Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2152: Dialogue with the real person of Taeyang, news

The latest website: Spring and autumn come, and a year has passed quickly.

Golden Turtle Island, the main altar of Taiyang Sect.

In Taiyang Palace, Wang Qingshan sat cross-legged on a cyan futon, holding a cyan jade slip in his hand, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

At the sincere invitation of Yang Hongji, Wang Qingshan sat in Taiyang Sect to protect the peace of Taiyang Sect.

In return, Taiyang Sect donated a piece of Tianyan Divine Crystal, which is the fifth-order refining material.

In addition, Taiyangzong helped Wang Qingshan to inquire about intelligence and collect resources for cultivating immortals.

Tianhaijie is the interface directly under the Xuanyang Realm, and it can ascend in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, but it is still debatable from which position to ascend. The pursuit of the beast requires a small catastrophe, and after several lives and deaths, he returns to the Xuanling Continent.

Wang Qingshan can soar now, but if he wants to find a safe place, he must ascend to the human race site of Xuanling Continent. If he falls on the alien site, he will die.

He almost lost his life in the parallel interface, and he didn't dare to be sloppy when flying to the upper realm. He planned to prepare a few more treasures.

What he has to do now is to collect a few more treasures, protect the Taiyang Sect, and form a good relationship before the rescue soldiers sent by Taiyang Zhenren arrive.

A sound transmission flew in and landed in front of him.

He crushed the sound transmission, and Yang Hongji's voice suddenly sounded: "Senior Wang, we have used the formation to contact the ancestors. Please come over, the formation will not last long."

Wang Qingshan's eyes lit up and quickly walked out.

Yang Hongji was outside Taiyang Palace, looking nervous.

"We have contacted our ancestors at the Ancestor Hall. Senior Wang, please come with me."

After Yang Hongji said this, he turned into a flash of light and flew into the distance, and Wang Qingshan quickly followed.

It didn't take long for them to appear in a bluestone square covering an area of ​​10,000 mu. There were two statues standing on the square. In addition to Taiyang Zhenren, the other statue was Wang Qingshan.

Yang Hongji was grateful for Wang Qingshan's kindness and sent people to build a statue of Wang Qingshan, and recorded the deeds of Wang Qingshan's rescue in the history of Taiyang Sect, so that his disciples and disciples will always remember it.

Yang Hongji is very clear that if their ancestors were not in Xuanyang Realm, Wang Qingshan would not be able to sit in Taiyangzong. The blood shadow clan is wiped out.

Wang Qingshan doesn't care about a false name at all, but Yang Hongji does this, and Wang Qingshan is still very relieved. No one wants to save the white-eyed wolf. Someone who knows his favor and repays it will help you next time.

Behind the statue is a splendid palace with three big characters "Patriarch's Hall" written on the plaque.

Walking into the patriarch's hall, I came to a side room. There was a magic circle with a size of more than a thousand feet in the room. In the center of the circle was a small piece of Jinhuan Divine Crystal. A human-shaped phantom floated above the circle. It was Tai. Yang real person.

"Junior Wang Qingshan, meet the seniors."

Wang Qingshan said respectfully, looking a little nervous.

He has learned from Yang Hongji's mouth that Taiyang Zhenren is currently a fit monk, and above the spirit is refining, fit, and Mahayana.

"Wang Xiaoyou doesn't need to be more polite, thank you for your help, the old man is very grateful, the Jinhuan Divine Crystal will not last long, the old man will make a long story short. The cultivator can't go down to the realm, but I have already contacted the Xuanqing faction, they have sent three cultivators of the gods to the realm, you can deal with the Blood Shadow Clan with them, and they will bring you up."

Taiyang Zhenren said slowly.

If you want to divide the soul into the lower realm, you must have the material of the boundary stone, otherwise the soul will be strangled by the power of the interface.

The real person of Taiyang has only one transformation stone in his hand. He tried it himself and ended in failure. It can be seen how difficult it is to separate the soul into the lower realm. For a long time, a fossilized boundary stone is needed.

In desperation, he could only ask for help from the Xuanqing faction. Fortunately, the Xuanqing faction had already sent people to the lower realm.

"What? Failed?"

Wang Qingshan's face became ugly, and he also expected to take him to the Xuanyang Realm with the Taiyang Sect cultivator!

"To use the Soul Separation Lower Realm, you need a Boundary Stone. The Boundary Stone is a one-time consumable item. The old man has only one. I have already greeted the people from the Xuanqing faction. Going to the Xuanyang Realm, yes, the Tianhai Realm should have very rare resources for cultivating immortals, otherwise the Xuanqing faction will not send people to the lower realm, if you can bring it up, the old man will reward you."

Real Taeyang's tone was full of temptation.

Taiyang Sect was created by Taiyang real person himself, and his feelings are very deep. He only wanted to go to the lower realm.

"Rare resources for immortal cultivation?"

Wang Qingshan was slightly stunned.

"What is it, the old man doesn't know. I originally wanted to borrow the Xuanqing Sect's Boundary Disciple to send my disciples to the lower realm, but was rejected by the Xuanqing Sect. There must be a problem. If you are worried about being exploited by the Xuanqing Sect, you can ascend from other places. When I got to Xuanyang Realm, the old man knew a few places, but I couldn't guarantee that it would be in the territory of the human race of Xuanling Continent."

Taiyang Zhenren said a few places. When he soared to the wild land, he finally survived, which attracted a small catastrophe.

Wang Qingshan wanted to say something, but the phantom of Taiyang real person flickered and collapsed suddenly.

"No, the power of the Jinhuan Divine Crystal is exhausted."

Yang Hongji exclaimed, his face became ugly.

"Xuanqing School, a rare resource for cultivating immortals."

Wang Qingshan said to himself, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Yang Hongji took out a dazzling magic plate from his arms, entered a magic formula, and frowned.

"Senior Wang, there is a senior surnamed Sun visiting, who claims to be from the Xuanqing School, what do you think?"

Yang Hongji asked cautiously.

"Hurry up and invite him in, in the welcoming hall!"

Wang Qingshan ordered.

Yang Hongji responded with a sound, entered a magic formula, and gestured for a while.

"There is no Jinhuan Divine Crystal?"

Wang Qingshan pointed at the gray-white ore and asked with a frown.

Yang Hongji smiled bitterly and said, "No, just this small piece, maybe someone from the Xuanqing faction has it!"

Wang Qingshan nodded and walked out.

When he came to the welcoming hall, Wang Qingshan sat down in the main seat.

It didn't take long for a red light to fly in. It was a red-robed old man as thin as a bamboo pole, and his aura was a bit stronger than Wang Qingshan.

"Old Master Sun Feng, is your Excellency a friend of Dao Wang?"

The red-robed old man asked with a stern tone.

"Exactly, what advice does Fellow Daoist Sun have?"

Wang Qingshan said politely.

"Probably Wang Daoyou has already contacted Taiyang Zhenren! You cooperate with us to deal with the blood shadow clan that invaded, and we will take you to Xuanyang Realm by the way."

Sun Feng said in an orderly tone, they are also cultivators of the gods, but the magical powers and secrets mastered by the gods of the Xuanyang world are far from comparable to the gods of the lower realm, not to mention that he still has many treasures.

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