Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2157: Li Muyun capsized in the gutter, Wang Qingshan soared to Xuanyang Realm

Meteorite Island, a well-known dangerous place in the East China Sea Xiu Xianjie, is also an ancient battlefield, with many restrictions and murderous intentions.

In the central area of ​​Meteor Immortal Island, there is a vast and boundless desolate plain.

There are hundreds of giant pits on the ground. The pits are steaming hot. A huge cyan phoenix fell into the giant pits. There is no breath, there are many blood holes in the body, and a huge golden thunder turtle is lying on the ground. There are dozens of thick and long cracks on the surface of the turtle shell, and the breath is sluggish.

Li Muyun stood on the ground, his face was pale, and his eyes were full of fear.

Thousands of meters away from him, Fairy Blood Soul slumped on the ground, her left arm was missing, there were many blood holes in her body, her breath was sluggish, and her left eyeball was pulled out, looking extremely miserable.

If it was a head-to-head fight, Li Muyun would not be so embarrassed.

The blood fairy fled all the way, escaped to the Immortal Meteorite Island, and used the ban of the Immortal Meteor Island to severely damage the Golden Thunder Turtle.

They destroyed Tianhaimen and learned that there was a divine water of good fortune on the Meteorite Island. After winning the West Sea, they sent people to enter the island to look for the divine water of good fortune. They touched a lot of restrictions and were able to know some of the powerful restrictions on the island.

Li Muyun desperately wanted to get the divine water of good fortune. With the help of the fifth-order Qing Yanfeng and the golden thunder turtle, he was fearless and chased after the Immortal Meteor Island.

Facts have proved that the ban on the Meteorite Island is indeed strong, but it cannot kill the fifth-order golden thunder turtle.

"Hand over the divine water of creation, and I can spare your life."

Li Muyun's voice was heavy and a little weak.

"Joke? You think I'm a three-year-old, I would believe that?"

Blood Soul Fairy grinned, her face full of sarcasm.

Her body swelled rapidly, as if to expose herself.

Li Muyun's complexion changed, and he quickly threw out a gleaming azure shield to protect himself, and at the same time, his figure went backwards.

Fairy Blood Soul touched the Heavenly Spirit Cover, and a mini Nascent Soul flew out.

She said something in her mouth, and a mysterious incantation suddenly sounded, and a dazzling blood light burst out from her body.

Li Muyun's face sank, and he naturally wouldn't let the other party finish casting the spell.

The golden thunder turtle spewed out a thick golden thunder spear and went straight to the blood fairy.

At the same time, there was a ripple on the top of Fairy Bloodsoul's head, and a big blue hand appeared out of nowhere and slapped Fairy Bloodsoul.

"This is a Jedi. You don't want to leave here. I will exchange your life for yours. It's worth it, haha."

Bloody Fairy's face was mad, her body ignited spontaneously, and a blood-colored flame spewed out, falling on her Nascent Soul.

Yuan Ying let out a shrill scream and went straight to Li Muyun.

Li Muyun was taken aback, the cyan light on his body flashed, and a thick curtain of cyan light appeared out of nowhere, protecting his body.

With a flash of blood, the mini Nascent Soul wrapped in blood-colored flames appeared in front of him. The cyan light curtain seemed to be non-existent, and the mini Nascent Soul easily passed through.

"Try the power of the Blood Infant Killing Spirit Art! This is a secret art passed down by the ancestors of the Xuanyang Realm. It uses the blood of the whole body as a guide to ignite the Nascent Infant and hurt the enemy. Don't you like to hunt me down? Let's die together. "

Mini Yuan Ying grinned, and disappeared into Li Muyun's body.

Li Muyun let out a miserable cry, his body twitched and fell to the ground.

A layer of blood-colored flames appeared on Li Muyun's body, covering his body.

He hurriedly sacrificed a snow-blue ball and released a burst of blue rays of light, covering his body, and the blood-colored flame did not expand.

He felt that the blood of his whole body was about to be ignited, and he had to find a place to heal his wounds.

He put away the corpse of Qing Yanfeng and the storage ring on Fairy Blood Soul, and left the place with the Golden Thunder Turtle.

This time, he capsized in the gutter. He did not expect that Fairy Blood Soul would be able to contact the ancestors of the Xuanyang Realm, and also mastered a secret technique passed down from the Spirit Realm.


