimples on her face were clearly visible.

A deafening sound of thunder suddenly came from high in the sky, and five-colored auspicious clouds appeared out of nowhere and quickly gathered towards Qinglian Peak.

Countless light spots appeared in the void, colorful, like fireworks. These light spots slowly converged into one place, forming five-color auspicious clouds.

In less than a quarter of an hour, thousands of five-colored auspicious clouds gathered over Qinglian Peak.

A fierce gust of wind suddenly blew across the island, and thousands of Li Fire Bamboos swayed left and right, whistling loudly.

Such an amazing and bizarre sight naturally alarmed the monks on the island.

"Grandma, is this?"

Wang Qiuya was stunned for a moment, vaguely guessing something.

"Your grandfather is in the Void Refinement period, let's get out of here, don't interfere with his tribulation."

Wang Ruyan said in a deep voice, and left Qinglian Peak with Wang Qiuya.

The astonishing vision naturally also alarmed the spirit beasts and birds on the island. They were crawling on the ground one by one, their bodies trembling non-stop, as if they had encountered something terrifying.

Wang Qingcheng, Sun Yuejiao, and Dong Xueli rushed over, their expressions solemn.

"Mother, father is attacking the virtual refining?"

Wang Qingcheng said in surprise, his eyes fixed on the five-colored auspicious clouds above Qinglian Peak.

"Well, open some of the clan protection formations, and don't let anyone disturb your father's tribulation."

Wang Ruyan commanded in a stern tone.

"Yes, mother."

Wang Qingcheng took the order and left.

The number of five-colored auspicious clouds is increasing, and within a quarter of an hour, tens of thousands of five-colored auspicious clouds floated over the Qinglian Peak and spread out, covering the small half of the Qinglian Peak.

Half a day later, the wind was blowing violently, and the five-color auspicious clouds suddenly burst, turning into a huge five-color vortex, and there was a thunderous sound that shook the sky and the earth. houses.

From a distance, it seemed that there was a huge void in the sky, about to swallow up the entire Kowloon Island, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Wang Ruyan's eyes were solemn, looking at the five-color vortex high in the sky.

An earth-shattering roar suddenly came from Qinglian Peak, and a blue light flew out from Qinglian Peak, directly submerging into the five-color vortex.

The five-color vortex suddenly tore apart, a dazzling blue light flew out, and a huge human-shaped phantom suddenly appeared in the huge vortex.

The human-shaped phantom is thousands of feet high, and the whole body is blue, as if it is made up of countless seawater.

As soon as the humanoid phantom appeared, it gave people a strong sense of oppression.


Wang Ruyan's face sank, his heart beat faster, and he was very nervous.

Wang Changsheng has already condensed the dharma, as long as he survives the thunder tribulation, he is a cultivator.

The phantom of the Dharma phantom suddenly let out a long howl, spreading throughout the entire Kowloon Island.

When the low-level clansmen and low-level spirit beasts heard this, their bodies became weak, and they fell to the ground.

The phantom of the law moved his arms, grabbed the five-color vortex, and pulled it hard, tearing it to shreds.

After the loud bang, the five-color vortex burst open, turning into countless five-color raindrops, pouring down, and the five-color raindrops are pure five-element spiritual energy.

The phantom shadow of the dharma form shines brightly, and the five-color raindrops seem to be guided by some kind of guidance, and go towards the phantom image of the dharma image.

The phantom of the law is like a sponge, absorbing the five-color raindrops that fall on the body, and the whole body is shining like a real body.

After a cup of tea, no five-colored raindrops fell from the sky, the phantom of the dharma was screaming in the sky, and the body size quickly shrank, and disappeared into the Qinglian Peak.

Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on a blue futon, sweating profusely, exuding a terrifying coercion from his body, as long as he survived the thunder tribulation, he would be a true cultivator.

A deafening sound of thunder came from the sky, making Wang Changsheng's ears "buzz".

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