Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2155: Eyes and Breaks

As soon as the words fell, huge waves were set off on the sea surface. With Jiuxian Island as the center, the sea water within a radius of 100,000 miles suddenly turned blood red, and thousands of thick blood-colored light beams flew out from the seabed, like a huge giant. Like a cage, it imprisoned the sea area with a radius of 100,000 miles.

The surface of the blood-colored light beam is covered with mysterious runes, and countless ghosts can be seen. These ghosts make various miserable appearances, baring their teeth, gritting their hair, and chewing their stumps.

"This is the real Blood Sea Immortal Killing Formation. What you saw just now was just the Blood Corpse Formation."

Fairy Blood Soul sneered, and entered a series of magic tricks on the formation plate, the sea of ​​blood tumbled violently, and the wind was blowing.

It didn't take long for the sea of ​​blood to tumble violently like boiling water, blood bubbles appeared on the sea surface, and pieces of white skeletons emerged from the sea. The skeletons were pieced together and turned into a blood-colored corpse, the number of which was hundreds of thousands. .

"How many people did you kill!"

Li Muyun said with a gloomy face, judging from the scale of the formation, the opponent killed at least millions of people.

"Half the high-level monks in the West Sea, plus hundreds of millions of mortals, it's still a little less. Give us more than ten years, and this number can be doubled."

Blood Soul Fairy said with a smile, and entered a magic formula.

All the bone corpses made a low "woo woo" sound, resounding around a million miles, like purgatory.

When Li Muyun and the four heard this, they were in a trance, and they had the illusion of fluttering.

The sea of ​​​​blood tumbled violently, exuding an extremely stench of blood, and a blood-colored spear flew out, and each blood-colored spear was covered with mysterious runes, with aura.

The blue lotus flower on the surface of the sword box suddenly brightened, and nine blue glass swords flew out. After a blur, it turned into nine blue lotus flowers, floating around Wang Qingshan, spinning rapidly.

The dense cyan sword energy swept out, covering a radius of several hundred meters, and the dense blood-colored spears attacked and were smashed by the cyan sword energy.

A woman's scream sounded, and hundreds of blood-colored spears pierced through Wu Yun's defense, tying Wu Yun into a sieve.

With a muffled sound, a **** flame emerged out of thin air, wrapping Wu Yun's entire body.

Wu Yun's body lit up with a dazzling aura, but the blood-colored flame showed no signs of going out at all. The blood-colored bell flashed, and a large blood-colored bell appeared above her head out of thin air, instantly covering it.

A melodious bell rang, and the blood-colored bell spewed out blood-colored sound waves. It didn't take long for a piece of blood to flow out of the blood-colored bell.

The dense blood-colored spears approached Feng Yu, and Feng Yu's back grew a pair of cyan fleshy wings. With a light fan, the dense blood-colored spears collapsed one after another.

Zhao Weiwei flipped her right hand, golden light flashed, and a small golden bell appeared in her hand. With a slight shake, a loud Sanskrit sound rang out, and a golden sound wave swept out, blocking a large number of blood-colored spears.

Hearing the sound of Sanskrit, Li Muyun and the others quickly returned to normal.

There was a look of horror in Wang Qingshan's eyes. Wu Yun was a cultivator in the early stage of God Transformation, and he was killed without notice. It can be seen that this **** sea of ​​​​immortal killing formation is still very powerful.

There was a shrill phoenix roar from high in the sky, and the blue phoenix fell from the sky. There were several blood holes on its body, a large number of feathers fell off, and bones were faintly visible.

Sun Feng flipped his hand and took out a red lighted feather fan, the runes on the surface of the feather fan flickered, and with a light blow, a red flame swept out and fell on the bone corpse, and a large number of bone corpses turned into ashes.

The sea of ​​blood tumbled violently, and huge vortexes appeared. At the same time, a lot of blood gushed out from the ground of Nine Immortals Island, and blood corpses crawled out of the sea of ​​blood.

The golden thunder turtle let out a low roar, spewed a golden light, and turned into a huge golden thundercloud. The golden thundercloud rolled violently, and the golden thunderballs poured down, hitting the blood and bone corpses. They instantly turned to fly ash.

The sea of ​​blood tumbled violently, setting off a wave of blood that was thousands of feet high, turning into big blood-red hands that slapped Wang Qingshan and the five.

Wang Qingshan didn't dare to let the big **** hand hit him, and quickly released the golden-horned Lei Lin beast.

The Golden Horned Leilin Beast released countless thick golden arcs, smashing the incoming **** hand.

With a loud bang, a ten thousand-foot-tall bone corpse emerged from the bottom of the sea, the head of a dragon, the body of a tiger, the body of a snake, and the wings of a bird.

The bone corpse exuded a terrifying high temperature, and it was a fifth-order monster.

As soon as this bone corpse appeared, a huge skeleton with a height of more than 100 meters emerged from the bottom of the sea, with a human head and a pair of blood-colored bone wings on its back, holding a blood-colored bone knife in its hand. Mysterious rune.

The two bone corpses rushed towards Wang Qingshan and the five, and huge waves broke out on the sea, and a large amount of blood condensed into blood-colored spears, which went straight to Wang Qingshan and the five.

"Senior Brother Sun, quickly find the formation eye and break the formation."

Li Muyun urged, he realized that it was not good, the power of this formation was extraordinary, and it would be easy to break the formation if he found the eye.

Sun Feng's eyes lit up with dazzling red light as he looked around.

"I found it. On the Nine Immortals Island, the Blood Shadow Clan guards the formation's eyes."

Sun Feng frowned and said, in the center of the Nine Immortals Island, there is a steep giant peak that lifts the sky, and the five gods, including the Blood Soul Fairy, each held a blood-colored array plate in their hands, and entered a series of magic tricks.

Countless blood gushed out from the Giant Peak, like a mountain of blood.

"Junior Sister Zhao, Daoyou Wang, Senior Brother Sun, you go to break the formation, and Daoyou Feng and I stop them."

Li Muyun instructed, in a hurried tone.

The golden thunderclouds in the sky rolled violently, and dense golden thunderballs fell.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ It landed on two huge bone corpses, and there was a muffled sound of rain hitting the fence leaves, but the huge bone corpses were not affected.

Zhao Weiwei sacrificed a small seal with a sparkling azure light, which instantly grew to the size of a giant peak, and smashed into the mountain where the five blood fairy gods were located.

Xue Hao took off the blood-colored jade flute around his waist and played it. Accompanied by bursts of mournful female like crying and laughing, the blood on the ground automatically flew up and turned into a blood-colored cloud. Holds the cyan giant seal.

As soon as the two came into contact, the cyan giant seal flickered non-stop, and the aura dimmed, obviously a great loss of spirituality.

Bloody Fairy showed disdain on her face. They sacrificed hundreds of millions of mortals with blood, and only then set up this **** sea of ​​​​immortal formation. How could it be so easy to break.

Sun Feng waved the red feather fan and released a large piece of red flame, hitting the opposite side.

As soon as the red flame approached the Giant Peak, the sea of ​​blood rolled violently, turning into a big blood-colored hand, smashing the red flame.

Wang Qingshan's sword art was pinched, and the nine cyan lotus blossoms suddenly burst into a bright light, merged into one, and turned into a huge cyan lotus.

He opened his mouth and spewed out azure lotus karmic fire, wrapping the azure giant lotus.

"go with."

Wang Qingshan pointed his finger at the opposite side lightly, and the cyan giant lotus took a terrifying high temperature and went straight to the Giant Peak.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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