Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2151: Xuantian blood vine

The latest website: A mini Nascent Soul flew out of the body, just as soon as it left the body, a big blue hand emerged out of thin air, grabbing the mini Nascent Soul.

A deafening thunder sound came from high in the sky, and a giant beast surrounded by golden arcs suddenly appeared high in the sky. A team of monks sat on the back of the giant beast, and Wang Qingshan stood on the head of the golden-horned Leilin beast.

His clothes fluttered in the wind, and his eyes were cold, giving him a strong sense of oppression.

"Not good, Spirit Transformation cultivator, run quickly."

The non-Taiyang cultivators felt the powerful spiritual pressure emanating from Wang Qingshan, their expressions changed greatly, and they cast spells to escape.

"Out of the sheath!"

With Wang Qingshan's light drink, the lotus pattern on the blue sword box suddenly brightened, and nine blue glass swords flew out. Tens of thousands of green flying swords floated high in the sky, like stars.


Wang Qingshan tapped his finger lightly, and tens of thousands of cyan flying swords shot towards all directions.

The incoming enemy did not transform into a god, and in the face of absolute strength, non-Taiyang cultivators could not stop them at all.

A miserable scream sounded, and the dense flying sword holes pierced the body of non-Taiyang sect cultivators. Taiyang sect disciples wore uniform clothes, which were easy to identify.

Several mini Nascent Souls flew out of their bodies, and as soon as they left their bodies, dense golden lightnings fell from the sky, slashed on their bodies, and vanished into ashes.

Liu Hongfu and the others were stunned and swallowed. Is this the strength of a Spirit Transformation cultivator?

She remembered something, flew to the ground, helped Yang Hongji, and said with red eyes, "Senior brother, are you alright! This senior Wang is here to save our Taiyang Sect."

Yang Hongji shook his head, took out a blood-colored pill, and swallowed it.

The Golden Horned Lei Lin Beast landed in front of Yang Hongji, and the Taiyang Sect disciples jumped down one after another to clean up the battlefield.

"Head of Taiyang Sect, to meet Senior Wang, Senior Wang's great kindness, our Taiyang Sect will never forget it."

Yang Hongji bowed and saluted, looking excited.

If Wang Qingshan hadn't arrived in time, the Taiyang Sect would have been wiped out. However, after this battle, the Taiyang Sect's vitality was greatly damaged. If it wants to recover its vitality, it will take thousands of years at least. People who carry immortal cultivation resources in the lower realm may recover faster.

"You appease the disciples first, find me a place to rest, and ask you something later."

Wang Qingshan said in a deep voice.

"Junior Sister Liu, go and appease the disciple of this sect, Senior Wang, please come with me."

Yang Hongji gave Liu Hongfu an order and personally led Wang Qingshan the way.

It didn't take long for them to appear in a huge manor covering an area of ​​1,000 acres, where exotic flowers and plants, strange rocks, rockery gardens can be seen everywhere.

"Senior Wang, this is the former residence of our ancestor. If you don't dislike it, you can live here!"

Yang Hongji asked nervously, this is the best cave on Golden Turtle Island. If Wang Qingshan is placed elsewhere, he is worried that Wang Qingshan will be dissatisfied.

"Change to another place! Just find any place, I don't have any special requirements."

Wang Qingshan said mildly that he didn't have any big requirements for his residence.

When I came to a splendid palace, the plaque fell to the ground with the three characters "Taiyang Palace" written on it.

"If Senior Wang doesn't dislike it, just live in Taiyang Palace!"

Yang Hongji asked politely, this is the residence of the heads of the Taiyang Sect.

"You go to heal first! I will stay in Taiyang Sect for a while."

Wang Qingshan waved his hand and strode in.

Yang Hongji breathed a sigh of relief and bowed back.

Walking into a side room, Wang Qingshan took out a mini Nascent Soul, and a dazzling blue light lit up in the palm of his hand, covering the mini Nascent Soul.

The Mini Yuan Ying let out a shrill scream and passed out.

He searched the souls of several Nascent Souls of the Blood Shadow Clan in Nascent Soul, and obtained a lot of useful information.

The Blood Shadow Clan aggressively invaded other interfaces, and Tianhaijie was only one of them, with limited manpower.

There were six cultivators from the Blood Shadow Clan who came to Tianhai Realm, and there were hundreds of Blood Shadow Clan cultivators. They first destroyed Tianhaimen, the largest faction in Tianhai Realm, occupied the West Sea, coerced and lured, and bought a group of Tianhaimen. A cultivator of the world, fighting for war.