Nine Immortals Island, the main altar of Tianhaimen,

A steep peak with a blue stone pavilion at the top. Feng Yu and Wang Qingshan were sitting in the pavilion chatting, their faces solemn.

Two rays of light flew from afar, and it didn't take long for them to fall in front of them, it was Sun Feng and Zhao Weiwei.

"Friend Wang Dao, where's that guy!"

Sun Feng asked with a stern tone.

"This person eats soft and not hard, and exposed himself. My spirit beast was also affected."

Wang Qingshan sighed.

"Expose yourself?"

Zhao Weiwei and Sun Feng were full of doubts, they naturally didn't believe it.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, you killed a blood shadow clan in the God Transformation stage before, and all his belongings fell on you. You hand them over. We are looking for something. Don't worry, we only need that kind of thing."

Sun Feng said solemnly, they killed a blood shadow clan of the god-turning stage, and got some good-fortune divine water.


Wang Qingshan frowned and said, it seems that the people of the Xuanqing faction are for the creation of the Divine Underwater Realm, which is difficult to do. If it is handed over to the people of the Xuanqing faction, how can he explain to Taiyang Zhenren? Without the divine water of good fortune, would Taiyang real people think highly of him?

Leaving the divine water of good fortune, offending the Xuanqing faction, and handing over the divine water of good fortune, in the Xuanyang realm, Taiyang real person may not believe it.

In the face of the huge gap in strength, it is impossible for Taiyang Zhenren to be too polite to him.

Most importantly, Sun Feng's attitude made him very uncomfortable.

"You hand over that storage ring, we will take what we want, and then take you to the Xuanyang Realm, without us leading the way, you will probably end up in the territory of the alien race, and by then, being a servant will be light. ."

Sun Feng Yongyi

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ said in a threatening tone, if they didn't take care of the real person Taiyang, they would have robbed them directly, the creation of divine water is credit, if they brought back enough divine water of creation, they would Maybe you can get a panacea to impact the virtual refining period.

Wang Qingshan looked hesitant. He didn't really want to keep the divine water of good fortune. Sun Feng showed an aggressive attitude. If he handed over the divine water of good fortune, who knows if there would be more demands.

Wang Qingshan thought about it for a while, but still planned to endure this bad breath, took out a blood-colored storage ring, and threw it to Sun Feng, which contained a bottle of good fortune divine water.

Hand over a bottle and keep a bottle, so that's a good deal.

Sun Feng took the storage ring, his sleeves flicked, a ray of light passed by, and there were a lot of things on the ground.

He picked up a cyan jade bottle, opened the cork, and a pure spiritual energy rushed out.

"Friend Wang Dao, you have a fifth-order spirit beast. With your supernatural powers, it is impossible to give him a chance to expose himself!"

Zhao Weiwei said with a frown, her face full of suspicion.

"Friend Wang Dao, take out your storage ring and let us check it so we don't misunderstand."

Sun Feng said solemnly, if they arrived in the Xuanyang realm, they would not be able to force Wang Qingshan to hand over the divine water of good fortune, and the real Taiyang was already waiting in the Xuanqing faction.

When he arrived at the Xuanyang Realm, Wang Qingshan took out the divine water of good fortune, and that was Wang Qingshan's credit.

Wang Qingshan's face sank, and the clay figurine would get angry. He thought that taking a step back would open up the world, but he didn't expect that Sun Feng would be more and more demanding.

Renshan was deceived by others. If Wang Qingshan retreated, it was not impossible that Sun Feng would kill people to hide the news and lied that Wang Qingshan died at the hands of the Blood Shadow Clan.

The real Taiyang is going to go to the Xuanqing faction for help. The power of the Xuanqing faction is obviously not small. Even if Sun Feng really kills Wang Qingshan, the real Taiyang will turn against the Xuanqing faction for Wang Qingshan? Obviously not possible.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, are you being bullied by Wang? If I take out the storage ring for you to check, will I have to search my soul next? See if I have hidden treasures? Or search the soul of Friend Feng. , to see if he colluded with me to hide treasures?"

Wang Qingshan said with a cold face, nine blue glass swords flew out from the sword box, his face full of alertness.

Feng Yu frowned when he heard this, and he didn't like Sun Feng's attitude very much.

