Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2154: Blood Sea Killing Immortal Formation

The latest website: In the waters near the Nine Immortals Island, a team of monks is patrolling, headed by a burly middle-aged man, wearing a blood-colored robe, with blood-red hair and blood-red eyes, he is a blood shadow clan. .

The void above their heads fluctuated together, white light flashed, and a white net bag with aura emerged out of nowhere, covering them all in one fell swoop.

"No, enemy attack..."

Before the middle-aged man could finish speaking, the white net pocket suddenly lit up with a dazzling white light, and countless white chills emerged. The bodies of the middle-aged man and others quickly froze and turned into ice sculptures.

A blue light flew from the distant sky, it was a huge blue phoenix, Zhao Weiwei, Li Muyun, Wu Yun and Feng Yu stood on the back of the blue phoenix, Sun Feng and Wang Qingshan disappeared.

The white net bag fell on the blue phoenix, Zhao Weiwei pressed her right hand on the ice cube, and the ice layer quickly melted, revealing the middle-aged man's head.

Her palm was placed on the middle-aged man's head, and a dazzling golden light lit up in her palm.

The middle-aged man let out a scream, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and foaming at the mouth.

"The Blood Shadow Clan has guessed that we are in the lower realm, shrinking our troops, and sticking to waiting for help, he knows so much."

Zhao Weiwei said to Li Muyun.

Li Muyun nodded, and patted the blue phoenix under him with his palm. The speed of the blue phoenix greatly increased, and it flew towards the distance at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, a black shadow quickly passed by the bottom of the sea, and huge waves were set off on the sea surface. It seemed that some giant beast was moving on the bottom of the sea.

It didn't take long for the blue phoenix to stop, and there was a huge island in front of it, with lush vegetation on the island.

There was a low horn sound from the island, and a large number of monks rushed out of the residence, including the blood fairy.

"Kill and leave none."

Li Muyun said coldly.

The cyan phoenix beneath him suddenly let out a cheerful phoenix roar, spewing a cyan flame, hitting the Nine Immortals Island.

The sea water around Jiuxian Island tumbled violently, setting off huge waves that lifted the sky, turned into big blue hands, and patted Jiuxian Island from all directions.

At this moment, a water-blue light curtain emerged out of thin air, covering the entire Nine Immortals Island.

With a muffled sound, the blue light curtain blocked the cyan flame and the big blue hand, twisting and deforming.

There was a huge explosion from high in the sky, and a group of cyan fire clouds appeared in the sky that stretched for dozens of miles. The fireball was like a meteor shower.

The dense cyan fireball smashed on the blue light curtain, turning into a billowing flame, submerging the blue light curtain.

Zhao Weiwei and others sacrificed magic weapons to attack Jiuxian Island.

Zhao Weiwei took out a green feather fan, and with a light fan, a green hurricane swept out, turning into a blue wind python with a length of more than 100 meters, rushing towards the Nine Immortals Island.

Accompanied by a loud explosion, the blue light curtain shattered like a bubble, and intensive attacks landed on the Nine Immortals Island.

The cultivator on the island was hit by the cyan flame, and immediately turned into fly ash. The cyan fireball fell on the building and immediately burned, and the fire expanded rapidly.

The sea tumbled violently, and a giant golden tortoise of thousands of feet emerged from the bottom of the sea, with some golden patterns on its head, and a golden lightning spurted out of its mouth, piercing a peak, and the dust was flying.

The fifth-order spiritual beast, the Golden Thunder Tortoise, is cumbersome and fast. Its huge body overwhelms a lot of buildings. At the same time, thick golden lightnings spew out from its mouth. The cultivator was struck by the golden lightning and instantly transformed into fly ash.

The blood fairy and other five people flew out of the residence, and they all sacrificed magic weapons to attack the blue phoenix.

The four of Li Muyun jumped off the back of the blue phoenix, spread out, and attacked the blue phoenix with spells.