The Blood Cloud Realm has been unified by the Blood Shadow Clan. There are more than 40 God Transformations. The Blood Shadow Clan has won four interfaces, but the Sky Sea Realm has not yet been won.

If the Taiyang sect patriarch sent people to the lower realm to solve the six blood shadow clan of the gods, it should not be difficult.

The Tianhai world is an island, divided into inner and outer seas. The inner sea is divided into four major sea areas: east, west, northwest, east, west, north, and east. The three sea areas are the main activity sites of the human race.

This is quite similar to the South China Sea in the Dongli Realm.

"Xuanyang Realm, I don't know if the nine uncles and nine aunts have arrived in the Xuanyang Realm!"

Wang Qingshan said to himself, with a look of reminiscence on his face.


The West Sea, the Nine Immortals Island, the main altar of Tianhaimen.

Fifty thousand years ago, nine foundation-building scattered cultivators jointly established Tianhaimen. After tens of thousands of years of development and the hard work of dozens of generations, Tianhaimen gradually became the largest faction in the Tianhai world.

Before the Blood Shadow Clan invaded the Tianhai Realm, Tianhaimen was the largest faction in the Tianhai Realm. There were three cultivators of God Transformation. Tens of thousands of islands in the entire West Sea belonged to Tianhaimen. Tianhaimen, occupying the West Sea, with the West Sea as its base, it is only a matter of time before it starts a war with the outside world and takes the Tianhai Realm.

A magnificent blue palace with three big characters "Blood Cloud Palace" written on the plaque.

The hall was spacious and bright. Four men, one woman and five Blood Shadow Clan members were discussing something. A hot-looking young woman in a blood skirt sat on the main seat with an indifferent expression.

Blood Fairy, the leader sent by the Blood Shadow Clan to the Sky Sea Realm, in the middle stage of God Transformation.

"Xueyu's life card is broken. I remember that she led people to invade Beihai. With her magical powers, even if she was defeated, there was no problem in escaping. It is estimated that she was ambushed."

The blood fairy said in a stern tone.

"According to the information, there are at most two transforming gods in Beihai, one is a loose cultivator, and the other is from a cultivator sect, so he shouldn't be his opponent! Could it be that the human race of Xuanyang Realm sent people to the lower realm?"

A big man wearing a blood-colored cloak and holding two blood-colored axe said suspiciously. The big man was nine feet tall, with thick eyebrows and wide lips, and blood-colored spiritual lines all over his body.

"Xue Lei is right. In terms of supernatural powers, Xue Yu may not be as good as us. In terms of escape ability, she can definitely rank first. Unless the digital gods join forces, it is impossible to capture her, just rely on the two Beihai. Old thing, it's impossible to take her down, it should be the human race in Xuanyang Realm who sent people to the lower realm."

A dwarf more than three feet tall frowned and said that the dwarf was fat, like a huge ball, with a blood-colored jade flute tied around his waist.

A tall and thin young man in blood robe nodded and said, "Xue Hao is right. If it is true that the Xuanyang Realm sends people to the lower realm, it will be troublesome."

"The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. The old ancestors handed down a set of large formations. Due to the materials of the formation, the power of the original formation cannot be exerted. There should be no problem in killing a few cultivators. You should start setting up the formation immediately. , shrink the force."

Blood Soul Fairy commanded, with a stern tone.

"Why don't you ask for help from the people in the dry wind world? We may not be their opponents alone"

Blood pick frowned.

"The human race of Xuanyang Realm also sent people from the lower realm to support the Dry Wind Realm. They are too busy to take care of themselves, and they have the Blood Flood Mirror in their hands. Even if they are defeated, let's break through the interface and return to the Dry Wind Realm, but you don't have to worry too much, that set of formations It was passed down by the ancestors of the Xuanyang Realm, the original formation can kill the cultivator, and the formation we arranged to kill the cultivator is not a problem."

Blood Soul Fairy said slowly, her face full of confidence.

The four Xue Hao agreed in unison and went away.

"I didn't expect that there is a divine water of good fortune in this world, but unfortunately the number is a little less, it should help the growth of Xuantian blood vine."

Blood Soul Fairy muttered to herself, her eyes fiery.

A Xuantian blood vine was born in the blood cloud world, but it was not yet mature, and its growth was frustrated. After contacting the ancestors of the Xuanyang world, it was concluded that a large amount of cultivator's blood should be used to water it, and the blood shadow clan would invade other interfaces mainly. It is to cultivate the Xuantian blood vine, and the blood sacrifice practice is just an incidental thing.

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