"Senior Brother Sun, forget it, don't bother with him, after all, it's the person Taiyang Zhenren wants."

Zhao Weiwei transmits a voice to Sun Feng.

Sun Feng's expression softened, he took the things on the ground back to the storage ring, and threw the storage ring to Wang Qingshan, saying: "I made a slip of the tongue just now, Daoyou Wang, don't be angry, when Junior Brother Li returns, we will take you to Xuanyang Realm. "

"Thank you for your kindness, Fellow Daoist Sun. I suddenly remembered that I have other things to do, so I won't bother you."

After Wang Qingshan said this, he turned into a blue light and walked away.

When Li Muyun comes back, maybe he will kill Wang Qingshan, and then lie about Wang Qingshan's death.

The heart of being defensive is indispensable, and Sun Feng's attitude made Wang Qingshan dare not trust them.

Seeing this scene, Sun Feng and Zhao Weiwei frowned.

"It's his own choice, so that's fine, save the trouble."

Sun Feng snorted coldly, with a look of disdain.

Suddenly, Zhao Weiwei seemed to notice something, and took out a lustrous talisman from her arms, with a human-shaped pattern on the surface of the talisman.

Sun Feng also took out a lustrous talisman from his arms, and there was also a human-shaped pattern on the surface of the talisman.

With the muffled sound of "puchi", the two talismans spontaneously ignited and burned to fly ash.

"No, Senior Brother Li was killed."

Zhao Weiwei exclaimed, her face full of incredible color.

Before going to the lower realm, the head of the Xuanqing faction gave each of them two heavenly soul talismans. As long as one of them was killed, the other two would know immediately.

Li Muyun was helped by the fifth-order Qing Yanfeng and the Golden Thunder Turtle, but they all died. Fairy Blood Soul has such great magical powers?

"Quickly cast the spell to find where Brother Li died, otherwise it will be difficult to explain to the head master."

Sun Feng urged, he took out a gleaming azure dharma disk and entered a magic formula. The dharma disk lit up with countless mysterious runes, turning into a cyan pointer, and the cyan pointer spun rapidly.

They all carry sensory treasures, and within a certain range, they can sense the location of each other, which is to prevent this from happening.

The two turned into two rays of light, flying towards the direction Li Muyun left before.


A year later, a desert island more than a hundred miles long.

A blue light appeared in the distant sky and flew towards it quickly.

It didn't take long for Qingguang to stop, it was Wang Qingshan.

According to the situation he has mastered, he can ascend from here and be able to appear in the Zhenhai Palace's territory.

He inquired in many ways and learned that Zhenhai Palace is a human clan of Xuanling Continent. There should be no problem. He can't provoke the Xuanqing faction to hide.

Wang Qingshan found an abandoned cave and meditated.

On the second day, Wang Qingshan adjusted to the best condition and walked out of the cave.

According to the records of the classics, the interface directly under the spiritual world, when the immortal cultivator reaches the middle stage of spiritual transformation, the Feiling Platform will sense its breath and lead it to the spiritual world.

Wang Qingshan took a deep breath, put several defenses on his body, turned into a cyan rainbow, and flew high into the sky.

When he reached a certain height, there was a huge roar in the sky, the void tore apart, and a dazzling glow fell from the sky, covering Wang Qingshan, pulling him into the crack and disappearing.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^


Xuanyang Realm, Tianyang Valley, one of the sub-rudders of Zhenhai Palace, there is a Feiling Terrace here.

Chen Qian was born in a loose and later joined Zhenhai Palace. He belongs to the Ascension faction. He is currently in the early stage of God Transformation and is responsible for guarding a Feiling Terrace.

This Feiling Terrace has been abandoned for more than 10,000 years, and it consumes a lot of resources to operate every day. If there are not two examples of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, this Feiling Terrace will be removed.

Today, he is practicing.

The Feiling Platform shook violently, and a dazzling aura shot up into the sky.

Chen Qian received his work immediately and looked towards Feiling Terrace.

A tall young man in green shirt stood on the Feiling Platform, carrying a cyan sword box on his back. The sword box had a cyan lotus pattern on it, which was Wang Qingshan.

Yang Hongji taught him the human language of Xuanyang Realm, and Wang Qingshan could communicate with each other completely.

"Dare to ask friends, where is this place?"

Wang Qingshan asked politely.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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