An extremely miserable Devil May cry sounded, and the four Li Muyun were dizzy and dizzy.

A big **** hand appeared above his head out of thin air, and it was photographed in an instant. Li Muyun let out a scream and fell towards the ground.

Countless blood-colored rattans suddenly emerged from the ground, entwined together, and weaved into a large blood-colored hand, which grabbed Li Muyun.

Li Muyun's body was full of aura, but it was of no use. The blue phoenix fell from the sky, spewing a blue flame, and fell on the big **** hand, and the big **** hand instantly turned to ashes.

At this moment, a **** light lit up on the top of the blue phoenix head, and a huge blood-colored bell suddenly appeared on the top of the blue phoenix's head. The bell was engraved with a large number of ferocious ghost patterns.

Accompanied by a shrill devil's cry, the blood-colored giant bell spewed out blood-colored sound waves, hitting the blue phoenix, and a large number of blue-colored feathers shook off the blue-colored phoenix. The giant bell suddenly burst into blood, and its size skyrocketed, instantly covering the blue phoenix.

With a loud bang, the blood-colored giant bell fell on the top of a peak, blowing up countless dust.

The blood-colored giant bell shook violently, and the cyan phoenix seemed to be about to get out of trouble.

The ground shook violently, and three hundred and sixty thick blood lights shot up into the sky, accompanied by a miserable devil cry, three hundred and sixty blood lights condensed into one place, and turned into a thick blood-colored light curtain. Live the whole island.

Blood Soul Fairy's eyes lit up with dazzling blood, and she said, "Since fellow Daoist is here, let's stay forever!"

Li Muyun's head felt dizzy when he heard this.

Dozens of blood-colored arrows flew towards him, and seeing that they were about to tie him into a sieve, Zhao Weiwei and others hurriedly blocked them, but Xue Hao and others attacked them, and they were too busy to take care of themselves.

A miserable cry sounded, Li Muyun was pierced by dozens of blood-colored arrows, and a blood-colored flame emerged out of thin air, wrapping his body.

Blood Soul Fairy's face turned cold, she took out a **** nine-pointed array disk, and entered several magic tricks. Countless blood corpses emerged from the ground, and the blood corpses flashed with a dazzling blood light, and there were tens of thousands of them. many.

A clear phoenix roar sounded, and a cyan phoenix suddenly appeared high in the sky, with its wings lightly flapped, countless cyan fireballs flew out and smashed on the **** corpse. , the burning **** is not left.

"Isn't it trapped by the Blood Soul Bell? Is it so trapped?"

Blood Soul Fairy exclaimed, her face full of incredible color.

"Look, it's a fake."

Blood pick frowned.

Following his gaze, Li Muyun, who was submerged in the blood-colored flames, suddenly lit up with a dazzling azure light, turning into a gleaming talisman.

"You don't really think it's so easy to kill Senior Brother Li! It's a joke, if it is a complete **** sea of ​​​​immortal killing formation, our master will have to retreat by three points, but the immortal cultivation resources of the lower world, the big formation you set up can be How powerful are you?"

Zhao Weiwei sneered They are just bait, let's see what the blood shadow clan is doing.

The three rays of light flew from afar, it was Wang Qingshan, Li Muyun and Sun Feng.

Wang Qingshan's face was solemn, Li Muyun and the three were arrogant, not conceited, they did not directly enter the Nine Immortals Island, but tried it out, and they tried a fifth-order formation at once.

He looked at the talisman that turned into Li Muyun, and nodded secretly, the treasures in the spiritual world were so powerful that even he couldn't see anything unusual.

"Do you have to live with us? The ancestors of our Blood Shadow Clan have a high status in the Xuanyang Realm."

The blood fairy frowned and said.

"That's your ancestor, not our ancestor."

Li Muyun sneered.

"Be careful of the seabed!"

Sun Feng shouted suddenly, with an anxious tone.

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